Turkey Continues to Send Weapons, Mercenaries to Libya, EU Report Says

The Turkish Minister of Defense during his recent visit to Tripoli to support the Government of National Accord (AP)
The Turkish Minister of Defense during his recent visit to Tripoli to support the Government of National Accord (AP)

Turkey Continues to Send Weapons, Mercenaries to Libya, EU Report Says

The Turkish Minister of Defense during his recent visit to Tripoli to support the Government of National Accord (AP)
The Turkish Minister of Defense during his recent visit to Tripoli to support the Government of National Accord (AP)

Recent European report revealed that Turkey is still sending weapons to Libya’s al-Watiya airbase in western Tripoli.

Two cargo planes coming from Turkey landed in the airbase, Italian news agency Nova reported on Thursday.

According to the report, one of these aircraft carries advanced air defense systems, exclusively owned by NATO member states, while the second plane held a number of logistical materials and forces from Syrian armed factions loyal to Turkey as mercenaries to fight for the Government of National Accord (GNA).

The Tripoli-based GNA and Turkey signed a number of security agreements last year, which paved the way for Ankara to send its own troops as well as Syrian mercenaries to fight with GNA against the Libyan National Army (LNA).

Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) affirmed that Turkey is still keeping about 8,000 Syrian mercenaries in Libya despite the UN-brokered ceasefire agreement signed by the two warring parties in October 2020.

SOHR Chief Rami Abdul Rahman said the Turkish mercenaries didn’t receive their full salaries promised by Ankara, which is estimated at $2000 to $3000.

He pointed out that their leaders deduct large sums from their salaries before transferring them to their families in their home country.

The number of recruits who arrived in Libya amounts to 18,000 Syrian mercenaries, including 350 children under the age of 18, of whom 10,750 returned to Syria after receiving their financial dues.

Tunisia Jails Critic of President for 8 Months

Tunisian lawyer Sonia Dahmani. Photo: Social media
Tunisian lawyer Sonia Dahmani. Photo: Social media

Tunisia Jails Critic of President for 8 Months

Tunisian lawyer Sonia Dahmani. Photo: Social media
Tunisian lawyer Sonia Dahmani. Photo: Social media

A Tunisian appeals court sentenced a lawyer and media figure to eight months in prison, her lawyer said Wednesday, over comments deemed critical of President Kais Saied.
Sonia Dahmani, 56, was arrested on May 11 when masked police raided Tunisia’s bar association, where she had sought refuge, following her remarks made on television.
Initially sentenced to one year in prison on July 6, she appealed.
Her lawyer, Pierre-Francois Feltesse, said the eight-month sentence was issued late Tuesday without her legal representatives being able to enter a plea, after the hearing was suspended.
The defense team said in a statement to AFP that Dahmani had been “subjected a disgraceful body search” in custody and forced to wear a “long white veil” usually reserved for women prosecuted for sexual offenses, despite no legal basis for it.
Feltesse said her case would be referred to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.
The charges stemmed from comments Dahmani made on TV, sarcastically questioning Tunisia’s state of affairs in response to claims sub-Saharan migrants were settling in the country.