Africa Fears Turkish Arms Smuggled through Libya May Fall in Wrong Hands

GNA forces in Libya. (Reuters)
GNA forces in Libya. (Reuters)

Africa Fears Turkish Arms Smuggled through Libya May Fall in Wrong Hands

GNA forces in Libya. (Reuters)
GNA forces in Libya. (Reuters)

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari recently warned that the chaos and spread of arms in Libya may negatively impact security in Africa as a whole.

His remarks raised concerns among experts that the weapons smuggled into Libya, namely from Turkey, may fall in the wrong hands in Africa, especially terrorist groups.

Buhari said that the weapons are already in possession of “terrorists and criminals” and have been so since the fall of Moammar Gaddafi’s regime in 2011.

Head of the defense and national security committee in the east-based Libyan parliament, Talal al-Mayhoub told Asharq Al-Awsat that Ankara has sent a “massive” amount of arms to the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA).

Some of these weapons may have already fallen in the hands of terrorist groups in neighboring countries, he added.

The United Nations had previously estimated that some 29 million pieces of arms are possessed by militias and regular civilians in Libya.

Meanwhile, Jamal Shalouf, head of the Silvium Foundation for Studies and Research in Libya, said that Turkey has transformed Libya into a “transit point for covertly sending weapons to several parties in Africa.”

He accused Ankara of abusing the military deal it signed with the GNA in 2019 to further these operations.

A recent report by the Silvium Foundation found that Turkey has carried out 172 military shipments to western Libya from March to December 2020. Forty of these shipments took place after the GNA and Libyan National Army (LNA) signed a ceasefire in October.

The majority of flights from Turkey to Libya have been made by airbuses that can carry as much as 37 tons in cargo, the report added.

No one can really imagine that such vast amounts of weapons were used in the fighting between the GNA and LNA, which had effectively come to a halt in May, it continued.

So, it is more than likely that the weapons have been sent to groups that Turkey had previously cooperated with in Syria, such as ISIS and al-Qaeda in the Maghreb, both of which target French forces deployed in the region.

Moroccan political researcher Abdul Fattah Naoum described Turkish activity in the Sahel and Sahara as “suspicious”.

In remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat, he said: “After ISIS was weakened in Syria and Iraq, Turkey shifted its attention to Libya, taking advantage of the chaos there. It focused on striking alliances with militias in western Libya, specifically those affiliated with the Muslims Brotherhood, to further its goals in Africa.”

Ankara has succeeded in transforming Libya into a transit point for the movement of extremists from the eastern Mediterranean region to Africa, in coordination with militias in Africa, he continued. Turkey has been able to employ its intelligence in communicating with groups in the Sahel and Sahara regions and incite the people against French troops deployed there.

Gaza Soccer Stadium Is Now a Shelter for Thousands of Displaced Palestinians

Palestinians displaced by the Israeli air and ground offensive on the Gaza Strip, walk through a dark streak of sewage flowing into the streets of the southern town of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Thursday, July 4, 2024. (AP)
Palestinians displaced by the Israeli air and ground offensive on the Gaza Strip, walk through a dark streak of sewage flowing into the streets of the southern town of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Thursday, July 4, 2024. (AP)

Gaza Soccer Stadium Is Now a Shelter for Thousands of Displaced Palestinians

Palestinians displaced by the Israeli air and ground offensive on the Gaza Strip, walk through a dark streak of sewage flowing into the streets of the southern town of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Thursday, July 4, 2024. (AP)
Palestinians displaced by the Israeli air and ground offensive on the Gaza Strip, walk through a dark streak of sewage flowing into the streets of the southern town of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Thursday, July 4, 2024. (AP)

Thousands of displaced Palestinians in northern Gaza have sought refuge in one of the territory’s largest soccer arenas, where families now scrape by with little food or water as they try to keep one step ahead of Israel's latest offensive.

Their makeshift tents hug the shade below the stadium's seating, with clothes hanging in the July sun across the dusty, dried-up soccer field. Under the covered benches where players used to sit, Um Bashar bathes a toddler standing in a plastic tub. Lathering soap through the boy's hair, he wiggles and shivers as she pours the chilly water over his head, and he grips the plastic seats for balance.

They’ve been displaced multiple times, she said, most recently from Israel’s renewed operations against Hamas in the Shijaiyah neighborhood of Gaza City.

“We woke up and found tanks in front of the door,” she says. “We didn't take anything with us, not a mattress, not a pillow, not any clothes, not a thing. Not even food.”

She fled with a group of 70 other people to Yarmouk Sports Stadium — a little under 2 miles (3 kilometers) northwest of Shijaiyah, which was heavily bombed and largely emptied early in the war. Many of the people who ended up in the stadium say they have nothing to return to.

“We left our homes,” said one man, Hazem Abu Thoraya, “and all of our homes were bombed and burned, and all those around us were as well.”

Hundreds of thousands of people have remained in northern Gaza, even as Israeli troops have surrounded and largely isolated it. However, aid flows there have improved recently, and the U.N. said earlier this week that it is now able to meet people's basic needs in the north. Israel says it allows aid to enter Gaza and blames the U.N. for not doing enough to move it.

Still, residents say the deprivation and insecurity are taking an ever-growing toll.

“There is no safe place. Safety is with God,” said a displaced woman, Um Ahmad. “Fear is now felt not only among the children, but also among the adults. ... We don't even feel safe walking in the street.”