Morocco Jews 'Already Packing' for Direct Israel Flights

The flags of Morocco, Israel, and the United States flutter from the cockpit of an El Al airplane that landed in Morocco's capital Rabat for the first Israel-Morocco direct commercial flight on December 22, 2020 - AFP
The flags of Morocco, Israel, and the United States flutter from the cockpit of an El Al airplane that landed in Morocco's capital Rabat for the first Israel-Morocco direct commercial flight on December 22, 2020 - AFP

Morocco Jews 'Already Packing' for Direct Israel Flights

The flags of Morocco, Israel, and the United States flutter from the cockpit of an El Al airplane that landed in Morocco's capital Rabat for the first Israel-Morocco direct commercial flight on December 22, 2020 - AFP
The flags of Morocco, Israel, and the United States flutter from the cockpit of an El Al airplane that landed in Morocco's capital Rabat for the first Israel-Morocco direct commercial flight on December 22, 2020 - AFP

Fanny Mergui has no doubt: Moroccan Jews "are already packing their suitcases" to board direct flights to Israel after the kingdom normalized ties with the Jewish state.

Morocco, home to North Africa's biggest Jewish community and the ancestral homeland of some 700,000 Israelis, is also hoping for an influx of Israeli tourists when the Covid-19 pandemic eases.

"I'm very happy" that the five-hour route will be served by direct flights, said Mergui, a Moroccan Jew who lives in Casablanca.

"It's a true revolution."

The first direct commercial flight headed from Tel Aviv to Rabat in December to mark the three-way, US-brokered accord, under which Washington also recognized Moroccan sovereignty over disputed Western Sahara, AFP reported.

But tickets for regular commercial flights have yet to go on sale.

Bureaucratic delays have been compounded by the pandemic, which forced Morocco to mostly close its borders since March and impose a nationwide curfew in December.

Singer Suzanne Harroch, who had to wait 14 hours in transit at a Paris airport last time she visited Israel, called the Israeli-Moroccan rapprochement a "miracle".

"A lot of my family live there," said the 67-year-old. "I can't wait to see them more, and more often."

Israel had established liaison offices in Morocco in the 1990s during a short-lived diplomatic opening.

But they were closed again in the early 2000s as the second Palestinian intifada sparked a crushing Israeli response.

Yet relations quietly continued, with some $149 million in bilateral trade between 2014-2017, according to Moroccan news reports.

The re-opening of the liaison offices could make it much easier for Moroccans to obtain visas to visit Israel.

Morocco is also hoping to host more Israeli visitors.

Official statistics show that prior to the coronavirus pandemic, up to 70,000 Israeli tourists used to visit the country annually.

Most were of Moroccan ancestry and had kept close ties with their country of origin.

"The majority of Israelis of Moroccan origin are delighted," said Avraham Avizemer, who left Casablanca as a toddler and has lived for decades in Israel.

The fact their children and grandchildren can return "is huge", he said.

One Israeli already in Morocco is Elan.

Today, about 3,000 Jews remain in Morocco.

Businessman George Sebat, 56, said he was "very happy and very optimistic" about Morocco's normalization, citing positive impacts for tourism and the economy.

Prosper Bensimon, speaking after the evening prayer at Casablanca's Em Habanim synagogue, agreed.

"Four of my Muslim neighbors want to accompany me on my first visit from Morocco," he said.

But normalization has not been universally welcomed by Moroccans.

Sion Assidon, an academic and prominent left-wing activist who backs the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel's treatment of Palestinians, is bitterly opposed.

Mergui, a former Zionist youth activist, said she had emigrated to Israel in the 1960s but returned to Morocco after the 1967 Six-Day War.

"I could not accept that the Jewish state, which I believed in, should occupy Palestinian land," she said.

She urged Israel to support "the creation of a Palestinian state".

But, she added, she welcomes "every step towards peace".

Houthis in Yemen Strip their Head of Govt of his Powers

The Houthis prevented Ahmed al-Rahwi from naming the head of his office. (Houthi media)
The Houthis prevented Ahmed al-Rahwi from naming the head of his office. (Houthi media)

Houthis in Yemen Strip their Head of Govt of his Powers

The Houthis prevented Ahmed al-Rahwi from naming the head of his office. (Houthi media)
The Houthis prevented Ahmed al-Rahwi from naming the head of his office. (Houthi media)

The Iran-backed Houthi militias have prevented their so-called prime minister, Ahmed al-Rahwi, from naming the head of his office.

The Houthis have instead forced him to appoint a person of their choosing against his wishes, revealed informed sources in the Houthi-held capital Sanaa.

The Houthis are attempting to strip al-Rahwi, who was named as head of the militias’ new government, of his powers, making his appointment simply a cover for imposing their agenda and favoring Houthis who are descended of the line of their leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi.

The sources revealed that al-Rahwi had headed to the government headquarters with Rabih al-Mehdi, the director of the office of his predecessor. Mehdi hails from the Abyan province that is held by the legitimate government.

Al-Rahwi was seeking to keep al-Mehdi in his post. However, a leading Houthi member, Mohammed Qassem al-Kabisi, who used to occupy the position of government secretary, barred him from making the appointment.

Kabisi even prevented al-Mehdi from entering his office, resulting in an argument with al-Rahwi.

Kabisi informed al-Rahwi that he had no authority in naming the head of his office, saying that he does instead.

Al-Rahwi turned to the Houthis’ so-called ruling high political council to resolve the dispute and was informed that he should accept Kabisi as head of his office despite his objection.

A decree was issued days later naming Kabisi to the post.

He will effectively hold absolute power in government, while al-Rahwi will simply play a figurative role and only be needed to approve decisions and procedures taken by the Houthi leadership, joining other ministers who have no real duties.

The Houthis have formed a new government that will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor in keeping actual power to the militias themselves.

The new lineup includes a pro-Houthi figure, with no diplomatic background or experience, who was named foreign minister, replacing leading General People's Congress member Hisham Sharaf.

The appointment only fueled claims that the Houthis were seeking to eliminate their partners from rule. Al-Rahwi himself had no say in the lineup.

The Houthis announced the formation of their government on August 12. It met on August 17 to discuss its program, referred it to parliament the same day and by the next morning, an announcement was made that it was approved with no amendments or objections.

The incident with al-Rahwi has fueled speculation that the coming period will witness more struggles for power among the Houthis and their partners, whom they are trying to keep out of rule.

Observers noted that Kabisi is the son of a top Houthi leader. Qassem al-Kabisi is one of the founders of the group and is close to their leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi.

The senior Houthi officials believe they have the right to represent the Houthis in rule since they are its founders and oldest members.