Casualties in Clashes between Sudanese, Ethiopian Forces in Al-Fashqa

A member of the Ethiopian Army in Dansha, Ethiopia on November 25, 2020. (Getty Images)
A member of the Ethiopian Army in Dansha, Ethiopia on November 25, 2020. (Getty Images)

Casualties in Clashes between Sudanese, Ethiopian Forces in Al-Fashqa

A member of the Ethiopian Army in Dansha, Ethiopia on November 25, 2020. (Getty Images)
A member of the Ethiopian Army in Dansha, Ethiopia on November 25, 2020. (Getty Images)

The Sudanese army deterred an Ethiopian army attack on the town of Barakat Noreen in the Sudanese region of al-Fashqa.

An Ethiopian military unit had advanced towards Barakat Noreen and fired at an area where the Sudanese army was stationed within its international borders, sourced told Al Arabiya Al-Hadath on Thursday.

The army directly responded and killed dozens of the attacking forces. One Sudanese soldier was killed in the operation, while three others were injured.

Head of a committee responsible for the victims in al-Fashqa Rasheed Abdul Baqi told Asharq Al-Awsat that the clashes lasted for more than two hours.

A Sudanese patrol was combing the area at a settlement built by a major Ethiopian merchant inside Sudanese territory when the clashes erupted, he said, adding that the army thwarted the attack and captured five Ethiopians.

Meanwhile, acting Sudanese Foreign Minister Omar Qamar al-Din criticized Ethiopian ambassador in Khartoum Yibeltal Aemero for accusing Sudan of violating his country’s territories, dismissing them as mere “allegations.”

Sudan has not taken an inch of Ethiopian land, he stressed.

On Thursday, Aemero accused Khartoum of violating his country’s territory.

“Sudan committed a historic mistake when it encroached on Ethiopian territory,” Ethiopia’s Fana semi-official radio station reported him as saying.

Addis Ababa can still address the border dispute through peaceful means, Aemero added, but “it will have to defend its rights should circumstances change.”

Moreover, he escribed Sudan’s reclaiming of its territories as a “morally and legally wrong move given the historic ties it enjoys with Ethiopia.”

Tensions have been high along the Sudanese-Ethiopian border since December 2020 with intermittent clashes after armed Sudanese forces reclaimed agricultural territories in the fertile al-Fashqa region, which had been under Ethiopia’s control since 1995.

Ethiopia claims the territories as its own, while Sudan has cited international border agreements that back its claim.

Arab League Secretary General: Global Inaction Allows Israel to Widen Its Regional War

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Arab League Secretary General: Global Inaction Allows Israel to Widen Its Regional War

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit expressed grave concern over Israel's actions against Gaza residents, accusing the international community of failing to protect Palestinian civilians and halt Israel's expansion of its regional war.

He emphasized that the ongoing global inaction, now extending over a year, and the silence from nations allied with Israel implicate these countries as complicit in Israel's aggressions against Gaza, SPA reported.
Speaking at the ninth Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean, held in Barcelona, Aboul Gheit noted that international incompetence has enabled Israel to escalate its regional hostilities, resulting in new suffering for the Lebanese people, who are now also under bombardment. He added that in Gaza, 90% of the population is displaced, crowded into makeshift tents within only 10% of the territory.
Aboul Gheit urged forum participants to take cues from European nations that have recently recognized an independent Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967.

He also called for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon and the full implementation of Resolution 1701 to establish lasting security along the border. Holding the international community accountable for the continuation of this war, he demanded swift action to bring an end to the violence.