IMF Chief Warns of 'Lost Generation' if Low-Income Countries Don't Get More Help

International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva told reporters that 50 per cent of developing countries were at risk of falling further behind, which raised concerns about stability and social unrest. PHOTO: AFP
International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva told reporters that 50 per cent of developing countries were at risk of falling further behind, which raised concerns about stability and social unrest. PHOTO: AFP

IMF Chief Warns of 'Lost Generation' if Low-Income Countries Don't Get More Help

International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva told reporters that 50 per cent of developing countries were at risk of falling further behind, which raised concerns about stability and social unrest. PHOTO: AFP
International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva told reporters that 50 per cent of developing countries were at risk of falling further behind, which raised concerns about stability and social unrest. PHOTO: AFP

The head of the IMF on Friday urged advanced economies to provide more resources to low-income countries, warning of an emerging "Great Divergence" in global growth that could risk stability and trigger social unrest for years to come.

International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva told reporters that 50 per cent of developing countries were at risk of falling further behind, which raised concerns about stability and social unrest.

To avert bigger problems, she said rich countries and international institutions should chip in more. She also urged heavily indebted countries to seek debt restructuring sooner rather than later, and to boost conditions for growth, Reuters reported.

"Last year the main focus was on the 'Great Lockdown'. This year we face the risk of 'Great Divergence'," Georgieva told reporters during a videoconference.

"We estimate that developing countries that have been for decades converging in income levels will be in a very tough place this time around."

Setbacks for living standards in developing countries would make it much more difficult to achieve stability and security for the rest of the world, she said.

"What is the risk? Social unrest. You can call it a lost decade. It may be a lost generation," she said.

Georgieva said advanced economies had spent about 24 per cent of GDP on average on support measures during the pandemic, compared to 6 per cent in emerging markets and 2 per cent in low-income countries.

A former top World Bank executive, Georgieva said vaccination efforts were uneven, with poor countries facing "tremendous difficulties" even as official development funds were going down.

Only one country in Africa - Morocco - had begun vaccinating its citizens, she said, citing grave concerns about increased mortality in many African countries.

"We must do everything in our power to reverse this dangerous divergence," she said, noting developing countries could also miss out on a major shift underway in rich countries to more digital and green economies.

She said accelerating vaccinations could add $9 trillion to the global economy by 2025, with 60 per cent of benefits going to developing countries.

Georgieva said she was still working with IMF shareholders to win support for a new allocation of the IMF's own currency, or Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), which could provide resources to poorer countries.

Former US President Donald Trump had blocked such a move, akin to a central bank printing money. Support from the US, the IMF's dominant shareholder, is more likely under President Joe Biden whose administration is open to a new allocation, according to sources familiar with their views. The Biden administration has not addressed the issue publicly.

Georgieva said an SDR allocation of $250 billion in 2009 had helped stabilize the global economy during the global financial crisis, and the current situation was more grave.

She said the IMF was completing a periodic review of long-term liquidity needs that might justify a new SDR allocation, but gave no further details.

Group of Seven finance officials will discuss a possible new SDR allocation when they meet on Feb 12, the sources said.

Poland Looks Forward to Long-term Relations with Saudi Arabia in IT, Food Security

Robert Rostek, Polish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, during the inauguration ceremony of the direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Robert Rostek, Polish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, during the inauguration ceremony of the direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Poland Looks Forward to Long-term Relations with Saudi Arabia in IT, Food Security

Robert Rostek, Polish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, during the inauguration ceremony of the direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Robert Rostek, Polish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, during the inauguration ceremony of the direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

A senior Polish diplomat revealed growing prospects for fruitful cooperation between his country and Saudi Arabia, especially in food security, while many companies operating in information technology and the food industry have expressed their interest in establishing local offices in the Kingdom.
In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Robert Rostek, the Polish ambassador to Saudi Arabia, emphasized that the two countries’ leaderships are determined to develop bilateral economic, political and social relations.
He also said that the European 5-year Schengen visa that is provided for Saudi nationals will increase tourism and trade between the two sides.
The volume of bilateral trade reached $7.9 billion in 2023, which makes the Kingdom the largest economic partner of Poland at the level of Arab countries, the ambassador stated.
“In 2025, we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, although official contacts go back nearly 100 years... If it were not for our complex history, our diplomatic relations would have remained unhindered throughout these years”, he said.
According to Rostek, relations between Riyadh and Warsaw have developed at an unusual pace especially in the past year. He explained that senior Polish officials visited the Kingdom in 2023, including the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister of Finance Magdalena Rzeczkowska.
Similarly, some senior Saudi officials conducted visits to Poland, he remarked. Those include the Saudi Minister of Economy, Faisal Al-Ibrahim, in May, and the Minister Transport and Logistics, Saleh Al-Jasser, with the Chairman of the General Authority of Civil Aviation, Abdulaziz Al-Duwailej, in August, whose mission greatly contributed to the signing of the Polish-Saudi air transport agreement, which led to the establishment of a direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw, just one month ago.
The Polish diplomat went on to say: “We have also worked together on the Ukrainian file, and supported diplomatic efforts, by participating in the Jeddah Summit in August 2023.”
Rostek told Asharq Al-Awsat that the year 2023 witnessed the entry of a number of Polish firms into the Saudi market. He pointed to the presence of Polish companies Comarch and Asseco, which specialize in IT solutions, in addition to other companies operating in the food, cosmetics and fashion industries.
He added that on June 4, 2024, direct flights were launched between Riyadh and Warsaw, operated by LOT Polish Airlines.
“We see a mutual understanding with Saudi Arabia, to develop our relationship economically, socially and politically,” he said, adding: “With the newly approved series of EU visas for Saudis, and the possibility of obtaining 5-year Schengen visas, in addition to Saudi e-visas, travel between the Kingdom and Europe has become easier than ever before.”