Lebanon’s Bassil Eager to Take Part in Pope’s Reception in Baghdad

Head of the Lebanese Free Patriotic Movement MP Gebran Bassil. (Reuters)
Head of the Lebanese Free Patriotic Movement MP Gebran Bassil. (Reuters)

Lebanon’s Bassil Eager to Take Part in Pope’s Reception in Baghdad

Head of the Lebanese Free Patriotic Movement MP Gebran Bassil. (Reuters)
Head of the Lebanese Free Patriotic Movement MP Gebran Bassil. (Reuters)

Head of the Lebanese Free Patriotic Movement MP Gebran Bassil is reportedly eager to travel to Iraq to take part in the reception for Pope Francis I as he pays a historic visit to the country on Friday.

Bassil is seeking to represent the FPM at the reception, but the Iraqi leadership has refrained from inviting him because it wants to commit to the protocols of the visit and refuses to become embroiled in inter-Lebanese disputes.

Only senior Iraqi politicians and religious figures will take part in the welcome.

Informed Lebanese political sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that Bassil had indeed sent a request to Iraq “to test the waters” and determine whether he would be invited to attend.

The Iraqi government, in adhering to the protocols, did not invite foreign officials to join the reception, said the sources.

They added, however, that the government’s dismissal of the request goes beyond just sticking to protocol. They explained that Baghdad wanted to avoid any embarrassment in Lebanon and does not want any party to exploit the pope’s visit for political gain given the sharp divisions in the country.

Moreover, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, has since he was sworn in office, been adopting a balanced policy in its Arab relations. This has been evident in his openness to Arab countries, starting with the Gulf, in contrast to his predecessors, who have always been quick to join the “deterrence front” led by Iran, said the sources.

The same balanced approach applies to Lebanon, they continued. This therefore, demands that the pontiff’s visit be kept away from inter-Lebanese disputes and preventing any Lebanese side from exploiting it to make gains against rivals.

Lebanon is mired in an unprecedented political and economic crisis. Its currency and banking systems have collapsed, it is still suffering from the fallout of the devastating explosion at Beirut port on August 4 and politicians have for months been bickering over the formation of a government that must approve much-needed reforms.

President Michel Aoun, Bassil’s father-in-law, has tussled for weeks with Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri over the formation process, even as services and living conditions continue to deteriorate in Lebanon and people slip further into poverty.

The sources said that Kadhimi is keen on adopting a policy of “positive neutrality” when it comes to Lebanon. The PM has suggested that Lebanese parties resolve their crisis by implementing the initiative proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Bassil’s presence in Iraq to welcome the pope would therefore, contradict with the above position.

Furthermore, the sources said that Lebanese leaderships were aware of Bassil’s intention to head to Baghdad and the reasons why the federal government has distanced itself from him.

They credited Iraqi authorities for being aware that Bassil would employ his visit for political gain in Lebanon. They suspected that he would have used it to portray himself as a protector of Christians in the region, which goes against the very purpose of the pope’s visit.

The pontiff will meet in Iraq with leaders of various religions, highlighting the country’s diversity and acting as a form of response to the heinous crimes committed in the name of religion by the terrorist ISIS group.

The sources wondered whether Iraq refrained from inviting Bassil due to the sanctions imposed against him by the United States due to his alliance with the Iran-backed Hezbollah party, which, according to many Gulf countries, has played a direct part in destabilizing the region.

They also wondered if it has anything to do with Bassil’s poor relations with France, which blames him for obstructing the implementation of its Lebanon initiative.

Egypt... An ‘Alternative Sudan’ for those Fleeing War

A café in Giza popular with displaced Sudanese (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A café in Giza popular with displaced Sudanese (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Egypt... An ‘Alternative Sudan’ for those Fleeing War

A café in Giza popular with displaced Sudanese (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A café in Giza popular with displaced Sudanese (Asharq Al-Awsat)

With the influx of hundreds of thousands of displaced Sudanese into Egypt over the past months due to the ongoing war in their country, Egypt has turned into an “alternative Sudan” that embraces more than 5.5 million regular and irregular refugees.

“We live in an integrated Sudanese society in Egypt,” Musaab Hamdan, 33, told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Hamdan, a cleaning worker at a private company in the Mohandiseen neighborhood, said that the country was a haven for thousands of displaced people fleeing the war.

The Egyptian government estimates the number of Sudanese at about 5 million out of 9 million refugees on its territory, while President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi describes them as “guests of Egypt.”

The large inflow of Sudanese since the outbreak of the war in their country in 2023 has put pressure on the International Commission for Refugees in Cairo and Alexandria, where about 3,000 refugee applications are received daily. This has increased the number of Sudanese registered with the Commission to 300,000 persons, which represents 52 percent of the total number of refugees registered in Egypt with UNHCR until April.

The Sudanese features and traditional attire are distinctive on the streets of Cairo and Giza, where Sudanese vendors and citizens are now seen practicing business activities that were limited to Egyptians for decades, including driving taxis and small buses in popular neighborhoods. Hamdan said that this reflects the rapid integration of newcomers into everyday life in Egypt.

Mohamed Abdel Majeed, a taxi driver in Giza, speaks the Egyptian dialect so fluently that many locals do not realize he is from Sudan.

He told Asharq Al-Awsat that he has adapted to driving on Cairo’s streets and now knows the names and locations of stations by heart.

Alternative haven

Social networking sites are monitoring this heavy Sudanese presence in Egypt, as some videos have focused on the idea of an “alternative Sudan in the country.”

Among them was a comment made by a Sudanese influencer who joked about the heavy presence of his countrymen in the Faisal neighborhood in Giza, saying: “If you are Sudanese living abroad and want to see your family and your country. All you have to do is go to Giza, Egypt.”

Tens of thousands of Sudanese fleeing the war in Sudan consider Egypt the “best haven.” Fatima Hassan feared that her daughters would be “raped by armed militias in Sudan,” and decided to enter Egypt irregularly, she told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Extreme heat and thirst exhausted Fatima and her three daughters during a long trip, before she succeeded in reaching Giza to join her sister who had preceded her there several months ago.

Last month, the authorities announced that they have prevented the illegal entry of buses carrying displaced Sudanese. However, Abdullah Qouni - who has lived in the Maadi neighborhood in Cairo for 15 years and helps many newly displaced to find housing or a job opportunity - told Asharq Al-Awsat that around 11 buses from Aswan enter Egypt daily. He added that each irregular migrant pays about $500 to smugglers in exchange for the trip.


One of the most important features of “Alternative Sudan” is the sight of dark-skinned students on their way to dedicated schools. Their number has increased steadily in recent months, forcing the Egyptian authorities to close some of them in order to “legalize the situation.”

Sami Al-Baqir, spokesman for the Sudanese Teachers Syndicate, estimates the number of Sudanese schools in Egypt at about 300 basic and intermediate schools.

The Sudanese embassy in Cairo, which moved its headquarters years ago from Garden City to the Dokki neighborhood, thanked the Egyptian government for its cooperation in making the Sudanese primary certificate exams a success in June, through six educational centers affiliated with the embassy. ​​

On the academic level, Ayman Ashour, the Egyptian Minister of Higher Education, estimated the number of Sudanese students who enrolled in Egyptian universities last year at more than 10,000.

Egyptian sensitivities

With the Sudanese “jilbab” dominating Egyptian streets and neighborhoods, and videos of large Sudanese gatherings in Cairo being circulated on social media, in addition to reports about the expulsion of Egyptian tenants to house displaced Sudanese, concerns have mounted over their presence in the country.

Moreover, news have emerged about some Sudanese families performing circumcision on their daughters in Egypt, prompting activists to call on Egyptian authorities to enforce the law that criminalizes female circumcision.

Egyptian media professionals joined in criticizing the Sudanese presence. Qaswa Al-Khalali expressed “concern” about the presence of refugee clusters in popular areas, considering this matter “extremely dangerous.” Meanwhile, journalist Azza Mostafa warned of “some refugees taking control of entire areas in Cairo,” pointing to bad consequences on Egypt.

Egyptian parliamentarians responded to calls to legalize the status of refugees, including Siham Mostafa, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the House of Representatives. In television statements, she said: “Egypt hosts millions of foreigners and provides them with services at the same prices provided to citizens without any increase, despite the current economic crisis.”

Reducing burdens

Due to the economic crisis, Egypt has called on the international community to support it in “bearing the burdens of refugees.”

Former Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said, after his meeting with the Director-General of the International Organization for Migration, Amy Pope, that the support Egypt receives from the international community was not commensurate with the burdens it bears, especially as the Egyptian economy suffers from the consequences of global crises.

The Egyptian government recently launched a process to count the numbers of refugees residing on its territory, with the aim of calculating the cost of hosting them and determining the financial burdens.

In a statement issued in April, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Egypt requested $175.1 million to meet the most urgent needs of Sudanese refugees who have fled to Egypt since mid-April 2023.