Florida Seeks to Criminalize DNA Theft

 A doctor prepares a sample of DNA. Photo: Leon Neal, AFP.
A doctor prepares a sample of DNA. Photo: Leon Neal, AFP.

Florida Seeks to Criminalize DNA Theft

 A doctor prepares a sample of DNA. Photo: Leon Neal, AFP.
A doctor prepares a sample of DNA. Photo: Leon Neal, AFP.

It could be a nosy neighbor questioning your ancestry. Perhaps it's a lover who's curious if you carry a gene for male pattern baldness, or a rich grandparent checking if you're genetically related.

All it takes to find out is a sample of DNA, or a person's hereditary material, and some inexpensive testing. But experts warn thefts of DNA from a strand of hair or an item you touched are increasingly more likely, and you can become a victim without ever knowing it, reported Tribune Media Services.

Florida lawmakers, hearing concerns about this new risk of technological underhandedness and personal privacy breaches, are poised to make the unlawful use of DNA a more serious crime.

A bill seeks to discourage the unauthorized use of DNA by changing it from a misdemeanor to a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. That could make it one of the toughest such laws in the nation.

Some legitimate purposes and exceptions are to continue: Police detectives may collect DNA during investigations, and family law courts can order DNA tests to establish paternity.

"This legislation is a first step to deter individuals who might steal DNA to gain access to your private information and then use it against you," said Rep. Josie Tomkow, R-Polk City, Florida.

Yet it's unclear how prevalent DNA abuses have been, and whether any people have been prosecuted in the state under the existing law. Still, authorities say the potential is high, thanks to a proliferation of widely available genetic testing kits that have come on the market.

Saudi Film Commission Participates in 2024 Toronto International Film Festival

The Saudi Film Commission logo
The Saudi Film Commission logo

Saudi Film Commission Participates in 2024 Toronto International Film Festival

The Saudi Film Commission logo
The Saudi Film Commission logo

The Saudi Film Commission is participating in the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), held from September 5 to 15.

TIFF is one of the world’s most prestigious film festivals, drawing filmmakers, critics, and audiences globally and serving as a premier platform for showcasing global cinema.

‏This year, the commission will feature a dedicated pavilion highlighting prominent Saudi film projects and initiatives, providing visitors with a unique experience to explore the Kingdom's vast history and vibrant creativity in the film industry.

In addition, a delegation from the commission, along with a group of Saudi filmmakers, will be attending to represent the diverse talents and voices of the Saudi film community.

‏The pavilion embodies the commission’s commitment to advancing the film industry in Saudi Arabia, showcasing recent achievements and highlighting opportunities for international‏ collaboration and partnerships. It aims to attract global interest in Saudi stories and productions while strengthening connections with filmmakers from around the world.

‏The Saudi Film Commission's participation in the Toronto International Film Festival aligns with its strategy to elevate Saudi cinema on the global stage, support Saudi talent, and contribute to the growth of the global film industry.