Algerian Victims of Terrorist Attacks Demand Justice

Protesters in Algiers demanding rights for victims of terrorist attacks. (AFP)
Protesters in Algiers demanding rights for victims of terrorist attacks. (AFP)

Algerian Victims of Terrorist Attacks Demand Justice

Protesters in Algiers demanding rights for victims of terrorist attacks. (AFP)
Protesters in Algiers demanding rights for victims of terrorist attacks. (AFP)

Algerian victims of terrorist attacks that took place in the country during the 1990s, gathered at the capital's central al-Baird Square demanding their inclusion in the Ministry of Mujahideen.

The victims called for justice, saying they were among the first to resist extremist groups, just as the “mujahideen” fought French colonialism during the liberation war.

The protesters tried to march towards the government headquarters to meet Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad but were banned by security forces.

They launched an online campaign commemorating the terrorist attacks, which killed 150,000 according to official figures, while unofficial sources say that the number does not exceed 60,000 victims.

The victims also used the hashtag “Mansinash” (we have not forgotten) emphasizing that they still remember the mass massacres and assassinations committed by militant groups all over the country.

They called on the authorities to adopt March 22 as the “national day for victims of terrorism.”

The majority of the protesters came from Sidi-Hamed, south of Algiers, which witnessed a terrorist attack during Ramadan in 1998, that killed 100 persons and injured dozens, many of whom were permanently disabled.

The government makes monthly allocations of $150 in the local currency to the injured, which many believe is not enough.

Suleiman Amour, 50, who lost his eye during the attack, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the monthly income does not cover his needs and medical bills, saying this grant is a “disgrace.”

Families of victims published photos of their relatives who were killed in attacks between 1995 and 1997.

They also circulated pictures of intellectuals and journalists who were assassinated at their workplaces or near their homes, including journalist Smail Yefsah, who was killed in 1993 by the Islamic Front for Armed Jihad.

The extremist group is known for its operations against secular intellectuals who were against the establishment of an Islamic state and assassinated over 110 journalists and media workers between 1993 and 1999.

Members of the "Association of the Families of Victims of Terrorism” condemned the government's support to terrorists included in the truce agreements.

The government provided aid to "repentant" extremists who surrendered to authorities within the framework of the three laws enacted to end wars: Law of Mercy (1995), the Civil Harmony Law (1999), and the National Reconciliation (2006).

The association is chaired by Fatima-Zohra Flici, the widow of well-known doctor Hadi Flici who was assassinated in his clinic.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Salvation Army asserted that 6,000 of its members who surrendered to the authorities did not receive “a single penny” from the government.

The group's former leader, Madani Mezrag, confirmed in previous statements to the media, that the negotiations with the intelligence services in 1997 included the reintegration of members of the organization into their former workplaces before joining terrorist organizations.

He also indicated that they enjoyed all their civil and political rights, such as the right to run for elections and join parties, however, he claims the government "did not fulfill its promises."

Israeli Tanks Push Deeper into Rafah, Forcing People to Flee Again

 Smoke plumes billow during ongoing battles in the Sultan neighborhood in the northwest of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on June 18, 2024 amid the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian territory between Israel and Hamas. (AFP)
Smoke plumes billow during ongoing battles in the Sultan neighborhood in the northwest of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on June 18, 2024 amid the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian territory between Israel and Hamas. (AFP)

Israeli Tanks Push Deeper into Rafah, Forcing People to Flee Again

 Smoke plumes billow during ongoing battles in the Sultan neighborhood in the northwest of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on June 18, 2024 amid the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian territory between Israel and Hamas. (AFP)
Smoke plumes billow during ongoing battles in the Sultan neighborhood in the northwest of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on June 18, 2024 amid the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian territory between Israel and Hamas. (AFP)

Israeli tanks backed by warplanes and drones advanced deeper into the western part of the Gaza Strip city of Rafah on Wednesday, killing eight people, according to residents and Palestinian medics.

Residents said the tanks moved into five neighborhoods after midnight. Heavy shelling and gunfire hit the tents of displaced families in the Al-Mawasi area, further to the west of the coastal enclave, they said.

Some eight months into the war, there has been no sign of let up in the fighting as efforts by international mediators, backed by the United States, have so far failed to persuade Israel and Hamas to agree to a ceasefire.

Nine people were also killed on Wednesday when an Israeli strike hit a group of citizens and merchants in Salah al-Din Road in the southern Gaza Strip as they waited for convoys of aid trucks carrying goods through the Kerem Shalom crossing, medical sources told Reuters.

Israeli forces have laid waste to much of Gaza and seized most of the Palestinian territory but have yet to achieve their stated goal of wiping out Hamas and freeing Israeli hostages.

Medics and Hamas media said eight Palestinians were killed in Al-Mawasi and many families fled north in panic. They did not identify the fatalities and the Israeli military said it was looking into the report.

Residents said Israeli army forces blew up several homes in western Rafah, which had sheltered over half of Gaza's 2.3 million people before last month, when Israel began its ground offensive and forced most of the population to head northwards.

Some United Nations and Palestinian figures put those who remained at under 100,000 people.

"Another night of horror in Rafah. They opened fire from planes, drones and tanks on the western areas to cover for their invasion," said one Rafah resident, who asked not to be named.

"Bullets and shells landed in the Mawasi area near where people slept, killing and wounding many," he told Reuters via a chat app.

An Israeli commander briefing military correspondents in Rafah on Tuesday named two more locations there - Shaboura and Tel Al-Sultan - where the army planned to take on Hamas fighters.

"The Hamas battalions there are not yet well worn down and we need to dismantle them completely. We estimate it at more or less a month, at this intensity," Colonel Liron Batito, head of the Givati Brigade, told Army Radio.

The Israeli military remained in control of the borderline between Rafah and Egypt. Footage circulated on social media showed the Rafah crossing, the only window for most of Gaza's population with the outside world, was destroyed, buildings burnt, and Israeli tanks positioned there with the flag of Israel flying over some places.

The Israeli military said aid into Gaza had not been impeded by the damage.

Further north, Israel sent a column of tanks back into the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza City and residents reported heavy fire from tanks and warplanes but also sounds of gun battles with Hamas-led fighters.

In another Gaza City suburb, Sheikh Radwan, an Israeli air strike on a house killed four Palestinians, including a child, medics said. A total of 20 people had been killed across Gaza.

The armed wings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad said fighters battled Israeli forces with anti-tank rockets and mortar bombs, and have in some areas detonated pre-planted explosive devices against army units.

Later on Wednesday, Palestinian gunmen fired rockets at the Kerem Shalom crossing in southern Gaza, the Israeli military said.

Israel's ground and air campaign was triggered when Hamas-led fighters stormed into southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people and seizing more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

The offensive has left Gaza in ruins, killed more than 37,400 people, according to Palestinian health authorities, and left much of the population homeless and destitute.

Since a week-long truce in November, repeated attempts to arrange a ceasefire have failed, with Hamas insisting on an end to the war and full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Netanyahu refuses to end the war before Hamas is eradicated and the hostages are freed.

On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights office said Israeli forces may have repeatedly violated fundamental principles of the laws of war and failed to distinguish between civilians and fighters in their Gaza campaign.

In a report assessing six Israeli attacks that caused a high number of casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, the UN Human Rights Office said Israeli forces "may have systematically violated the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack".

Israel's permanent mission to the United Nations in Geneva called the analysis "factually, legally, and methodologically flawed".