Shtayyeh: Palestine Received No Financial Aid From US, Arab Countries

A picture taken by drone on Monday of the burial of a man in Gaza who died due to coronavirus. (Reuters)
A picture taken by drone on Monday of the burial of a man in Gaza who died due to coronavirus. (Reuters)

Shtayyeh: Palestine Received No Financial Aid From US, Arab Countries

A picture taken by drone on Monday of the burial of a man in Gaza who died due to coronavirus. (Reuters)
A picture taken by drone on Monday of the burial of a man in Gaza who died due to coronavirus. (Reuters)

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said on Wednesday that Palestine hasn't received any financial aid from any Arab country or from the US for more than one year.

"Due to lack of Arab funds, the deficiency in the Palestinian budget climbed to one billion US dollars," Shtayyeh told a conference held in the West Bank city of Ramallah on the coronavirus crisis challenges in the country.

"Arab countries haven't sent any financial aid during 2020 until now. In addition, the US has suspended its financial support, which amounted to $500 million per year," he said.

During the conference, the PM said the Palestinian government is ready for austerity and reducing its running cost.

Shtayyeh affirmed that the pandemic has worsened the economic condition, and has negatively affected the psychological, social, health, financial aspects of people's lives. This concurs with annexation schemes, Gaza blockade, Judaization of Jerusalem, settlements, and other political issues.

World Bank Country Director for West Bank and Gaza Kanthan Shankar said that the World Bank has been keen on providing financial aid to the Palestinians since the outbreak of the pandemic.

An amount of $100 million was granted to the Palestinians to reinforce the health system. Further, financial aid was given to the poor families who were influenced by the pandemic, Shankar said.

He underscored the significance of protecting the logistic services and ensuring medical requirements.

Shankar stressed the necessity of taking health precautions, and creating job opportunities in the health sector, and recruiting a sufficient number of employees in this field.

The European Union's representative, Sven Kuehn, said that the EU supported the Palestinian government since the beginning of the pandemic. It granted EUR71 million in addition to EUR5 million to support poor families in the West Bank.

Kuehn added that the EU supported the UNRWAfinacially to fulfill the needs of Palestine’s refugees through its health and relief programs.

South Lebanon Students Protected by Int’l Forces During Official Exams

Lebanon’s official exams for the General Secondary Certificate start on Saturday (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Lebanon’s official exams for the General Secondary Certificate start on Saturday (Asharq Al-Awsat)

South Lebanon Students Protected by Int’l Forces During Official Exams

Lebanon’s official exams for the General Secondary Certificate start on Saturday (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Lebanon’s official exams for the General Secondary Certificate start on Saturday (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Every day, 18-year-old Raneem Khalifa braved shelling on her route from Kfar Hamam near Israel’s border to Nabatieh for her exams. Her goal was simple yet daunting: to reach the exam center safely and return home unharmed.

Despite her town’s daily struggles with shelling and the destruction of her family’s homes, Raneem remained resolute in pursuing her Technical Baccalaureate (BT) certificate.

She faced constant power and internet cuts, displacement, and a lack of textbooks.

Her determination to take exams rather than accept diplomas without testing reflects her strong belief: “We've sacrificed too much for everyone to get diplomas easily.”

Khalifa, speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, highlighted the tough mental strain southern students face.

Lebanon began vocational and technical exams on June 21, with General Secondary exams starting this Saturday.

Despite calls to cancel, Education Minister Abbas Halabi insisted on holding exams nationwide.

Halabi announced buses secured by the ministry to safely transport General Secondary students from tense areas to exam centers, guarded by Lebanese forces and UN peacekeepers known as UNIFIL.

The measure starts Saturday for students preparing for exams.

Security sources welcomed the move, expecting it to ease student stress and ensure safe transit to exam centers from their homes.

Around 43,000 students, including 2,000 in shelling-prone areas, are set to sit for General Secondary exams.

Education Ministry sources assure that all exam centers are safely located outside combat zones, ensuring security.

An Israeli military strike targeted a building in Nabatieh housing exam centers late Wednesday, sparking tensions in Lebanon. Lebanese sources said Hezbollah has reduced military activities this week to ensure student safety for exams.

“If security authorities deem it unsafe for exams in the south, we'll cancel. Safety comes first,” said Halabi.

Responding to concerns about student safety in the south, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said: “All exam centers in the south are operating normally, with only a one percent absentee rate. This shows the resilience of southern residents staying on their land.”

High school seniors are gearing up for exams this Saturday, with many concerned about their mental state affecting their performance.