Lebanon Launches First Electric Car Despite Crisis

The car has a golden logo of the Dome of the Rock, the shrine in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam's third holiest site. (AFP)
The car has a golden logo of the Dome of the Rock, the shrine in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam's third holiest site. (AFP)

Lebanon Launches First Electric Car Despite Crisis

The car has a golden logo of the Dome of the Rock, the shrine in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam's third holiest site. (AFP)
The car has a golden logo of the Dome of the Rock, the shrine in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam's third holiest site. (AFP)

A Lebanon-made electric car made its debut Saturday, the first time the Mediterranean country has manufactured an automobile, despite struggling amid a dire economic crisis with frequent power cuts.

The red sports car -- named "Quds Rise", using the Arabic name of Jerusalem -- is the project of Lebanese-born Palestinian businessman Jihad Mohammad.

It's the "first automobile to be made locally," Mohammad told reporters, at the unveiling in a parking lot south of Beirut.

It was built in Lebanon "from start to finish", he said of the prototype, emblazoned at the front with a golden logo of the Dome of the Rock, the shrine in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam's third holiest site.

The car is to cost $30,000.

Production of up to 10,000 vehicles is hoped to start later this year in Lebanon, with cars to hit the market in a year's time, said Mohammad, the director of Lebanon-based firm EV Electra.

Mohammad, 50, said he set up the company four years ago after years abroad, employing Lebanese and Palestinian engineers among 300 members of staff.

He says his long-term goal is to compete on the international market for hybrid and electric cars, as well as to make sales in Lebanon.

But the unveiling comes as Lebanon struggles amid its worst economic crisis in decades, and imported car sales are at a record low, in part due to capital controls and drastic devaluation on the black market.

'Step in the right direction'?
Dealers sold just 62 new cars in the first two months of 2021, almost 97 percent less than the same period a year before, figures released by the Association of Automobile Importers in Lebanon showed.

The economic crunch since late 2019 has plunged more than half the population into poverty.

But Mohammad said potential Lebanese buyers would be offered the opportunity to pay for half the new electric car in dollars, with the rest paid in Lebanese pounds at an exchange rate better than the black market one, to be paid over five years without interest.

Lebanon also relies on fossil fuels for power generation, already insufficient for a population of around six million who suffer daily power cuts.

To power its new electric cars, the firm plans to set up around 100 recharging stations across the country connected to generators.

These could then be fueled by solar and wind power generation, Mohammad said.

Independent energy analyst Jessica Obeid welcomed the innovation, but said the vehicles would only be environmentally friendly if the power sector underwent serious reform.

"The energy sector is the biggest contributor to Lebanon's greenhouse gas emissions," and already under pressure due a shortage in dollars to import fuel, she told AFP.

But, she added, "if the electric vehicles have solar charging stations, then this would be a step in the right direction."

Without Backup Plans, Global IT Outages Will Happen Again

The "2038 Problem" underscores the growing complexity of technological infrastructure due to increased reliance on interconnected systems (Shutterstock).
The "2038 Problem" underscores the growing complexity of technological infrastructure due to increased reliance on interconnected systems (Shutterstock).

Without Backup Plans, Global IT Outages Will Happen Again

The "2038 Problem" underscores the growing complexity of technological infrastructure due to increased reliance on interconnected systems (Shutterstock).
The "2038 Problem" underscores the growing complexity of technological infrastructure due to increased reliance on interconnected systems (Shutterstock).

Elements of Friday’s global IT outage, which grounded planes and hit services from banking to healthcare, have occurred before and until more contingencies are built into networks, and organizations put better back-up plans in place, it will happen again.
Friday’s outage was caused by an update that US cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike pushed to its clients early on Friday morning which conflicted with Microsoft’s Windows operating system, rendering devices around the world inoperable, reported Reuters.
CrowdStrike has one of the largest shares of the highly competitive cybersecurity market that provides such tools, leading some industry analysts to question whether control over such operationally critical software should remain in the hands of just a handful of companies.
But the outage has also raised concerns among experts that many organizations are not well-prepared to implement contingency plans when a single point of failure such as an IT system, or a piece of software within it, goes down.
At the same time there are also more solvable digital disasters looming on the horizon, with perhaps the biggest global IT challenge since the Millennium Bug, the “2038 Problem”, just under 14 years away - and, this time, the world is infinitely more dependent on computers.
“It’s easy to jump at the idea that this is disastrous and therefore suggest there must be a more diverse market and, in an ideal world, that’s what we’d have,” said Ciaran Martin, former head of Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), part of the country's GCHQ intelligence agency.
“We're actually good at managing the safety aspects of tech when it comes to cars, trains, planes, and machines. What we're bad at is then providing services,” he added.
“Look at what happened to the London health system a few weeks ago - they were hacked, and that led to loads of canceled operations, which is physically dangerous,” he said, referring to a recent ransomware incident which affected Britain’s National Health Service (NHS).
Organizations need to look around their IT systems, Martin said, and ensure there are enough failsafes and redundancies in those systems to stay operational in the event of an outage.
Friday’s outage happened amid a perfect storm, with both Microsoft and CrowdStrike owning huge shares of a market which relies on both of their products.
“I'm sure the regulators globally are looking at this. There is limited competition globally for operating systems, for example, and also for the large scale cybersecurity products like the ones CrowdStrike provides,” said Nigel Phair, a cybersecurity professor at Australia’s Monash University.
Friday's outage hit airlines particularly hard, as many scrambled to check in and board passengers who relied upon digital tickets to fly. Some travelers posted photos on social media of hand-written boarding cards provided by airline staff. Others were only able to fly if they had printed out their ticket.
“I think it's very important for organizations of all shapes and sizes to really look at their risk management and look at an all-hazards approach,” Phair said.
Friday’s outage will not be the last time the world is reminded of its dependency on computers and IT products for basic services to function. In about 14 years' time, the world will be faced with a time-based computer issue similar to the Millennium Bug called the “2038 Problem”.
The Millennium Bug, or “Y2K” happened because early computers saved expensive memory space by only counting the last two digits of the year, meaning many systems were unable to distinguish between the year 1900 and 2000, leading to critical errors.
The cost to mitigate the problem in the years before 2000 ran up a global bill of hundreds of billions of dollars.
The 2038 problem, or "Epochalypse", which begins at 0314 GMT on Jan. 19, 2038, is, in essence, the same problem.
Many computers count the passage of time by measuring the number of seconds since midnight on Jan. 1, 1970, also known as the “Epoch”.
Those seconds are stored as a finite sequence of zeros and ones, or “bits” but for many computers, the number of bits that can be stored reaches its maximum value in 2038.
“We currently have a situation where there's huge global disruption, because we cannot cope administratively,” said Ciaran Martin, the former NCSC head.
“We can cope in terms of safety, but we can't cope in terms of service provision when key networks go down”.