Scientists Find First Evidence on Dental Surgeries in Ancient Egypt

Archaeologists remove the cover of an intact sarcophagus inside a tomb in Luxor, Egypt. Reuters file photo
Archaeologists remove the cover of an intact sarcophagus inside a tomb in Luxor, Egypt. Reuters file photo

Scientists Find First Evidence on Dental Surgeries in Ancient Egypt

Archaeologists remove the cover of an intact sarcophagus inside a tomb in Luxor, Egypt. Reuters file photo
Archaeologists remove the cover of an intact sarcophagus inside a tomb in Luxor, Egypt. Reuters file photo

A virtual autopsy of the Osirmose's mummy, the doorkeeper of the Temple of Re, revealed several medical interventions in the mouth area that likely took place throughout the life of Osirmose.

This is the first evidence on the use of oral surgeries in Ancient Egypt. The studied mummy belongs to the Royal Museum of Art and History in Belgium.

Osirmose lived during the 25th dynasty, and was a member of a prominent family of Thebes' priests. His mummy was among the memorabilia of the Swedish Antiquarian Giovanni Anastasi, and was sold after his death at an auction to a Belgian antiquities collector, and then to the Royal Museum of Art and History in Belgium.

During the study, published in the latest issue of the journal Ojs earlier this month, researchers at the Saint Luc University performed a virtual autopsy on the Egyptian mummy using a three-dimensional (3D) high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scan. The taken images were later examined by a multidisciplinary team composed of radiologists, archaeologists, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

The researchers confirmed the mummy belonged to a man. They found the heart, aorta, and kidneys inside the mummy's body. Brain excerebration was performed, and artificial eyes were added above the stuffing of eye globes.

The teeth decay was more obvious in the upper maxilla, where the researchers discovered several anomalies including a rectangular hole on the palatine side of tooth n°26. The palatine root of tooth n°26 was missing.

Based on these findings, the researchers believe that this study provides the first evidence of a tooth removal site, and of oral surgery procedures previously conducted in old Egyptian embalmed mummy.

Large Sinkhole Appears in English Village, Forces Evacuations 

18 February 2025, United Kingdom, Godstone: A view of the scene in Godstone after a sinkhole appeared on Monday night. (Jonathan Brady/PA Wire/dpa)
18 February 2025, United Kingdom, Godstone: A view of the scene in Godstone after a sinkhole appeared on Monday night. (Jonathan Brady/PA Wire/dpa)

Large Sinkhole Appears in English Village, Forces Evacuations 

18 February 2025, United Kingdom, Godstone: A view of the scene in Godstone after a sinkhole appeared on Monday night. (Jonathan Brady/PA Wire/dpa)
18 February 2025, United Kingdom, Godstone: A view of the scene in Godstone after a sinkhole appeared on Monday night. (Jonathan Brady/PA Wire/dpa)

A large sinkhole has appeared in a southern English village, swallowing up at least one garden and forcing authorities to evacuate residents from around 30 homes.

The development of the sinkhole in the Surrey village of Godstone, which appeared on Monday and had grown to at least 20 meters on Tuesday, has been declared a major incident by local agencies.

The BBC said the evacuated properties were built about three years ago, on the site of a former sand quarry. One of the residents, Noosh Miri, said her family was among those evacuated.

"We got a violent knocking on the door," Miri said. "As I opened the door, it sounded like I was in a waterfall because the sinkhole was right in front of my doorstep."

Another resident, Rez Mira, told the BBC his garden fell into the sinkhole: "It's collapsed, the wall will come down, for sure... we're terrified."

Surrey County Council (SCC) said investigations were ongoing, and asked people to avoid the area while work was carried out. Residents from within the cordon were being supported with advice around accommodation, the council said.

"The Local Resilience Forum will continue to meet throughout this incident to ensure everything is being done to resolve the situation as quickly and safely as possible," said SCC's Carl Bussey.

SES Water said in the early hours of Tuesday it was aware of a burst water main pipe in Godstone High Street. It said on Wednesday it had been able to restore supplies to affected properties. Electricity has also been restored.