Turkey Welcomes Foreign Tourists While Locking Down Locals

Tourists outside the Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, during a nationwide lockdown of the local population imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19, April 30, 2021. (Reuters)
Tourists outside the Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, during a nationwide lockdown of the local population imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19, April 30, 2021. (Reuters)

Turkey Welcomes Foreign Tourists While Locking Down Locals

Tourists outside the Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, during a nationwide lockdown of the local population imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19, April 30, 2021. (Reuters)
Tourists outside the Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, during a nationwide lockdown of the local population imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19, April 30, 2021. (Reuters)

"Turkey Unlimited. Now available without Turks," reads a mock tourism advert on social media, poking fun at the sight of foreign tourists roaming quiet streets while most Turks are confined to home by a coronavirus lockdown.

The government has exempted foreign holidaymakers from the 2-1/2-week long lockdown in an effort to revitalize tourism, a critical sector of the Turkish economy. Those arriving in Turkey must show proof of negative COVID-19 tests.

But Turks on social media have voiced indignation at images of tourists partying on the country's Mediterranean coast or locals slapped with fines for being outdoors while foreign visitors can wander around as they wish.

"This is a great time for the tourists now, because Turks can't go out," said tourist guide Kadir, 34 as he watched for customers outside Istanbul's 15th-century Topkapi Palace. He brushed aside local frustrations about the lockdown.

"This is the way it has to be. The tourists have made payments and reservations. Tourism is important for Turkey and the wheels of the economy have to keep turning."

Tourism revenues plunged by two-thirds to $12 billion last year as the pandemic hit an industry which accounts usually for up to 12% of the economy. Turkey hopes the current restrictions on movement will rescue this season.

But there are relatively few opportunities for Kadir, who said just 1,000 people were currently visiting the Ottoman palace each day, compared with a usual number of about 15,000.

Current visitors are mainly from Ukraine, Russia and Latin America, as well as British Pakistanis on their way back from trips to Pakistan, he said.

Outside the 17th-century Blue Mosque in the nearby Sultanahmet Square, tourists had mixed feelings about holidaying as Turkey battled to curb a COVID-19 wave which has put it fourth globally in the number of daily cases.

"The fact is, tourists spend money. All these places depend on tourists. If they weren't here, everything would shut down," said Faisal Cheema, 46, a restaurateur from Manchester, England, visiting for 10 days on his return from a visit to Pakistan.

"But it's not good for tourists either. In COVID situations you should ban tourists too. If you lock down, you have to lock down proper," he said at a souvenir shop in Sultanahmet.

Elsewhere in the usually bustling mega-city of 15 million, police set up checkpoints on main streets to check that those travelling in vehicles have permission to be out.

Locals are still allowed to carry out essential shopping in local grocery stores and millions of people involved in industrial production and key sectors have permission to go to work, but thousands have been fined for violating the lockdown.

Frustration at the restrictions was fueled when a video circulated on social media this week showing a large crowd of foreign tourists partying at a hotel in the Mediterranean tourist hub of Antalya.

The incident was widely covered in Turkish media, prompting the Antalya governor to issue a statement saying the hotel's "safe tourism" certificate had been cancelled and its operations halted for the duration of the pandemic.

The Tourism Ministry launched the certificate scheme last to reassure potential visitors to the country.

Can Arab Efforts Pressure for a Two-State Solution?

Meeting on Palestine at the United Nations (Arab League)
Meeting on Palestine at the United Nations (Arab League)

Can Arab Efforts Pressure for a Two-State Solution?

Meeting on Palestine at the United Nations (Arab League)
Meeting on Palestine at the United Nations (Arab League)

At the 79th United Nations General Assembly in New York, Arab nations pushed for the implementation of a two-state solution. Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said recognizing Palestine would lead to “fair negotiations” with Israel.

Experts told Asharq Al-Awsat that these efforts are a way to “pressure Israel and advance peace,” especially after Saudi Arabia formed a global alliance to push for the two-state solution.

On Thursday, a ministerial meeting at the UN, attended by representatives from Arab, Islamic, and European countries, discussed the Palestinian issue. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan announced that the first meeting of the alliance would take place in Riyadh.

Aboul Gheit outlined three key points during the meeting: taking concrete steps to weaken the Israeli occupation, increasing recognition of Palestine to enable equal negotiations, and stressing that peace can only be achieved by ending the occupation and creating a Palestinian state.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty called for an “immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza”, urging the international community to stop the attacks on Palestine, according to Egypt’s foreign ministry.

He noted that the crisis isn’t just due to the events of Oct. 7 but stems from years of Israeli actions to entrench an illegal occupation.

Abdelatty stressed the importance of granting Palestinians their right to freedom and establishing a viable independent state along the June 4, 1967 borders, in line with international law and the two-state solution.

The New York meeting was called by the Arab-Islamic Contact Group on Gaza, which includes Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Türkiye.

It followed a mid-September Arab-European meeting in Madrid, attended by Norway, Slovenia, the EU’s Josep Borrell, and Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa.

On his part, Prince Faisal called on all countries to “show courage” and join the 149 nations that already recognize Palestine. He stressed that the two-state solution is the best way to end the ongoing conflict and suffering.

Dr. Saad Okasha, an Israeli affairs expert at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, said diplomatic efforts are key to advancing peace.

However, he told Asharq Al-Awsat that Israel is unlikely to respond to international calls to end the war or recognize Palestine, especially as it is gaining militarily with US support.

He added that diplomatic efforts are usually more effective after the fighting stops, but they still play a role in preventing further escalation.

In support of the Palestinian cause, Aboul Gheit met with Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino. He expressed disappointment over Argentina’s recent positions, which were rejected by Arab countries, and urged a review to avoid negative reactions.

In an informal dialogue with the UN Security Council and Arab leaders, Aboul Gheit warned that the region is at a critical crossroads. He urged the international community to take immediate action to stop Israel’s military operations and push for a fair solution based on the two-state model.

The “Extraordinary Arab-Islamic Summit” held in Riyadh last November assigned a ministerial committee to stop the war in Gaza and push for a serious peace process.

The committee has since engaged in talks with global leaders to help end the conflict.