Jewish Settlers Threaten to Storm into Aqsa Mosque Sunday

Israeli policemen beat AFP photographer Ahmad Gharabli while covering clashes between worshipers and security forces in Al-Aqsa Mosque (AFP)
Israeli policemen beat AFP photographer Ahmad Gharabli while covering clashes between worshipers and security forces in Al-Aqsa Mosque (AFP)

Jewish Settlers Threaten to Storm into Aqsa Mosque Sunday

Israeli policemen beat AFP photographer Ahmad Gharabli while covering clashes between worshipers and security forces in Al-Aqsa Mosque (AFP)
Israeli policemen beat AFP photographer Ahmad Gharabli while covering clashes between worshipers and security forces in Al-Aqsa Mosque (AFP)

Activists in Jerusalem called upon Palestinians to gather in the al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday and protect it from the expected storming of extremist settlers.

A number of officials and authorities have also joined the calls, asking for protecting the Mosque from any possible incursions.

A group of Jewish extremists has reportedly called for the massive storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Sunday.

"On Sunday morning at 7:00, we will know if we have lost the war," said Assaf Farid, spokesman for the Federation of Temple Organizations.

Israel prevented Jewish extremists from storming into the mosque during the last ten days of Ramadan month, after their incursions and attempts to expel Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood sparked unprecedented violent clashes between Arabs and Jews.

Israel closed the al-Maghariba Gate several days before the most widespread confrontations erupted on May 10, leading to war inside and around al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israeli police used bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades against unarmed Palestinians who were defending the mosque from Jewish extremists.

Clashes also erupted in the streets and alleys of Jerusalem, which witnessed another kind of war with the police, special forces, and settlers.

Israel prevented settlers from entering the mosque following the violent clashes, but they gathered in the streets, before Hamas launched its missiles from Gaza towards Jerusalem, marking the beginning of the 11-day war.

Tensions continued in Jerusalem, despite the end of the war in Gaza, as the Israeli forces arrested six citizens from the Old City and near al-Aqsa.

The Palestinian Society Prisoner's Club said that the Israeli forces arrested over 50 citizens from West Bank since Saturday dawn.

RSF Attack a City under Military Control in Central Sudan, Opening a New Front

Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit, led by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the deputy head of the military council, secure the area where Dagalo attends a military-backed tribe's rally, in the East Nile province, Sudan, on June 22, 2019. (AP)
Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit, led by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the deputy head of the military council, secure the area where Dagalo attends a military-backed tribe's rally, in the East Nile province, Sudan, on June 22, 2019. (AP)

RSF Attack a City under Military Control in Central Sudan, Opening a New Front

Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit, led by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the deputy head of the military council, secure the area where Dagalo attends a military-backed tribe's rally, in the East Nile province, Sudan, on June 22, 2019. (AP)
Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit, led by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the deputy head of the military council, secure the area where Dagalo attends a military-backed tribe's rally, in the East Nile province, Sudan, on June 22, 2019. (AP)

Fighting continued to rage between Sudan’s military and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in a city in a central province, officials said Sunday, opening yet another front in a fourteen-month war that has pushed the African country to the brink of famine.

The RSF began its offensive on the Sennar province earlier this week, attacking the village of Jebal Moya before moving to the city of Singa, the provincial capital, authorities said, where fresh battles have erupted.

On Saturday, the group claimed in a statement it had seized the military’s main facility, the 17th Infantry Division Headquarters in Singa. Local media also reported the RSF managed to breach the military’s defense.

However, Brig. Nabil Abdalla, a spokesperson for the Sudanese armed forces, said the military regained control of the facility, and that fighting was still underway Sunday morning.

Neither claim could be independently verified.

According to the UN’s International Organization for Migration, at least 327 households had to flee from Jebal Moya and Singa to safer areas.

“The situation remains tense and unpredictable,” it said in a statement.

The latest fighting in Sennar comes while almost all eyes are on al-Fasher, a major city in the sprawling region of Darfur that the RSF has besieged for months in an attempt to seize it from the military. Al-Fasher is the military's last stronghold in Darfur.

Sudan’s war began in April last year when simmering tensions between the military and the RSF exploded into open fighting in the capital, Khartoum and elsewhere in the country.

The devastating conflict has killed more than 14,000 people and wounded 33,000 others, according to the United Nations, but rights activists say the toll could be much higher.

It created the world’s largest displacement crisis with over 11 million people forced to flee their homes. International experts warned Thursday that that 755,000 people are facing famine in the coming months, and that 8.5 million people are facing extreme food shortages.

The conflict has been marked by widespread reports of rampant sexual violence and other atrocities — especially in Darfur, the site of a genocide in the early 2000s. Rights groups say the atrocities amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.