Criticism of Palestinian Security Forces Raises Pressure on Abbas

Palestinians march during a demonstration in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank to protest the death of human rights activist Nizar Banat while in Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces’ custody. (AFP)
Palestinians march during a demonstration in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank to protest the death of human rights activist Nizar Banat while in Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces’ custody. (AFP)

Criticism of Palestinian Security Forces Raises Pressure on Abbas

Palestinians march during a demonstration in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank to protest the death of human rights activist Nizar Banat while in Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces’ custody. (AFP)
Palestinians march during a demonstration in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank to protest the death of human rights activist Nizar Banat while in Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces’ custody. (AFP)

Pressure is mounting on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over his security forces’ handling of protesters demanding his resignation since one of his biggest critics died in custody.

The US Embassy in Jerusalem said on Tuesday it was “deeply disturbed” by reports that protesters had been intimidated and beaten by plain-clothes officers, and the United Nations condemned what it called “totally unacceptable” attacks.

The security forces have denied deploying officers in civilian clothing against protesters.

But the criticism of the Palestinian Authority (PA) by such important international backers extends the already long list of problems facing Abbas, 85, after 16 years in power, according to Reuters.

The family of Nizar Banat, a prominent critic of the PA who died in detention on June 24, said security forces broke into his house in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron and hit him repeatedly with a metal rod before arresting him.

A Palestinian rights group said after conducting an autopsy that Banat had suffered blows to his head.

The PA has declined direct comment on the circumstances of Banat’s death but, offering his condolences, Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said on Tuesday the judiciary would “ensure application of the law against all those found guilty.”

The death has led to days of protests in the West Bank and clashes between demonstrators and security forces.

“We are deeply disturbed by reports that non-uniformed members of the Palestinian Authority Security Forces (PASF) harassed and used force against protesters and journalists over the weekend,” a spokesperson for the US Embassy said.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territory said one of its rights monitors covering protests in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sunday was among dozens of people who had been attacked in a “totally unacceptable way.”

“The attack, by persons in civilian clothes, included punching, the use of pepper spray, and attempts to steal a phone being used to document events,” it said on Facebook.

Talal Dweikat, spokesperson for the Palestinian security forces, said such reports were “not true.”

“This is dishonorable talk. There were no security personnel in civilian clothes. Why would (they) wear civilian clothes?,” he told the Ramallah Mix broadcaster.

His office declined requests by Reuters for comment.

The PA says it has investigated Banat’s death, and Shtayyeh has urged Palestinians not to politicize the case.

Abbas’s popularity has plummeted since he was elected in 2005, according to opinion polls. He has ruled by decree for over a decade and the PA faces widespread allegations of corruption, which it denies.

Peace talks have been stalled since 2014, and Abbas has faced criticism for continuing to coordinate with Israel on security issues. Opponents say this enables Israel’s occupation of West Bank territory that it captured in 1967.

Anger deepened this year when Abbas canceled planned elections.

Criticism of the security forces’ methods has mounted since Banat’s death and Abbas’s Fatah party has accused Gaza’s Islamist rulers Hamas and other rival political factions of being behind them.

Aseel AlBajeh, of the rights group Al-Haq, said she was confronted by men in civilian clothing who pushed her and took her phone when she was filming Sunday’s protest in Ramallah.

“You feel completely unsafe because you don’t know if the person next to you, dressed in completely normal clothing, is going to beat you up or not,” AlBajeh, 26, said.

“It is painful. As Palestinians, we have two struggles: one against an occupying power in Israel, and the other against an authoritarian regime.”

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate said reporters had been “prevented from covering events and threatened by plain-clothes forces.”

It demanded the PA “prosecute those who assaulted journalists, and bring them to justice.”

Family of Murdered Libyan Calls for Retrial of Saadi Gaddafi

File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)
File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)

Family of Murdered Libyan Calls for Retrial of Saadi Gaddafi

File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)
File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)

The family of the murdered Libyan footballer Bashir Al-Riani has vowed not to “forfeit his blood” after the country’s Supreme Court overturned the acquittal of Saadi Gaddafi in the case.

The Tripoli Court of Appeals in April 2018 had acquitted the son of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi of charges related to Al-Riani’s torture and murder in 2005. Despite the acquittal, Saadi remained imprisoned until his release on Sept. 6 2021, after which he reportedly left for Turkiye.

In a video statement, Al-Riani’s son announced that the Supreme Court had overturned Saadi’s acquittal and accepted an appeal against it, returning the case to the Tripoli Court of Appeals. He asserted this decision as proof of Saadi’s guilt and vowed to pursue justice until the trial is completed.

While no comment was issued by Saadi’s supporters regarding the Supreme Court’s decision, Ahmed Nashad, a Libyan lawyer and head of the defense team for Abdullah Senussi, former intelligence chief under Gaddafi, explained that overturning Saadi’s acquittal requires a new trial before the Tripoli Court of Appeals.

Al-Riani was found dead in 2005 near Saadi’s seaside residence. Saadi was accused of torturing and killing him, though accounts of the incident vary widely.

In June 2014, former Attorney General Abdelkader Jumaa Radwan referred Saadi’s case to the indictment chamber of the North Tripoli Primary Court after concluding the investigation.

Saadi, 50, was a former football player. He tried in vain to establish a football career in the Italian League, before leading an elite military unit.

Some Libyans, who oppose the Gaddafi regime, say that Saadi heard Al-Riani saying that the man was not talented at football. Meanwhile, another unreliable story states that Al-Riani was drunk and refused to obey Saadi’s guards, so they shot him. This story is denied by the victim’s family.

A former political official close to the Government of National Unity said that Saadi’s release was likely politically motivated, part of broader efforts to free several former regime figures. He noted that many Gaddafi loyalists remain imprisoned despite court orders for their release.