Israel Says it Arrested Dozens of Hamas-linked Students in West Bank

Flames and smoke rise during Israeli air strikes amid a flare-up of Israel-Palestinian violence, in the southern Gaza Strip May 11, 2021. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
Flames and smoke rise during Israeli air strikes amid a flare-up of Israel-Palestinian violence, in the southern Gaza Strip May 11, 2021. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

Israel Says it Arrested Dozens of Hamas-linked Students in West Bank

Flames and smoke rise during Israeli air strikes amid a flare-up of Israel-Palestinian violence, in the southern Gaza Strip May 11, 2021. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
Flames and smoke rise during Israeli air strikes amid a flare-up of Israel-Palestinian violence, in the southern Gaza Strip May 11, 2021. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

Israel said it arrested “dozens” of Palestinian students in the occupied West Bank who are linked to Hamas movement.

According to The Associated Press, the military said late Wednesday that those arrested belong to a Hamas student group at Birzeit University and were “directly involved in terror activities, including money transfers, incitement and the organization of Hamas activities.”

Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, has an armed wing as well as a political organization, charities and student groups. Israel and Western countries consider Hamas a terrorist group because it has carried out scores of deadly attacks against Israelis over the years.

Hamas condemned the arrest of the students, who it says were paying a solidarity visit to the demolished home of a Palestinian who allegedly killed an Israeli and wounded two others in a drive-by shooting in May. He was arrested days after the attack.

The man's estranged wife, who said she knew nothing about the attack, and their three youngest children were living in the home before it was demolished earlier this month. The case drew attention to Israel's policy of punitive demolitions, which Israel says are needed to deter attacks but which human rights groups say amounts to collective punishment.

The Prisoners Club, an organization representing the thousands of Palestinians imprisoned by Israel, said 45 students were detained Wednesday but that 12 were later released. It condemned the arrests, saying that the detention of students infringes on their right to pursue an education.

KSrelief Distributes Humanitarian Aid in Sudan, Yemen

Photo by SPA
Photo by SPA

KSrelief Distributes Humanitarian Aid in Sudan, Yemen

Photo by SPA
Photo by SPA

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) distributed 3,950 food baskets in Shabwa Governorate, Yemen, benefiting 23,700 individuals. This distribution is part of the fifth phase of KSrelief's project to provide food aid to those affected by the crisis in Yemen.

The center also distributed on Thursday 575 shelter kits and 800 personal hygiene kits to displaced families in Khartoum State, Sudan, benefiting 4,600 individuals. This distribution is part of a project to provide urgent shelter assistance to Sudan in 2024.
These efforts are part of a series of relief and humanitarian projects implemented by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through KSrelief to aid the Sudanese and Yemeni.