Hamas Shoots Dead Palestinian for Failing to Stop at Checkpoint

A photo of the destruction caused by an explosion in an apartment in Gaza last Thursday. (dpa)
A photo of the destruction caused by an explosion in an apartment in Gaza last Thursday. (dpa)

Hamas Shoots Dead Palestinian for Failing to Stop at Checkpoint

A photo of the destruction caused by an explosion in an apartment in Gaza last Thursday. (dpa)
A photo of the destruction caused by an explosion in an apartment in Gaza last Thursday. (dpa)

Hamas security forces shot dead a Palestinian citizen, who had failed to stop at a checkpoint east of Gaza City.

Militants from the Izzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ armed wing, fired shots at three citizens who were traveling in a civilian vehicle near the Tuffah neighborhood. One of the passengers was killed and the other two wounded.

“Late Friday evening, a speeding vehicle entered one of the checkpoints of the Hama Al-Thoghour forces in the eastern border area of Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza City,” Hamas’ interior ministry said in a statement about the shooting.

“The security forces suspected the vehicle of suspicious activity, and they signaled to the driver to stop, but he refused and continued moving at a very high speed.”

“Two shots were fired at the vehicle, but it did not stop, and it fled,” the statement pointed out, acknowledging that one of the passengers had been injured.

A Hamas interior ministry spokesman, Iyad Al-Bazm, stated that the injured Palestinian later died of his wounds after he was transferred to Shifa Hospital, while two other people who were inside the vehicle were kept in custody.

Also, the ministry announced it had opened an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

The development comes days after an explosion at an apartment near a popular Gaza market killed a Palestinian and injured 10 others. Human rights groups are demanding the opening of serious and transparent investigations into such incidents.

Two days ago, the head of the follow-up to government work of Hamas in Gaza, a member of the movement’s political bureau, Issam Al-Dalis, announced the start of a “professional” investigation into the circumstances of the Zawiya market explosion.

Barzani in Baghdad for ‘Decisive Settlement’ after ‘Exceptional Welcome'

Baghdad shows great interest in Barzani’s visit (government media)
Baghdad shows great interest in Barzani’s visit (government media)

Barzani in Baghdad for ‘Decisive Settlement’ after ‘Exceptional Welcome'

Baghdad shows great interest in Barzani’s visit (government media)
Baghdad shows great interest in Barzani’s visit (government media)

The Iraqi government and the Coordination Framework parties welcomed the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, with an exceptional reception, as shown in photos published by official websites.
Barzani arrived in Baghdad, ending a 6-year rupture imposed by the deep disputes between Erbil and the federal government, over a wide range of fundamental matters.
At the beginning of his visit, Barzani met with Prime Minister Mohammad al-Sudani, before holding talks with a large number of officials and leaders of political parties and blocs.
“My visit to Baghdad aims to strengthen the efforts made by the Prime Minister which led to a real breakthrough between the federal government and the region,” he said during his meeting with Sudani and other Iraqi officials.
He pointed to “constructive” dialogue and “identical views” regarding internal and regional issues.
For his part, Sudani emphasized the importance of Barzani’s visit to Baghdad.
“We held a constructive and purposeful dialogue on various internal issues and regional developments,” he stated.
Barzani also met with the head of the Judicial Council. A press statement said the two officials “discussed important legal and judicial files related to developing the work of the judiciary in the Kurdistan region.”
Later on Wednesday, the Iraqi prime minister threw a banquet in honor of Barzani, a government statement said. Footage published by government media showed the presence of prominent leaders in the Coordination Framework, including Nouri al-Maliki and Ammar al-Hakim.
For its part, the Coordination Framework welcomed Barzani’s visit. Coalition member Ayed Al-Hilali said that the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party came to Baghdad carrying “many solutions,” local media reported.
“Barzani’s visit at this time is very important for resolving the outstanding problems between Baghdad and Erbil... and for bringing viewpoints closer on many disputed issues,” he remarked.
Relations between Baghdad and Erbil have witnessed relative improvement since May, when the Federal Court overturned a previous ruling to abolish the “quota” for minorities in the regional parliament elections and paved the way for the return of the Kurdistan Democratic Party to the electoral race.
Meanwhile, the media advisor to the leader of the Democratic Party, Kifah Mahmoud, stressed that the relationship between Erbil and Baghdad was never interrupted, as mutual visits between the two sides took place throughout this period.
However, he told Asharq Al-Awsat: “The relationship was marred by serious complications that reached their peak after Baghdad used the armed forces in the political conflict with the region, as happened in the invasion of Kirkuk and the rest of the disputed areas in 2017.”
Mahmoud agreed that Barzani’s visit would constitute a “decisive settlement” by the Kurdish leader with the political officials in Baghdad, and would pave the way for addressing outstanding problems regarding the Nineveh Provincial Council, regional elections and security conditions.