US Announces $165 Million Humanitarian Aid to Yemen

A child in a camp for the displaced on the outskirts of Sanaa. (EPA)
A child in a camp for the displaced on the outskirts of Sanaa. (EPA)

US Announces $165 Million Humanitarian Aid to Yemen

A child in a camp for the displaced on the outskirts of Sanaa. (EPA)
A child in a camp for the displaced on the outskirts of Sanaa. (EPA)

The United States on Monday announced an additional $165 million in humanitarian aid for Yemen, as the war-ravaged country continues to face what the UN calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

“The US is announcing today $165 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Yemen,” said Tim Lenderking, US special envoy for Yemen.

“We believe that taking immediate steps to mitigate the humanitarian crisis and save lives can contribute to progress on the peace process,” he told a virtual press conference.

Lenderking said that the aid will be provided through the USAID, which has resumed operations regions held by the Iran-backed Houthi militias that had previously hindered the agency’s operations.

“We’re supporting efforts to prevent famine, which has again become a very real threat,” he continued.

Five million Yemenis are on the brink of famine, and some 50,000 people live in famine-like conditions -- the first time such critical levels of hunger have been reached in two years, according to the UN World Food Program.

The UN has warned that famine could become part of Yemen’s “reality” this year.

A donor conference earlier this year raised $1.7 billion in aid for the country -- just half its target.

Lenderking has paid several visits to the region since his appointment earlier this year. He is working closely with the UN envoy to reach a political solution to the conflict.

UN reports have said that the violence witnessed in Yemen by the Houthis has cost the lives of at least 233,000 people, left millions on the brink of famine and led to a massive humanitarian crisis.

At least 400,000 Yemeni children under 5 could die of starvation this year without urgent intervention amid soaring rates of severe malnutrition, several UN agencies warned.

The agencies projected a 22 percent increase in severe acute malnutrition among children under 5 in Yemen, compared to 2020.

“Obviously, the US can’t do this alone so other donors, particularly regional donors, must step up their contributions,” said Lenderking.

“I think that over time and as the military situation remains stalemated, that the Houthis will be more willing to negotiate,” he added.

In March, Saudi Arabia proposed a nationwide ceasefire, but the Houthis turned down the suggestion and demanded instead ending the blockade on the country’s ports and Sanaa International Airport.

Canada Urges Citizens to Leave Lebanon Citing Unpredictable Security Situation

 Smoke rises from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam, amid ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as pictured from the town of Qlayaa, southern Lebanon June 25, 2024. (Reuters)
Smoke rises from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam, amid ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as pictured from the town of Qlayaa, southern Lebanon June 25, 2024. (Reuters)

Canada Urges Citizens to Leave Lebanon Citing Unpredictable Security Situation

 Smoke rises from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam, amid ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as pictured from the town of Qlayaa, southern Lebanon June 25, 2024. (Reuters)
Smoke rises from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam, amid ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as pictured from the town of Qlayaa, southern Lebanon June 25, 2024. (Reuters)

Canada on Tuesday reiterated a call for its citizens to leave Lebanon while they can, saying the security situation in the country was becoming increasingly volatile and unpredictable due to the conflict between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah.

"My message to Canadians has been clear since the beginning of the crisis in the Middle East: it is not the time to travel to Lebanon. And for Canadians currently in Lebanon, it is time to leave, while commercial flights remain available," Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said in a statement.