Saudi Arabia Issues Travel Ban for Violators of Anti-Commercial Fraud Law

Saudi Arabia moves to prevent violators of anti-commercial fraud law from traveling. (SPA)
Saudi Arabia moves to prevent violators of anti-commercial fraud law from traveling. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Issues Travel Ban for Violators of Anti-Commercial Fraud Law

Saudi Arabia moves to prevent violators of anti-commercial fraud law from traveling. (SPA)
Saudi Arabia moves to prevent violators of anti-commercial fraud law from traveling. (SPA)

Saudi authorities allowed the Public Prosecution to issue a travel ban against the violators of the provisions of the anti-commercial fraud law until the final verdict is issued in the case.

Sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that the top authorities directed the Ministry of Interior to deport any non-Saudi convicted of committing any violations stipulated in Article Two of the law and bar them from entering the country again.

The government recently issued amended articles of the law adopted in the Kingdom allowing the Public Prosecution to issue a travel ban against any violator.

The cabinet had reviewed a recommendation prepared by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs. After considering the Shura Council’s decision and the recommendation of the Council’s General Committee, it issued approval to amend Article 23 of the system to comply with the state’s directions and combat violators of the law.

Judicial officers search and investigate the reports and then withdraw samples of the products in question for examination and analysis and issue a statement.

They can also enter and inspect facilities, storage places, and vehicles to investigate the violation and ultimately destroy the product.

Fines against violators of the law can reach $266,000 or imprisonment for a period of up to 3 years or both.

The Ministry of Commerce stressed its aim to protect consumer rights and apply legal penalties to establishments that violate the law.

It urged all consumers to submit their reports about violating facilities through the application of a “commercial fraud notification” or the Call Center at 1900 or the Ministry's official website.

Saudi Arabia, US Discuss Supporting Growth of Digital Economy in the Region

The Saudi Minister of Communications and Information  met in Washington with the US Secretary of Commerce. SPA
The Saudi Minister of Communications and Information met in Washington with the US Secretary of Commerce. SPA

Saudi Arabia, US Discuss Supporting Growth of Digital Economy in the Region

The Saudi Minister of Communications and Information  met in Washington with the US Secretary of Commerce. SPA
The Saudi Minister of Communications and Information met in Washington with the US Secretary of Commerce. SPA

Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology Eng. Abdullah bin Amer Al-Sawah has met in Washington with the US Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo.

Friday’s meeting was attended by Princess Reema bint Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, the Saudi Ambassador to the US.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed strengthening the strategic partnership between the Kingdom and the US to support the growth of the digital economy in the region, as Saudi Arabia is a pivotal hub for technology and innovation.

They also discussed the acceleration of the growth of modern technologies to serve scientific and technical progress in various sectors, highlighting the expanding investment opportunities in the digital economy between the two countries.

Al-Sawah also held separate talks with White House officials.

Al-Sawah met with deputy national security advisor for cyber and emerging technology Anne Neuberger to discuss enhancing partnerships in the fifth- and sixth-generation technologies.
The minister also met with special presidential coordinator for global infrastructure and energy security Amos Hochstein and National Security Council Middle East and North Africa coordinator Brett McGurk to discuss cooperation in digital economy and innovation.
At a separate meeting with Chirag Parikh, the executive secretary of the White House National Space Council, Al-Sawah discussed joint investments in space economies and technologies and developing national talents.