First Group of Female Saudi Soldiers Graduates

The graduation ceremony of the first batch of women cadres in the Saudi Armed Forces (SPA)
The graduation ceremony of the first batch of women cadres in the Saudi Armed Forces (SPA)

First Group of Female Saudi Soldiers Graduates

The graduation ceremony of the first batch of women cadres in the Saudi Armed Forces (SPA)
The graduation ceremony of the first batch of women cadres in the Saudi Armed Forces (SPA)

The first group of female Saudi soldiers graduated from the Armed Forces Women’s Cadre Training Center on Wednesday, after completing 14 weeks of basic training that kicked off on April 30.

In his speech during the ceremony, Maj. Gen. Adel Al-Balawi, the head of the Armed Forces Education and Training Authority, said: “The center has an important mission, which focuses on providing excellent training programs and curricula and an ideal learning environment."

"It does so in line with international quality standards that meet the needs of female recruits. This aims to improve overall performance, which will help achieve the ministry’s objectives in the future," he added.

Chief of Staff Gen. Fayyad bin Hamed Al-Ruwaili and Director of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces Maj. Gen. Hamid Al-Omari also attended the ceremony, in addition to a number of senior officers.

Notably, the Kingdom made military recruitment available to women in February this year.

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed on Tuesday the Kingdom’s condemnation of the terrorist attacks on places of worship in Dagestan, Russia, which resulted in the death and injury of several security personnel and civilians.

The ministry stressed the Kingdom's rejection of all forms of terrorism, extremism and targeting of civilians.

The Kingdom offered sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and the government and people of Russia and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

The Muslim World League (MWL) also condemned the attacks, saying they violate religious values, international and humanitarian laws, and social norms.  

The league reiterated its firm stance in rejecting and condemning violence and terrorism in all forms and motives for attacks.