Saudi Arabia's Royal Institute of Traditional Arts Kicks Off Educational Programs

Saudi Arabia's Royal Institute of Traditional Arts Kicks Off Educational Programs

Saudi Arabia's Royal Institute of Traditional Arts Kicks Off Educational Programs

Saudi Arabia's Royal Institute of Traditional Arts Kicks Off Educational Programs

The Royal Institute of Traditional Arts (RITA) in Saudi Arabia has kicked off its executive programs aimed at providing an innovative environment to develop potentials in Saudi traditional arts through educational, cultural, and social programs.

The institute's goal is to emphasize the national identity by enriching and promoting the traditional arts, in addition to motivating and training local skills and talents, and providing educational programs in this field.

The institute seeks to contribute to preserving the tangible and intangible assets of traditional arts, raising the level of awareness in the kingdom, promoting these arts locally and globally, and encouraging and supporting the efforts made to maintain them.

RITA has divided its educational programs into three categories: student programs, academic programs, and short courses. It offers many art-related majors including traditional visual arts, textiles and fashion, materials, construction, and books, in addition to studies in traditional performance arts such as popular dance and traditional music, as well as studies of museums, heritage, and antiquities.

In the first phase, the institute launched several courses to teach traditional arts including palm leaf weaving, one of the most popular arts in Saudi Arabia. It shed lights on how Saudis inhabiting agricultural regions adapted to their environment and improved their skills. Palm leaves are used to make chains and other products locals use in their daily lives.

It also plans to launch a course to teach "Al Sadu" weaving, an old Saudi art known with its catching colors and geometric patterns widely seen in tent embroidery. Al Sadu is usually weaved by assorting wool, lint, and animal hair into threads using a loom.

The institute will also provide a general course about UNESCO, its goals and missions, in addition to explaining its different conventions and programs aimed at supporting culture, including the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), and the 1972 World Heritage Convention. The course will enable the participants to study the Kingdom's cultural landmarks enlisted as "UNESCO's Intangible Heritage," in addition to the Saudi sites included in the agency's World Heritage List.

RITA plans to open several branches, but the biggest is located in "Al Murabba" neighborhood in Riyadh. The 3.350 square meters building includes 12 workshops, four classrooms, four ateliers, and a library.

Another large branch will be opened in Historic Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia, and will feature two workshops, three classrooms, and will recruit specialized technicians.

The King Salman Park is set to host the main campus as of 2025, which will feature four art academies, three cinema halls, an external theater, a cultural educational center, a national theater, and five specialized museums.

Saudi NCW Announces First Birth of Female Caracal at Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center

The Saudi National Center for Wildlife (NCW) announced the successful first birth of a female Caracal with two cubs at the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center in Taif. (SPA)
The Saudi National Center for Wildlife (NCW) announced the successful first birth of a female Caracal with two cubs at the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center in Taif. (SPA)

Saudi NCW Announces First Birth of Female Caracal at Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center

The Saudi National Center for Wildlife (NCW) announced the successful first birth of a female Caracal with two cubs at the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center in Taif. (SPA)
The Saudi National Center for Wildlife (NCW) announced the successful first birth of a female Caracal with two cubs at the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center in Taif. (SPA)

The Saudi National Center for Wildlife (NCW) announced on Thursday the successful first birth of a female Caracal with two cubs at the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center in Taif.

The remarkable achievement is a significant milestone in the center's breeding program, which was launched in 2022 with a nucleus of 16 individuals. The program aims to conserve and protect wildlife, maintain ecosystem balance, and enrich biodiversity, aligning with the National Environmental Strategy and the Saudi Green Initiative, as part of Saudi Vision 2030.

NCW has invested significant resources in upgrading and preparing the Caracal enclosures at the research center, which has led to a marked improvement in breeding and care programs for this majestic species.

"We are delighted to announce this milestone, which emphasizes the success of our efforts to rehabilitate ecosystems and enhance balance," said Dr. Mohammed Qurban, CEO of the National Center for Wildlife.

"This achievement is a testament to our commitment to conserving endangered species and expanding breeding programs, demonstrating our ongoing success in implementing ambitious environmental initiatives aimed at protecting biodiversity in the Kingdom and promoting best practices for environmental conservation within a comprehensive legislative framework," he added.

Dr. Qurban emphasized that NCW is dedicated to supporting efforts to breed and reintroduce endangered species into their natural habitats through specialized scientific programs and activities leveraging information technology in partnership with local and global experts.

The launch of breeding and reintroduction programs for local predators, including the lynx, coincides with the expansion of protected areas, providing suitable habitats for these creatures. The presence of predators in the wild ensures ecological balance, as they play a crucial role in maintaining food chains and contributing to the integrity of ecosystems.

The Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center in Taif is one of the research centers under the National Center for Wildlife, established in 1986 to breed and reintroduce local endangered species into their natural habitats and monitor their post-release progress.

The research center is home to eight breeding programs, including those for the Asina Houbara, Arabian oryx, Common Ostrich, Arabian leopard, Arabian Mountain gazelle, Nubian ibex, Caracal, and Arabian hare.