Lebanon’s Crisis Pushes Mental Health Services to the Limit

Lifeline operators work at Embrace mental health center in Beirut, Lebanon September 10, 2021. Picture taken September 10, 2021. (Reuters)
Lifeline operators work at Embrace mental health center in Beirut, Lebanon September 10, 2021. Picture taken September 10, 2021. (Reuters)

Lebanon’s Crisis Pushes Mental Health Services to the Limit

Lifeline operators work at Embrace mental health center in Beirut, Lebanon September 10, 2021. Picture taken September 10, 2021. (Reuters)
Lifeline operators work at Embrace mental health center in Beirut, Lebanon September 10, 2021. Picture taken September 10, 2021. (Reuters)

Lebanese psychologist Bernard Sousse started offering online therapy sessions when patients said surging fuel prices meant they could no longer drive in to see him - but then the power cuts began.

Five minutes into one recent virtual session, the back-up generator in Sousse’s building sputtered out, plunging him into darkness and cutting off his patient in mid flow.

Lebanon’s economic collapse, COVID-19 and a huge explosion in Beirut last year have taken a heavy toll on people’s mental health - piling pressure on support services that are struggling to operate normally due to the country’s multiple woes.

“You have to wait for the electricity to come back on, and in the meantime make up for it with a few WhatsApp messages to finish off the idea,” Sousse said.

“It’s extremely disruptive and makes sessions less effective at a time of dire need.”

Many Lebanese are struggling with depression and burnout, but for many people therapy is out of reach as their incomes shrink, Sousse told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Lebanese lira has lost more than 90% of its value against the US dollar and inflation has ramped up prices across the board, with a therapy session now three times as expensive in local currency.

Besides the acute fuel shortages and regular power cuts, most psychiatric medications - from antidepressants to treatments for bipolar disorder - have been unavailable in pharmacies since March.

Distressed callers
Mental health providers have adapted as best they can, turning to technology or renewable energy sources.

When diesel shortages forced Lebanon’s only suicide helpline to limit its hours, operators secured funds for solar panels to make sure sudden blackouts would not cut off distressed callers, said Rabih Chammai, head of the National Mental Health Program, a state-sponsored body.

“We’re also rolling out an app called Step by Step - it’s a guided self-help program to help people with depression - which is timely with the coronavirus, the lack of fuel and the economic crisis,” Chammai said.

Instagram pages including @medonations and @medsforlebanon coordinate efforts to bring unavailable medications into Lebanon, and regularly feature requests for antidepressants and drugs used to treat anxiety.

New initiatives offering free or inexpensive online therapy sessions have popped up as more established NGOs struggle to meet the increase in demand.

Be Brave Beirut, a grassroots organization set up after the August 2020 explosion, offers free therapy with certified psychologists, as well as more informal sessions with a growing network of emotional support volunteers around the world.

They can be reached on LinkedIn or Instagram, sessions take place on WhatsApp - sometimes even by texting - and trainers hold online webinars to coach volunteers in psychological first aid and other methods.

Co-founder Bana Itani said the informal structure meant volunteers and beneficiaries could adapt to power cuts - “but if there’s an internet blackout, yes, of course we’d be in serious trouble”, she said.

Some parts of Lebanon have dealt with intermittent internet outages because transmission towers lack the fuel to operate, the country’s state internet provider Ogero has said.

Start-ups and stop-gaps
Another community initiative, Lebanon For You, said it was inundated with requests for free therapy sessions.

“People used to contact us just through direct messages. Now a lot of people contact me via WhatsApp, even at 11 pm, needing therapy sessions. They call, they use LinkedIn, Facebook - we didn’t see that kind of outreach before,” said co-founder Ghida Allam.

But as needs mushroom, capacities are shrinking: at least 13 of their network’s 40 psychologists have emigrated and others have taken time off to deal with their own burnout.

Chammai said such initiatives would only be a stop-gap for as long as the underlying causes of Lebanon’s mental health crisis persist.

“If you have a broken sidewalk and people are breaking their legs all the time by walking on it, do you ask whether you should treat people or fix the sidewalk? No, you do both,” he said.

For the country’s worn-down mental health carers, however, the focus is day-to-day survival, said Pia Zeinoun, vice president of Embrace, which runs the suicide helpline and a mental health center.

“We worked for years to remove barriers to treatment: the barrier of stigma by raising awareness - the barrier of money by giving free services, the barrier of distance by going online,” Zeinoun said.

“But the barriers of the nation just keep piling up - onto the people and onto us.”

UN Aid Workers Fear Same 'Spiral of Doom' in Lebanon as Gaza

Staff unload a medical aid shipment at the Beirut International Airport - AFP
Staff unload a medical aid shipment at the Beirut International Airport - AFP

UN Aid Workers Fear Same 'Spiral of Doom' in Lebanon as Gaza

Staff unload a medical aid shipment at the Beirut International Airport - AFP
Staff unload a medical aid shipment at the Beirut International Airport - AFP

UN officials voiced concern on Tuesday that the same methods of warfare used by Israel that caused high civilian casualties and widespread

destruction in Gaza are now being repeated in Lebanon, calling for action to avoid the same "spiral of doom".

Israeli forces have begun ground operations in the southwest of Lebanon, escalating a year-long conflict with the Iran-backed group Hezbollah that has killed over 1,000 people in the past two weeks and prompted the mass flight of over a million people.

In the Gaza Strip, nearly 42,000 Palestinians have been killed and most of the 2.3 million population displaced in the war since Oct. 7.

"It is in my mind, from the time I awake until the time I sleep, that we could go into the same sort of spiral of doom, and we need to do everything we can to stop that from happening in this particular crisis," World Food Program Country Director in Lebanon Matthew Hollingworth said in response to a question about parallels between the two conflicts.

"We need the world to be more impactful and able to make the arguments that this cannot go on," Hollingworth told a Geneva briefing by video link from Beirut.

Fears of a repeat of Gaza's upheaval are also shared by the Lebanese population and this explains why so many have fled so quickly, Hollingworth said after visiting displacement camps.

A World Health Organization official said at the same briefing that nine hospitals in Lebanon had been shut or partially shut - a pattern that has also occurred in Gaza.

Ian Clarke, WHO's Deputy Incident Manager for Lebanon, warned of disease outbreaks in Lebanon due to crowded conditions in displacement shelters and hospital closures as medics have fled Israel's assault.

The UN human rights office has previously said that Israeli forces may have repeatedly violated the laws of war in Gaza. Its spokesperson Jeremy Laurence said on Tuesday that the "same means and methods of warfare" are being used in Lebanon.