Shtayyeh Requests European Action to Salvage Two-State Solution

Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh meets Ireland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney.
Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh meets Ireland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney.

Shtayyeh Requests European Action to Salvage Two-State Solution

Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh meets Ireland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney.
Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh meets Ireland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh Thursday called on European countries to take concrete action to preserve the eroding two-state solution.

During a meeting with Ireland’s Foreign Minister, Simon Coveney, in Amman, Shtayyeh underscored the need for Europe to act to preserve the constantly eroding two-state solution, given the persistent Israeli colonial-settlement construction and intensifying acts of violations and “settler terrorism” against the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian PM reiterated the need for Europe to take a politically rewarding step and to exert pressure on Israel to halt colonial-settlement construction, daily intrusions on holy sites in Jerusalem, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians from Jerusalem, and lift the 14-year siege on the Gaza Strip.

His comments came after the Israeli forces on Thursday demolished a mosque in the town of Duma, south of the occupied West Bank town of Nablus.

Ghassan Daghlas, an official who monitors colonial settlements in the northern West Bank, told WAFA news agency that Israeli forces brought a bulldozer to the town and tore down a mosque, which has been attended by worshipers for the past two years.

He added that the occupation forces also demolished agricultural roads in the southern part of the town.

The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs slammed the mosque demolition as a clear act of aggression against Muslim holy sites and an act of provocation against Muslim sentiments.

Supreme Sharia judge of the Palestinian Authority Dr. Mahmoud al-Habash said the demolition represented a flagrant aggression against the Islamic religion, the Islamic faith, and the feelings of Muslims all over the world.

Also, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned the “open war of occupation against the Palestinian national and humanitarian presence in Area C.”

For its part, the Islamic Jihad movement said there is no way or means that can deter aggression and confront these crimes, except confrontation and resistance in all forms.

The demolition of the mosque came one day after Israeli forces demolished several houses in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Sudanese Army Airstrikes Kill Dozens in Darfur

Smoke rises in the sky over Khartoum following armed clashes that left dozens dead and injured (AFP)
Smoke rises in the sky over Khartoum following armed clashes that left dozens dead and injured (AFP)

Sudanese Army Airstrikes Kill Dozens in Darfur

Smoke rises in the sky over Khartoum following armed clashes that left dozens dead and injured (AFP)
Smoke rises in the sky over Khartoum following armed clashes that left dozens dead and injured (AFP)

More than 60 people have been killed and over 250 injured in airstrikes by the Sudanese military on the town of Kouma in North Darfur. This incident is being described by observers as one of the “largest massacres” of civilians since the conflict began.

Dozens more have died in separate attacks targeting the areas of Meilit, Wad Abu Saleh, and Um Duwain in Khartoum, with increasing calls for a ban on military flights by the Sudanese army.

Witnesses told Asharq Al-Awsat that the military targeted Kouma’s market on Friday morning, dropping explosive barrels that caused widespread destruction. Many victims were shopping at the bustling “Friday market,” and the death toll is expected to rise due to a lack of medical care for the injured.

The attacks are viewed as deliberate assaults on civilians, particularly since there were no Rapid Support Forces (RSF) present in the crowded market. Eyewitnesses described the scene as chaotic, with bodies scattered throughout the area.

In Meilit, airstrikes also targeted a wedding celebration, killing about 13 people and injuring others. Activists and eyewitnesses deny the presence of the RSF in these locations, despite military claims that air operations are directed at them.

Political and human rights groups have condemned the escalating airstrikes and called for an immediate ban on military flights in Darfur.

The Civil Democratic Forces Coordination (Tagadum) stated that the Kouma market attack was a severe violation against civilians, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries.

The group expressed concern about ongoing violations against civilians in Sudan and highlighted the need for international attention to protect innocent lives. They urged the warring parties to cease hostilities and engage in negotiations to end the conflict.