Lebanon: Aoun Says Keen on Best Ties With 'Brotherly Arab Countries'

President Michel Aoun meets with the ambassadors of Lebanon in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait (Lebanese Presidency)
President Michel Aoun meets with the ambassadors of Lebanon in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait (Lebanese Presidency)

Lebanon: Aoun Says Keen on Best Ties With 'Brotherly Arab Countries'

President Michel Aoun meets with the ambassadors of Lebanon in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait (Lebanese Presidency)
President Michel Aoun meets with the ambassadors of Lebanon in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait (Lebanese Presidency)

Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun said that efforts were underway to solve the crisis with the Gulf states out of keenness on “establishing the best relations with the brotherly Arab countries.”

Aoun's remarks came on Monday during his meeting with Lebanon’s Ambassadors to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Fawzi Kabbara and Milad Nammour and the chargé d’affaires of the Lebanese Embassy in Kuwait, Hadi Hashem.

The Lebanese presidency stated that efforts exerted by Aoun are “underway to address the situation that has arisen out of Lebanon’s keenness to establish the best relations with the brotherly Arab nations, especially Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states.”

In parallel, the Lebanese-Saudi Business Council expressed surprise at the “lack of initiatives by Lebanese officials to find solutions” to the crisis. The Council warned that Lebanon and the Lebanese communities residing in the Gulf will not be able to bear the “economic, financial and social repercussions” of such an approach.

In a special meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, the Council criticized “the failure of Lebanon's information minister to assume responsibility and resign, in order to pave the way for constructive and responsible dialogue with the Kingdom.”

In a statement recited by the Council head, Raouf Abu Zaki, it “regretted the persisting campaigns and negative stances.” It also criticized attempts to portray the concerned minister’s resignation as a derogation from sovereignty and national dignity, adding that “an apology and the cessation of hostile campaigns against it, as well as the restoration of the state’s sovereignty,” are all what the Gulf states demand.

The Council stressed that preserving national dignity is achieved “by ending corruption” and alleviating the sufferings of the citizens at the doors of hospitals, pharmacies, banks and gas stations, and addressing the economic collapse.”

It also reminded of “the contribution of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states to the reconstruction of Lebanon after the war, and to the role it played in saving it from successive crises.”

Iraq’s PMF Shaken by Leadership Changes

Abu Zeinab al-Lami (X)
Abu Zeinab al-Lami (X)

Iraq’s PMF Shaken by Leadership Changes

Abu Zeinab al-Lami (X)
Abu Zeinab al-Lami (X)

The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) have ousted Abu Zeinab al-Lami from his role as head of their security unit, a move that highlights his influential standing within the organization.

“The head of the PMF has removed Abu Zeinab al-Lami from his role as head of security and discipline directorate,” sources said Thursday.

“Ali al-Zaidi, deputy director of PMF security, has been appointed temporarily in his place,” they added.

Later Thursday, sources suggested the PMF rescinded al-Lami’s dismissal, which he reportedly contested.

Sources familiar with al-Lami’s role reveal that he made significant decisions without consulting PMF leader Falih al-Fayyadh or Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.

Despite the ongoing uncertainty, al-Lami’s dismissal has caused a major shake-up within the PMF, exposing internal and external loyalty conflicts among its factions, influenced heavily by Iran’s supreme leader.

Reports suggest al-Sudani issued the dismissal, but informed sources suggest it was orchestrated by Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, with the prime minister’s approval.

Sources speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat state that the dismissal stems from deep divisions between Kata’ib Hezbollah and Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, with the latter aiming to take full control of the PMF.

Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq reportedly seeks to remove PMF leader Falih al-Fayyadh and is angered by al-Lami’s alleged role in attacks on American restaurants in Baghdad.

Last May, three KFC restaurants, owned by American food chains, were bombed in protest against US support for Israel during its Gaza conflict with Palestinians.

Hussein Falah, also known as al-Lami, rose to prominence during Iraq’s October 2019 protests, where sources accused him of leading a sniper unit targeting demonstrators.

For several years, al-Lami has overseen security within the PMF, responsible for disciplining leaders who defy orders.

Apart from his PMF role, al-Lami is a senior figure in Kata’ib Hezbollah, designated a US terrorist organization. Washington has sanctioned him for alleged involvement in the October protests.

A Reuters report from late 2019 described al-Lami as “highly influential and widely feared,” with direct communication links to the late Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps leader Qassem Soleimani.