Protests Erupt against Haftar, Saif al-Islam's Run for President in Libya

People protest in Tripoli against Saif al-Islam and Haftar's run for president. (AFP)
People protest in Tripoli against Saif al-Islam and Haftar's run for president. (AFP)

Protests Erupt against Haftar, Saif al-Islam's Run for President in Libya

People protest in Tripoli against Saif al-Islam and Haftar's run for president. (AFP)
People protest in Tripoli against Saif al-Islam and Haftar's run for president. (AFP)

Protests erupted in the Libya capital Tripoli after the son of late ruler Moammar al-Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, and Libyan National Army (LNA) commander, Khalifa Haftar, announced their run for president.

The elections commission said 24 figures have submitted their candidacy for the country's top post. Three applications were rejected because they failed to meet the required criteria, while 1.2 million people have so far received their voter cards.

Speaker of the east-based parliament, Aguila Saleh, had also submitted his candidacy on Saturday.

Meanwhile, head of the Government of National Unity (GNU), Abdulhamid Dbeibeh criticized on Saturday the electoral law, saying it was "politically tailored" to certain figures in order to "deprive the Libyans from determining their own fate."

"Failure to amend the error will cost us dearly and will compound the suffering of the Libyans," he warned.

Separately, head of the High Council of State, Khalid al-Mishri, reiterated that he would be boycotting the elections, saying he would neither run in the polls or vote in them.

He revealed a proposal to hold the parliamentary elections in mid-February.

"We want elections to be held based on the constitution or a constitutional foundation," he said, while demanding guarantees against vote fraud.

He expressed his doubts that the presidential and parliamentary elections will be held on time on December 24 in line with the United Nations-led roadmap aimed at helping Libya end its crisis.

In submitting his candidacy on Saturday, Saleh, who is close to Haftar, said the time has run out for amending the electoral laws.

In Tripoli, people took to the streets to protest against Saif al-Islam and Haftar's run for the presidency.

They held banners that read: "Insisting on holding the presidential elections without the constitution is a call for civil war."

Another banner read: "No to military rule or war criminals."

Protesters trampled on posters of Saif al-Islam and Haftar, while other brandished the Libyan and Amazigh flags.

Sudanese Political Factions Meet in Cairo with Little Prospect of Peace

People fleeing the town of Singa, the capital of Sudan's southeastern Sennar state, arrive in Gedaref in the east of the war-torn country on July 2, 2024. (AFP)
People fleeing the town of Singa, the capital of Sudan's southeastern Sennar state, arrive in Gedaref in the east of the war-torn country on July 2, 2024. (AFP)

Sudanese Political Factions Meet in Cairo with Little Prospect of Peace

People fleeing the town of Singa, the capital of Sudan's southeastern Sennar state, arrive in Gedaref in the east of the war-torn country on July 2, 2024. (AFP)
People fleeing the town of Singa, the capital of Sudan's southeastern Sennar state, arrive in Gedaref in the east of the war-torn country on July 2, 2024. (AFP)

Rival Sudanese political factions formally attended reconciliation talks in Cairo on Saturday, the first since a conflict in the country began almost 15 months ago, but admitted there was little prospect of quickly ending the war.

During the conference the Democratic Bloc, which is aligned with the army, refused to hold joint sessions with Taqaddum faction, which it accuses of sympathizing with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Neither the army nor the RSF attended.

The war in Sudan, which erupted in April 2023, has forced almost 10 million people from their homes, sparked warnings of famine and waves of ethnically-driven violence.

The force this week swept through the state of Sennar, causing new displacement. In response, army head General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said the military would not negotiate with the RSF or its supporters.

"The stark deterioration in the humanitarian situation and the catastrophic consequences of this crisis, call on all of us to work to immediately and sustainably to stop military operations," said newly-appointed Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty.

Talks in Jeddah between the army and RSF that were sponsored by the United States and Saudi Arabia broke down at the end of last year.

Taqaddum is a coalition of pro-democracy parties, armed groups, and civil society that has called for an end to the war. The army-aligned Democratic Bloc includes several armed group leaders participating in the fighting.

While Egypt was able to wield its influence to assemble the group, the main attendees were seated at opposite sides of the hall at the conference's opening.

The two political factions agreed only to form a small subcommittee to come up with a final communique calling for an end to the war, which three Democratic Bloc leaders with forces fighting alongside the army did not sign.

"We told them [the Egyptians] not to have high ambitions for this meeting," Finance Minister Jibril Ibrahim told Reuters. He along with Darfur governor Minni Minawi and Sovereign Council deputy Malik Agar did not sign the communique.

"Given the situation on the ground, if we sit and eat and drink and laugh with the people who are allied and partners in the crimes that are happening we would be sending the wrong message to our citizens and to our soldiers," he said.

He added that an end to the war was not realistic without the withdrawal of the RSF from civilian areas, in line with an agreement signed in Jeddah last year.

Former Prime Minister and Taqaddum head Abdalla Hamdok rejected accusations that the coalition was linked to the RSF, saying he awaited the army's agreement to meet.

"A crisis this complicated and deep is not expected to end in one meeting... The lesson is for us to be patient and to build on anything positive that comes out of it," he told Reuters, echoing sentiments from diplomats at the meeting.

US Special Envoy Tom Perriello said he hoped momentum from Saturday's talks would carry on to another meeting called by the African Union next week, another of several overlapping initiatives.