Washington Restricts ‘Entities’ Helping Iran ‘Militarily’

 A fence surrounds the US Department of Commerce in Washington (Reuters)
A fence surrounds the US Department of Commerce in Washington (Reuters)

Washington Restricts ‘Entities’ Helping Iran ‘Militarily’

 A fence surrounds the US Department of Commerce in Washington (Reuters)
A fence surrounds the US Department of Commerce in Washington (Reuters)

The US Department of Commerce on Thursday blacklisted several trade companies for aiding Iran’s military programs and helping Tehran circumvent US sanctions.

A statement issued by the Commerce Department said that it was acting against entities operating in Georgia, Malaysia, and Turkey for diverting or attempting to divert US items to Iran’s military programs, according to Reuters.

The move against collaborators with Iran’s military programs coincided with the imposition of export restrictions on many Chinese companies for their role in suppressing the Uyghurs.

Meanwhile, former US officials and diplomats have called on the Biden administration to seriously consider military options to pressure Iran away from getting its hands on nuclear weapons, curb its military drone program and deter its destabilizing activities in the region.

Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman, a former US Senator, demanded that the Biden administration exists the Vienna negotiations, voicing his strong belief that it presents the best opportunity to counteract the impressions that we’re left with the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Speaking at an event organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Lieberman noted that the withdrawal from Afghanistan in the “chaotic” manner that it was done had sent a message to enemies, like China and others, that US might be dwindling.

Moreover, Lieberman accused Iran of weakening Lebanon and threatening regional stability and that standing against these actions is “consistent with the priority the US gives to democracy and human rights.”

He pointed to the Iranian regime’s continued targeting of minorities and terrorizing of people.

“How can you trust a regime this?” said Lieberman, wondering how the US can pursue negotiations with Iran in Vienna with all the atrocities its regime has committed.

“We have to change course toward Iran not only to limit its threats but also to use this opportunity to tell our friends and enemies that we’re willing to be tough,” said Lieberman.

“It’s time to stop this game they’re playing with us.”

Lieberman called for being prepared to have all other options on the table, including, if necessary, joining or supporting military activities by allies.

For his part, Ambassador Robert Joseph, former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, considered that the Biden administration seems to be paying a high price for a bad agreement.

He pointed out that millions of dollars returning to Tehran was a grave mistake and that Iran’s drone program was a reason for significant concern.

He accused Iran of using the negotiations in Vienna to buy time and continue its destruction.

“The correct decision, both politically and morally, is to support the people of Iran in their struggle for freedom and democracy,” said Joseph.

David Shedd, former Acting Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, noted that although talking with Iran was not something he opposes, the most crucial matter remains that the regime changes from within.

Attacker Wounds Policeman Guarding Israel's Embassy in Serbia before Being Shot Dead

Police officers block off traffic at an intersection close to the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)
Police officers block off traffic at an intersection close to the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Attacker Wounds Policeman Guarding Israel's Embassy in Serbia before Being Shot Dead

Police officers block off traffic at an intersection close to the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)
Police officers block off traffic at an intersection close to the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

An attacker with a crossbow wounded a Serbian police officer guarding the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade on Saturday, Serbia’s interior ministry said. The officer responded by fatally shooting the assailant.
Both Serbian and Israeli officials said that initial indications are that it was a terror-motivated attack.
Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said in a statement that the attacker fired a bolt at the officer, hitting him in the neck. He said the officer then "used a weapon in self-defense to shoot the attacker, who died as a result of his injuries.”
The policeman was conscious when he was transported to Belgrade's main emergency hospital, where an operation to remove the bolt from his neck will be performed, the statement added.

The policeman is in a life-threatening condition and is undergoing surgery, Serbian news agency Tanjug quoted Dacic as saying.
A spokesman with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “today there was an attempted terrorist attack in the vicinity of the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade.” The spokesman said the embassy is closed and no employee of the embassy was injured.
Dacic told reporters that “we are still talking about possible motives."
He added, however: “There are now all indications that the motives relate to terrorism. Because there is no other motive why someone would attack a gendarme outside the Israeli Embassy.”
He said one person was arrested near the scene of the shooting. Police are investigating a possible network and ties with foreign terrorist groups, he added.
The identity of the attacker was still being determined.
Authorities raised the security alert in Belgrade, including for foreign embassies and government buildings but also public places such as shopping malls and other busy areas.