Putin, Abbas Discuss Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, meet in Sochi in November. (EPA)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, meet in Sochi in November. (EPA)

Putin, Abbas Discuss Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, meet in Sochi in November. (EPA)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, meet in Sochi in November. (EPA)

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, discussed in a telephone call the latest Palestinian developments and the mechanisms for advancing the settlement in the Middle East.

A statement by the Kremlin said Putin and Abbas exchanged warm greetings on the upcoming New Year.

The two sides reiterated the need to resume constructive Palestinian-Israeli negotiations as soon as possible, under the auspices of the International Quartet.

A statement by the Palestinian presidency noted that Abbas also stressed the importance of Israel stopping all unilateral measures, such as settlements, confiscation of land, demolishing homes, expelling Palestinians from Jerusalem, abusing prisoners, holding the bodies of martyrs, and stopping settler terrorism.

Abbas emphasized that economic and security steps are not a substitute for political efforts.

Israel continues to stifle the Palestinian economy and deduct from the tax revenues, said Abbas, who warned that the Palestinians would take decisive decisions in this regard, especially as the Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is getting ready to convene an important meeting.

He reiterated the importance of starting political efforts based on United Nations resolutions and the importance of holding a meeting for the International Quartet at the ministerial level.

He had discussed this demand during his visit to Moscow last month.

Ahead of the visit, Russia stressed its aim to revive the work of the International Quartet.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed disappointment over the failure of "some parties" to accept the repeated Russian invitation to hold a meeting at the level of foreign ministers.

The committee, which includes Russia, the United States, the United Nations, and the European Union, had held three meetings via video conference and at the delegates' level in recent months.

However, Moscow stressed the need to organize a meeting at the ministerial level to advance the process and take decisions.

During Abbas' visit, Putin stressed that Russia's "firm position on the Palestinian issue has not changed."

He underlined his country's commitment to a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "based on the relevant international resolutions and within the framework of a just solution that achieves the interests of all parties."

"The Palestinian problem must be resolved following previous UN Security Council resolutions, on a just basis that takes into account the interests of all," he said, pledging to "continue to work towards achieving this goal, no matter how difficult it is."

Abbas had warned: "If the two-state solution is not implemented, there will be other alternatives, including going to a one-state solution for all Palestinian and Israeli citizens living on the land of historic Palestine, or returning to the partition resolution issued in 1947."

Palestinian sources said Abbas called on Moscow to pressure Israel to end the "unilateral actions," pointing out that the Palestinian officials welcome any expansion of Russia's role.

Israeli Military Says 3 Hostages Recovered Months Ago Were Likely Killed in November Airstrike

14 September 2024, Palestinian Territories, Gaza: Palestinians inspect their destroyed homes after the Israeli aircraft targeted an entire residential block in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in western Gaza. (dpa)
14 September 2024, Palestinian Territories, Gaza: Palestinians inspect their destroyed homes after the Israeli aircraft targeted an entire residential block in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in western Gaza. (dpa)

Israeli Military Says 3 Hostages Recovered Months Ago Were Likely Killed in November Airstrike

14 September 2024, Palestinian Territories, Gaza: Palestinians inspect their destroyed homes after the Israeli aircraft targeted an entire residential block in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in western Gaza. (dpa)
14 September 2024, Palestinian Territories, Gaza: Palestinians inspect their destroyed homes after the Israeli aircraft targeted an entire residential block in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in western Gaza. (dpa)

The Israeli military says there is a “high probability” that three hostages found dead months ago were killed in an Israeli airstrike.

The army on Sunday announced the conclusions of its investigation into the deaths of Cpl. Nik Beizer, Sgt. Ron Sherman and Elia Toledano.

It said investigations had determined that the three were likely killed in a November airstrike that also killed a senior Hamas member, Ahmed Ghandour.

All three of the hostages were kidnapped in Hamas' Oct. 7 attack. Their bodies were recovered in December, but the cause of death was only recently determined.

In its report, the army said there was a “high probability” they were killed in the strike, based on where the bodies were recovered, pathological reports and other intelligence. But it said, "it is not possible to definitely determine the circumstances of their deaths."

The conclusions could add pressure on the government to strike a deal to bring home the remaining hostages held by Hamas. Critics say it is too difficult and dangerous to try to rescue them.