EU Says Won’t Contribute to Syria’s Reconstruction Without Genuine Political Transition

The European Union has already spent $1.1 billion in Syria. (AFP)
The European Union has already spent $1.1 billion in Syria. (AFP)

EU Says Won’t Contribute to Syria’s Reconstruction Without Genuine Political Transition

The European Union has already spent $1.1 billion in Syria. (AFP)
The European Union has already spent $1.1 billion in Syria. (AFP)

The European Union said it will be ready to assist in the reconstruction of Syria only when a comprehensive, genuine and inclusive political transition is firmly under way.

It recalled that a sustainable solution to the conflict requires a genuine, inclusive political transition in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254 and the 2012 Geneva communique negotiated by the Syrian parties within the UN-led Geneva process, with the full, equal and meaningful participation of women.

“The conflict in Syria has endured for more than a decade. The EU remains committed to the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian state,” it said in a report published on Thursday.

“The EU wholeheartedly supports the efforts of UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen to advance on all aspects of UNSCR 2254, including on the issues of detainees and missing persons at the hands of the regime, and the establishment of a safe and neutral environment in order for free and fair elections to be held under UN supervision.”

It called on all participants, particularly the Syrian regime, to engage in good faith in the political process, including the Constitutional Committee.

The EU has responded positively to the UNSE’s initiative for a ‘steps-for-steps’ approach to help move the political process forward.

According to some estimates, up to 1,500 civilians have been killed in Syria in 2021 alone, as a direct result of the conflict.

“Continued hostilities across Syria, provoked by various actors, render ordinary life impossible for the civilian population,” the report warned.

It urged parties of the conflict to uphold the ceasefire agreed in March 2020 in the northwest without reserve.

It once again echoed the calls made by the UN Security Council for the implementation of a nationwide ceasefire.

“Civilians must be protected at all times and attacks on civilian objects, including hospitals, must cease,” it stressed.

The EU further underlined the importance of accountability and justice for victims for a stable, peaceful Syria, based on a credible, inclusive and viable political solution in accordance with UNSCR 2254.

“In the absence of international justice, the prosecution of war crimes under national jurisdiction where possible, now under way in several EU member states, represents an important contribution towards securing justice.”

It added that it will continue to support efforts to gather evidence with a view to future legal action, including by the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism for Syria, and the work of the Commission of Inquiry.

It stressed the need to address the underlying causes of the refugee and displacement crisis - 5.6 million Syrians are registered as refugees and another 6.7 million people displaced within Syria - under UNSCR 2254.

According to the report, the EU continues to warn against any further displacements in any part of Syria, as well as against the potential exploitation of such displacements for the purposes of social and demographic engineering.

Humanitarian needs in Syria continue to increase from 11 million in need of humanitarian assistance in 2020 to 14 million people at present.

The EU and its member states are the largest donor. They have provided 25 billion euros to meet the needs arising from the crisis over the last decade.

“We will continue to demonstrate solidarity with the Syrian people and call on the international community to increase their commitments,” said the EU.

Lebanon Joins Middle East Green Initiative

 Prime Minister Najib Mikati sits between Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan and Environment Minister Nasser Yassin during the announcement (Office of the Prime Minister)
 Prime Minister Najib Mikati sits between Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan and Environment Minister Nasser Yassin during the announcement (Office of the Prime Minister)

Lebanon Joins Middle East Green Initiative

 Prime Minister Najib Mikati sits between Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan and Environment Minister Nasser Yassin during the announcement (Office of the Prime Minister)
 Prime Minister Najib Mikati sits between Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan and Environment Minister Nasser Yassin during the announcement (Office of the Prime Minister)

Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister announced that the country has joined the Middle East Green Initiative, launched by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to mitigate the impact of climate change on the region.

“This is an essential step for Lebanon, especially since our southern villages and towns have been exposed to significant environmental and agricultural damage due to Israeli attacks, which requires cooperation with all of Lebanon's friends,” a statement released by the Lebanese Council of Ministers quoted Mikati as saying.

Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan welcomed Lebanon’s participation in the initiative, confirming that a high committee has been established to ensure the project’s sustainability and facilitate relevant cooperation.

He noted that the timing of the announcement “comes in light of the continued Israeli attacks on Lebanon, and this matter must be drawn to attention, especially since Israel is destroying very large areas, whether agricultural lands, fruit trees or forests.”

Environment Minister Nasser Yassin said that the Middle East Green Initiative has very important goals to plant 40 billion trees across the region and protect the Gulf and the Middle East from climate change, stop land degradation and desertification and find the means to adapt to future challenges.

The Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture estimates that more than 2.8 million square meters of forest and agricultural land were completely burned, while about 6.7 million square meters of agricultural and forest land were partially damaged as a result of Israel’s attacks and its use of internationally-banned incendiary munitions.