Israel Non-committal amid US Pressure over Palestinian’s Death

Men stand next to a poster of Palestinian Omar Abdalmajeed As'ad, in Jiljilya village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, January 12, 2022. (Reuters)
Men stand next to a poster of Palestinian Omar Abdalmajeed As'ad, in Jiljilya village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, January 12, 2022. (Reuters)

Israel Non-committal amid US Pressure over Palestinian’s Death

Men stand next to a poster of Palestinian Omar Abdalmajeed As'ad, in Jiljilya village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, January 12, 2022. (Reuters)
Men stand next to a poster of Palestinian Omar Abdalmajeed As'ad, in Jiljilya village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, January 12, 2022. (Reuters)

An Israeli general said on Wednesday it would be foolish to speculate on whether troops might be prosecuted over the death of an elderly Palestinian-American they detained, a case in which Washington has called for "full accountability."

After reprimanding a battalion commander and dismissing two officers involved in the Jan. 12 death of Omar Abdalmajeed As'ad, 78, the military said its police were looking into the possibility of pressing charges too.

When and if that might happen remains unclear.

A spokesman for the Israeli military said the investigation continues while the chief of its forces in the occupied West Bank, where the death occurred, declined to speculate on the outcome.

"It would be so stupid of me to try to assume or guess," Major-General Yehuda Fuchs told reporters, adding that he was - per procedure - not privy to that probe.

On Tuesday a State Department spokesman said Washington continued to be "deeply concerned," and expected "a thorough criminal investigation and full accountability."

Israel's top general and defense minister have voiced regret at the conduct of the three officers, whom the military accused of "moral failure and poor decision-making" for leaving As'ad supine and unresponsive in a courtyard of his West Bank hometown of Jiljilya.

Such public Israeli censure at the death of a Palestinian has been unusual. But, Fuchs said, "this has nothing to do with the fact he (As'ad) was American."

A Palestinian autopsy found that As'ad, who had a history of heart problems, had suffered cardiac arrest. Palestinian officials attributed this to him having been manhandled.

Fuchs deemed the incident "shameful" and said As'ad, who was intercepted in his car, should not have been detained.

But he also backed the troops' accounts, saying As'ad had been subjected only to the force required to subdue him. Thinking As'ad had fallen asleep, troops untied his hands and left, Fuchs said.

Asked if it was reasonable to believe an elderly man could sleep, bound, on the ground, in the middle of a winter night, while under guard, Fuchs responded: "I think I could."

Russia Asks Iranian Militias to Leave Vicinity of Syria’s Deir Ezzor Military Airport

The “National Defense” militia evacuates its headquarters in al-Mayadeen. (Deir Ezzor 24)
The “National Defense” militia evacuates its headquarters in al-Mayadeen. (Deir Ezzor 24)

Russia Asks Iranian Militias to Leave Vicinity of Syria’s Deir Ezzor Military Airport

The “National Defense” militia evacuates its headquarters in al-Mayadeen. (Deir Ezzor 24)
The “National Defense” militia evacuates its headquarters in al-Mayadeen. (Deir Ezzor 24)

Russia has asked the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) to demand from its militias to leave their headquarters that are located in the vicinity of the Deir Ezzor military airport, as well as other areas in Deir Ezzor city in Syria’s east.

The representative of Russian forces deployed in Syria met with an IRGC representative in Deir Ezzor on Friday to make the demand, said local media sources.

According to the Deir Ezzor 24 outlet, the Russian general called on the IRGC to empty all Iranian positions located near the airport and other significant buildings nearby.

Days earlier, Damascus, with Russian backing, had reined in the activities of the Iran- and Hezbollah-aligned militias to avoid any Israeli strikes.

Local sources in Deir Ezzor told Asharq Al-Awsat that Damascus’ orders have shaken the “trust” between the Iranian and Lebanese militia leaders with the Syrian members of these militias. The leaderships have since ordered raids on homes of members believed to have leaked security information to foes.

Israel has been striking Hezbollah positions throughout Lebanon during its war against the country and Damascus fears Tel Aviv could expand its campaign to Syrian territories. Israel already carries out attacks against Iranian locations in Syria in an attempt to prevent Tehran’s entrenchment.

Separately, the sources said relations have grown strained between Hezbollah’s Lebanese members and Syrian government forces. They revealed that quarrels have broken out between Hezbollah members, tasked with transferring displaced Lebanese families to Iraq through Deir Ezzor, with government forces manning checkpoints.

The Hezbollah members believe that Damascus has “let them down” amid a growing hostility towards Iran among even civilians who support Iran.

People who have habitually supported Iran have grown fed up with its presence and the institutions it set up with the aim of creating a supportive cultural and educational foundation for it in Deir Ezzor.

Moreover, over 20 members of a pro-IRGC militia in the Alboukamal region fled towards regions held by the Syrian Democratic Forces, said the Nahr Media network on Friday.

They fled because they feared being targeted in an Israeli strike, it explained.

In Alboukamal, the network said the so-called “Iranian security office” raided an Iranian militia building, arresting one of its members on charges of leaking information to “hostile parties.”