Egypt Eyes Bread Subsidy Overhaul as Global Inflation Bites

Egypt is considering replacing the popular bread subsidy with cash payments to the poor to protect the budget from a sharp rise in international wheat prices (Reuters)
Egypt is considering replacing the popular bread subsidy with cash payments to the poor to protect the budget from a sharp rise in international wheat prices (Reuters)

Egypt Eyes Bread Subsidy Overhaul as Global Inflation Bites

Egypt is considering replacing the popular bread subsidy with cash payments to the poor to protect the budget from a sharp rise in international wheat prices (Reuters)
Egypt is considering replacing the popular bread subsidy with cash payments to the poor to protect the budget from a sharp rise in international wheat prices (Reuters)

Egypt is considering replacing a popular bread subsidy with cash payments for the poor to protect the budget from soaring global wheat prices, but domestic inflation could make the government opt for a less ambitious reform.

Under the existing program, more than 60 million Egyptians, or nearly two thirds of the population, get five loaves of round bread daily for 50 cents a month, little changed since countrywide “bread riots” prevented a price hike in the 1970s.

The handout is a lifeline to the poor, but is widely criticized as wasteful. High global prices for wheat, which Egypt imports on a vast scale, led President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to say last year that it was time to tackle the bread subsidy.

Ali Moselhy, the minister in charge of subsidies, told Reuters that inflation, which has climbed in recent months to 6% from 4% earlier in 2021, made it harder to replace the support for bread and other food with cash handouts.

“When inflation is stable, then you can introduce cash,” he said.

Moselhy has said he personally favors giving people money specifically to buy bread. Eligible Egyptians already get a monthly $3.20 voucher for other subsidised food.

However, he said a broader idea to introduce unconditional payments, favored by many economists as the most efficient welfare system, risked driving up prices by putting more cash into circulation at a time of rising inflation.

The government aims to draw up a plan for reformed food subsidies in time for March budget preparations, officials have recently said.

Moselhy said that for now, the government had not taken a decision on what to do, and was focused on improving the database of recipients, with the intention of “finding out who needs what.”

That could mean that any changes are more limited in nature, perhaps trimming the program through means testing, restricting how many people in a household are eligible, or increasing the price of subsidized bread.

Bassant Ibrahim, 36, a housewife living in Beheira, north-west of Cairo, said any such restrictions should not hurt families like hers, which relies on the subsidies to bolster her husband's $180-a-month teaching salary and feed four children.

"There are rich people with cards who you can sift out, but the poor shouldn't have to pay the price," said Ibrahim, who said the family daily ate the ten loaves of bread they received, sometimes finishing them by lunchtime.

Ahmed Mohamed, 24, a married gardener in Cairo with two children, said he could live without the government paying for his daily bread.

"There are other people who need it more than I do," he said.

However, Ahmed Darwish, a former minister who oversaw a transition to a smart subsidy card system in the early 2000s, said authorities would have to step carefully to reassure people that any changes will not leave them overly exposed.

"Until the government says that this subsidy would be increased with inflation, they have to comfort people," Darwish said.

Egypt’s Tourism Minister: We’ve Agreed on Future Initiatives with Saudi Arabia

A glimpse of the visit by the Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities and his accompanying delegation to the UNWTO office in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A glimpse of the visit by the Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities and his accompanying delegation to the UNWTO office in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Egypt’s Tourism Minister: We’ve Agreed on Future Initiatives with Saudi Arabia

A glimpse of the visit by the Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities and his accompanying delegation to the UNWTO office in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A glimpse of the visit by the Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities and his accompanying delegation to the UNWTO office in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Egyptian Tourism Minister Sherif Fathy told Asharq Al-Awsat that he and Saudi Tourism Minister Ahmed Al-Khateeb have agreed to collaborate on several tourism initiatives.

These include joint marketing efforts, shared tourism programs, environmental protection measures, and promoting specific types of tourism in the Red Sea.

Fathy recently visited Riyadh, where he met with Al-Khateeb and engaged with Saudi business leaders. They discussed ways to promote tourism between their countries and increase visitor exchanges.

During his visit to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) regional office in Riyadh, Fathy stated that the office’s presence in Saudi Arabia enhances the organization’s work in the region and improves communication with other countries.

He confirmed that they plan to develop and implement the agreed initiatives in the near future.

Fathy highlighted that the Middle East is a key player in global tourism and deserves a dedicated office to support all countries in the region. This effort aims to boost collaboration and promote the Middle East as a top destination for travelers.

Tourism, National Economy: A Path to Sustainable Growth

Samer Al-Kharashi, Director of the UNWTO regional office for the Middle East, stated that the office supports 13 countries in the region, with Egypt being a key member.

He highlighted that the recent visit by Egypt’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, who serves as Vice President of the regional committee, creates opportunities for collaboration.

This partnership aims to boost tourism’s role in the national economy, create jobs, and promote sustainable practices that protect the environment.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Kharashi emphasized the potential for cooperation with Egypt, which has a rich tourism history and many ancient sites. He noted that the regional office has the expertise to assist member countries.

Al-Kharashi expressed optimism about the discussions, which covered various opportunities for joint projects that would benefit both Egypt and the wider region.

Strengthening Bilateral Relations

Fathy’s visit to the UNWTO regional office aims to enhance bilateral relations, as Cairo actively seeks to develop its tourism sector through international collaboration.

During their meeting, Fathy and Al-Kharashi addressed key issues facing Egypt’s tourism sector, including challenges and growth opportunities. They explored future cooperation, particularly in tourism training, improving services, and increasing investments.

Egypt ranks first in Africa, fifth in the Middle East, and 63rd globally on the Travel and Tourism Development Index.

The UNWTO regional office in Riyadh is the first of its kind outside the organization’s headquarters, dedicated to supporting member states in the Middle East.

The office focuses on promoting tourism education, improving infrastructure, and fostering sustainable tourism while preserving the region’s cultural and environmental heritage.