Lebanon Holds Muted Hariri Assassination Commemoration

Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri gestures to his supporters after he paid his respects at the grave of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, on the 17th anniversary of his assassination in Beirut, Lebanon, Monday, Feb. 14, 2022. (AP)
Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri gestures to his supporters after he paid his respects at the grave of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, on the 17th anniversary of his assassination in Beirut, Lebanon, Monday, Feb. 14, 2022. (AP)

Lebanon Holds Muted Hariri Assassination Commemoration

Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri gestures to his supporters after he paid his respects at the grave of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, on the 17th anniversary of his assassination in Beirut, Lebanon, Monday, Feb. 14, 2022. (AP)
Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri gestures to his supporters after he paid his respects at the grave of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, on the 17th anniversary of his assassination in Beirut, Lebanon, Monday, Feb. 14, 2022. (AP)

In contrast to previous years, Lebanon held a muted commemoration of the anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri.

His son and former PM Saad Hariri, several political figures, officials and Mustaqbal supporters converged on the late premier's grave in downtown Beirut to commemorate him.

Commemorations in the past were an occasion for the Musatqbal movement to hold political rallies and assert its position in Lebanon. This changed after Saad announced last month that he was suspending his political career and that he will not take part in the parliamentary elections set for May.

He has since departed Lebanon, but returned to commemorate his father's memory.

In brief remarks to the media on Monday, he said: "The Mustaqbal supporters are free to participate in the elections."

Before departing downtown, he waved to the crowd and political delegations, who chanted support to him.

Since the early hours, civilians and political figures headed to the grave to pay their respects to Rafik Hariri, who was killed 17 years ago in a massive bombing in Beirut.

Among the officials were Prime Minister Najib Mikati, former PM Fuad Siniora, Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi, Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif al-Derian at the head of a large delegation of religious scholars,, and head of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt.

"We are demanded to persevere and we will," said Jumblatt.

Mikati tweeted: "Hariri's memory will be a shining beacon in the history of this nation due to the great efforts he exerted in all fields. He made a difference that cannot be erased or diminished by his absence."

"During this critical time, we will especially remember his wisdom and determination in confronting all challenges and hardships. May God rest is soul," he added.

Derian said: "The commemoration of the martyr lies in preserving his ethical and national legacy and continuing along the path that he paved throughout his time in power and outside it and until his final breath."

"On the anniversary of his martyrdom, we stress that we will continue on his path and commit to a united Lebanon in defense of its security, safety and dignity," he vowed.

Head of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea said Rafik Hariri's assassination "was an attempt to assassinate a Lebanese political project that the martyr embodied through his vast network of relations."

These relations "helped reconnect Lebanon to major capitals, returned it to the Arab and international map, helped extract the country from war and led it towards reconstruction."

The moment the "resistance axis [Hezbollah, Syria and Iran] realized that martyr Hariri's achievements will inevitably lead to the rise of the state and withdrawal of the Syrian army, it assassinated him out of its belief that his removal will destroy his project," he added.

"Hariri's blood, however, united the Lebanese, Christians and Muslims alike, around his project and they revolted in millions on March 14, 2005 against the Syrian army, in pursuit of a sovereign Lebanese state and this will remain," he added.

Experts Warn Floods to Continue to Impact Humanitarian Situation in Yemen

Yemen receives high levels of rainfall annually (AFP)
Yemen receives high levels of rainfall annually (AFP)

Experts Warn Floods to Continue to Impact Humanitarian Situation in Yemen

Yemen receives high levels of rainfall annually (AFP)
Yemen receives high levels of rainfall annually (AFP)

Although Yemen's rainy season nears its end, experts on Thursday warned of heavy showers in several areas across the country, nevertheless with a decrease in their frequency and intensity.

Heavy downpours in war-torn Yemen over the past weeks have triggered flash flooding and landslides, causing significant casualties and damages in properties and infrastructure.

On Tuesday, experts and meteorology centers forecast scattered rains on the easternmost province of Mahra, the western highlands in the provinces of Taiz, Ibb, Lahj, Rayma, Dhamar, Sanaa, Al Mahwit, Amran, Hajjah and Saada, as well as the western coast in the provinces of Hajjah, Hodeidah and Taiz, and the plains in the provinces of Abyan, Shabwa and Hadramaut.

In forecasts posted on social media, the experts warned of thunderclouds carrying huge amounts of rain, accompanied by hail, thunder and strong winds, urging residents to take the necessary precautions.

Since early this month, Yemen has witnessed a drop in rainfall. In July and August, Yemen experienced severe flooding due to prolonged heavy rainfall, fueled by unusual weather patterns. Numerous governorates across the nation were impacted, especially the governorates of Hodeidah and Al Mahwit.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) this week warned of a deepening humanitarian disaster in Yemen as ongoing floods, which began in March and intensified in July and August, continue to devastate multiple governorates.

The floods have displaced tens of thousands of families, destroyed vital infrastructure, and fueled the rapid spread of cholera.

Floods have severely impacted the governorates of Hodeidah, Hajjah, Marib, Saada, and Taiz, with nearly 268,000 individuals affected as of last month.

IRC warned that while rainfall has stopped in September, the risk of additional flash floods remains high due to already saturated ground and poor drainage systems.

Severe Impact of Floods

IRC said that floods have severely impacted the governorates of Hodeidah, Hajjah, Marib, Sadah, and Taiz, with nearly 268,000 individuals (38,285 families) affected as of last month, according to OCHA reports.

It said the heavy rains, expected to persist into September, have caused widespread destruction of homes, agricultural land, and infrastructure, further limiting access to food - an issue that more than 17 million Yemenis are already struggling with due to conflict, economic decline, and rising food prices, all exacerbated by the climate crisis.

In Taiz alone, an estimated 70 to 100% of agricultural land has been destroyed. While rainfall has stopped in September, the risk of additional flash floods remains high due to already saturated ground and poor drainage systems.

The IRC urgently called on the international community to scale up financial and logistical support to meet the immediate and long-term needs of those affected by this disaster. Without timely action, the situation in Yemen will continue to deteriorate, putting more lives at risk, it warned.

Rapid Spread of Cholera

“Yemen is facing a crisis on multiple fronts—ongoing conflict, severe flooding, and now a cholera outbreak that has been rapidly spreading across several governorates,” IRC’s Acting Country Director in Yemen, Isaiah Ogolla, said.

Ogolla said people’s lives are at immediate risk, and the destruction of water and sanitation facilities is likely to worsen the spread of the disease.

“In response, the IRC is launching emergency operations in the hardest-hit districts of Hajjah, Hodeidah, Al-Mahwit and Taiz, providing cash assistance to approximately 2,000 affected households,” he said.

The IRC acting country director noted that the initial phase will focus on addressing immediate needs, with further assessments planned to guide potential interventions in water and sanitation, such as establishing water points and emergency latrines.

Ogolla said the IRC and its partners have conducted assessments across the affected areas, revealing that nearly 9,600 people have been displaced due to the floods in Taiz, Hajjah, and Hodeidah.

The floodwaters have severely damaged water, sanitation, and health infrastructure, increasing the risk of further cholera outbreaks across these regions.

On Tuesday, the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KsRelief) distributed emergency shelter aids to those affected by torrents and floods in the Mawza district of Taiz Governorate.

The emergency aid included 100 tents and 370 shelter bags, benefiting 2,220 individuals affected by floods.