The total investments of the industrial sector in Saudi Arabia have reached $346 billion, after investments in 2021 stood at $21 billion, according to figures issued by the National Industry Information Center (NIIC).
A detailed bulletin on mining indicators in Saudi Arabia revealed 2,100 valid licenses, of which 775 licenses were issued in 2021, varying between 579 building materials quarries licenses, 164 exploration licenses, and 32 survey licenses.
The Center highlighted the investment index of factories that started production for the year 2021, which exceeded $19 billion, in addition to the number of new licenses for the same year, which totaled 954 licenses.
The total factories that started production in the same period amounted to 820 factories.
The Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources publishes the "monthly bulletin for industry and mining," which sheds light on the top indicators of the industrial and mining activities in Saudi Arabia.
The bulletin highlights the top figures, information, and statistics on the industrial and mining sectors, in addition to the essential services that the ministry provides to highlight investment opportunities offered by the two industries.