Morocco Reiterates Commitment to Political Solution to Sahara Dispute

Moroccan Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Moroccan Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Morocco Reiterates Commitment to Political Solution to Sahara Dispute

Moroccan Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Moroccan Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Moroccan Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi said on Monday that his country is committed to a genuine and pragmatic political solution, under the United Nations auspices, to resolve the Moroccan Sahara dispute.

Speaking at the 49th regular session of the Human Rights Council, Ouahbi said Morocco continues to support the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his personal envoy, Staffan de Mistura, aimed at re-launching the series of talks, which were held in December 2018 and March 2019, with the participation of all parties, including the one responsible for creating and perpetuating the conflict - a reference to Algeria.

The minister reiterated Moroccan King Mohamed VI’s determination to resolve the dispute while maintaining the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of the kingdom.

Ouahbi said many friends and observers support the Morocco-proposed autonomy plan, which the UN Security Council considers as a serious and credible initiative, and the “only” prospect for the international political process.

The minister said his country affirms its commitment to continue efforts aimed at achieving international peace and security and combating new threats, primarily terrorism and violent extremism, and incitement to hatred and xenophobia, which are considered the greatest threats to human rights.

The kingdom was open to dialogue with all United Nations mechanisms and organizations, in line with its democratic rights, he said, adding that the recent Moroccan legislative and communal elections were “a clear commitment of the Kingdom to the right of political choice and the guarantee of the democratic process.”

He stressed that the kingdom will spare no effort in defending African issues, especially those related to development, combating poverty and immigration problems.

He highlighted Morocco’s commitment to safeguarding freedoms and guaranteeing rights, whether civil, political, or economic and social.

Ouahbi announced that Morocco has decided to stand as a candidate for the UN Human Rights Council for 2023-2025, and that Rabat enjoys the support of the African Union, Arab League, several other regional groups and friendly countries.

Israeli Forces Pound North and South Gaza, Battle Hamas in Rafah

Destroyed buildings stand in the coast of the Gaza Strip as seen from the Mediterranean Sea, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
Destroyed buildings stand in the coast of the Gaza Strip as seen from the Mediterranean Sea, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Israeli Forces Pound North and South Gaza, Battle Hamas in Rafah

Destroyed buildings stand in the coast of the Gaza Strip as seen from the Mediterranean Sea, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
Destroyed buildings stand in the coast of the Gaza Strip as seen from the Mediterranean Sea, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Israeli forces pounded several areas across the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, and residents reported fierce fighting overnight in Rafah in the south of the Palestinian enclave.

Residents said fighting intensified in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood in western Rafah, where tanks were also trying to force their way north amid heavy clashes. The armed wings of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad said fighters attacked Israeli forces with anti-tank rockets and mortar bombs, Reuters reported.

Since early May, ground fighting has focused on Rafah, abutting Egypt on Gaza's southern edge, where around half of the enclave's 2.3 million people had been sheltering after fleeing other areas. Most have since had to flee again.

Medics said two Palestinians were killed in one Israeli missile strike in Rafah earlier on Wednesday.

The Israeli military said in a statement its forces killed a Hamas militant who had been involved in the smuggling of weapons through the border between Rafah and Egypt.
It said jets struck dozens of militant targets in Rafah overnight, including fighters, military structures and tunnel shafts.

In the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya, an Israeli air strike destroyed a house, killing four Palestinians and wounding several others, medics said.