Arab League Calls for Diplomacy, Dialogue Over Ukraine Crisis

Arab League Assistant Sec-Gen, Hossam Zaki speaking at the urgent meeting over Ukraine (Arab League)
Arab League Assistant Sec-Gen, Hossam Zaki speaking at the urgent meeting over Ukraine (Arab League)

Arab League Calls for Diplomacy, Dialogue Over Ukraine Crisis

Arab League Assistant Sec-Gen, Hossam Zaki speaking at the urgent meeting over Ukraine (Arab League)
Arab League Assistant Sec-Gen, Hossam Zaki speaking at the urgent meeting over Ukraine (Arab League)

The Arab League said it was following the developments in Ukraine with "great concern," calling for support for all efforts to resolve the crisis through dialogue and diplomacy.

The League, which held an emergency meeting on Monday at Egypt's request, said it supports "all efforts aimed at resolving the crisis through dialogue and diplomacy in a manner that preserves the security and safety of peoples in this important region of the world."

The meeting, chaired by Kuwait, stressed "the importance of respecting the principles of international law and the UN Charter," calling for supporting efforts to ease tensions.

The AL expressed concern over the deterioration of the humanitarian situation, stressing the importance of continued cooperation and coordination among Arab countries to maintain the security and safety of the Arab communities in the region and facilitate the conditions for those wishing to leave to neighboring countries.

The League also stressed the need to maintain the "security and safety of members of Arab diplomatic missions."

The League recommended forming an Arab group at the ministerial level to follow up and conduct the necessary consultations with the concerned parties seeking a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

During the meeting, the organization reviewed the developments of the situation and its effects on international peace and security and its direct impact on the Arab countries.

During his speech at the opening of the meeting, the Assistant Sec-Gen, Hossam Zaki, affirmed that the General Secretariat is following with great concern the developments in Ukraine and its severe military and humanitarian consequences.

Zaki reiterated it was necessary to intensify work to reach arrangements that satisfy everyone without resorting to military forces, warning that wars have their unfortunate high costs.

"We believe all peace-loving countries and organizations must move quickly to stop the escalation and not fuel it, restore dialogue, and seek to settle the crisis through indispensable diplomacy to avoid deterioration of the situation and expansion of the conflict."

Zaki noted that being in the Arab region "may make us, more than others, aware of the devastating effects of wars and the use of military force and its consequences, especially the extremely negative humanitarian consequences."

The official called for engaging in international action to end the current political and diplomatic crisis, which is the best way to address the situation and restore stability and achieve security for all.

"We hope, under these dangerous circumstances, that each party will bear its responsibility and that all efforts will be focused on sparing civilians from the consequences of the deteriorating security situation," said the assistant.

He emphasized the need for everyone to respect international humanitarian law and ensure that humanitarian aid reaches those who need it, especially in light of Ukrainian refugees continuing to arrive in neighboring countries.

Yemen De-Escalation Agreement Goes into Effect

The Houthi-held central bank in Sanaa. (Reuters)
The Houthi-held central bank in Sanaa. (Reuters)

Yemen De-Escalation Agreement Goes into Effect

The Houthi-held central bank in Sanaa. (Reuters)
The Houthi-held central bank in Sanaa. (Reuters)

The de-escalation agreement between the legitimate Yemeni government and Iran-backed Houthi militias went into effect with the central bank in the interim capital Aden restoring SWIFT services to six banks in Houthi-held Sanaa.

Flights were also resumed between Sanaa and Amman. Three will be operated per day.

United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg announced the agreement on Tuesday, hoping the deal would pave the way for comprehensive talks on the economy and humanitarian situation.

Yemenia Airways said flights from Sanaa to Amman began operation on Thursday. Before the escalation, it was only operating one flight to the Jordanian capital.

Once logistic preparations are complete, flights will be operated to Egypt and India.

Yemenia spokesman Hatem al-Shaabi confirmed the launch of the Amman flights in line with the de-escalation agreement.

He stressed that the airline is keen on providing its services to all Yemenis.

It is awaiting the operating permits to launch flights from Sanaa to each of Cairo and Mumbai, he went on to say.

Tickets are available at all agencies and to all people throughout Yemen, he stated.

The United Arab Emirates welcomed on Thursday the de-escalation agreement, saying it was a positive step towards reaching a political solution in Yemen that meets the aspirations of its people.

The UAE Foreign Ministry hailed the UN and Grundberg on their efforts to reach a lasting comprehensive solution to the crisis in Yemen that would in turn bolster regional peace and stability.

In the de-escalation agreement, the parties agreed to “cancel all the recent decisions and procedures against banks by both sides and refrain in the future from any similar decisions or procedures,” said a UN statement on Tuesday.

They agreed on “resuming Yemenia Airways’ flights between Sanaa and Jordan and increasing the number of flights to three daily flights, and operating flights to Cairo and India daily or as needed.”

Meetings will be convened to address the administrative, technical, and financial challenges faced by the company, added the statement.

The parties also agreed on “initiating the convening of meetings to discuss all economic and humanitarian issues based on the roadmap.”

The parties requested the support of the UN in implementing their commitments.