Washington Committed to Defending Saudi Arabia, Confronting Iranian Threat

US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran and Iraq Jennifer Gavito
US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran and Iraq Jennifer Gavito

Washington Committed to Defending Saudi Arabia, Confronting Iranian Threat

US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran and Iraq Jennifer Gavito
US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran and Iraq Jennifer Gavito

US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran and Iraq Jennifer Gavito, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, confirmed that Washington is committed to reinforcing Saudi defenses.

Gavito admitted US concerns towards Iranian influence in Iraq undermining the stability and security of national institutions in the country.

She pointed out that US diplomacy seeks to dissuade Tehran from financing and arming groups outside the control of governments throughout the region. Gavito stressed that illegal flow of weapons from Iran to Yemen has led to an increase in the Houthis' brutal attacks and the suffering of civilians.

Here is the full text of the interview:

What worries the US administration the most about the development of events in Iraq, and what impact does this have on the security and stability of the country?

· ISIS remnants and armed groups operating outside of government control are the biggest obstacles to Iraq’s security and stability. Another area of concern is the economic challenges Iraq faces. We look forward to assisting Iraq diversify its economy and encourage foreign private sector investment in the country.

· Once government formation is complete, we look forward to working with a new government that reflects the will of Iraqi voters and that strives to improve services for all citizens and combat corruption in the interest of the Iraqi people.

· I believe that if we help Iraq strengthen its own sovereignty and institutions over time, improve the capabilities of Iraq’s security forces, and continue to encourage Iraq’s reintegration into the Arab neighborhood, then Iraq will be stable and prosperous. Moreover, it will be a stabilizing force for the entire region.

Some observers believe that the US presence in Iraq has not achieved what the people aspire to. What is your comment?

· We have been and will be a steady, reliable partner that supports Iraq’s sovereignty and security, anti-corruption and economic reform efforts, helps it improve regional relationships, provides humanitarian and demining assistance, supports respect for the human rights of all Iraqis, backs efforts to combat criminal activity and control unlawful armed groups, and advises and assists the Iraqi security forces.

· We are committed to these efforts because our aspiration is to see a stable, prosperous, democratic, and unified Iraq. I believe that the Iraqi people have the same hope and aspirations.

To what extent do the elements of corruption and sectarianism contribute to the complexity of the situation in Iraq?

· Corruption is a threat to all nations as it undermines the rule of law and tears at the fabric of trust and respect between people and their government.

· We share interests with our Iraqi partners in maintaining respect for freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly, enforcing the rule of law, respecting the rights of protesters, journalists, women, members of Iraq’s diverse ethnic and religious communities, and members of other marginalized groups, and pursuing judicial accountability for violent crimes committed against persons belonging to those groups.

To what extent does Iran have a role in the complexities of the political and security situation in Iraq?

· While we encourage Iraq to maintain friendly, productive relations with all its neighbors, we remain concerned about Iranian influence that undermines the stability and the integrity of Iraqi national institutions. Our diplomatic approach seeks to dissuade Iran from funding and arming groups outside the control of governments around the region, including Iraq.

How do you view the risks of Iranian activity on the security and stability of the region?

· The United States is concerned about Iranian influence that undermines the stability and the integrity of Iraq’s sovereignty and national institutions, and so are the Iraqi people.

· President Biden has made very clear that the United States wants to resolve our differences with Iran through diplomatic means.

· We firmly believe that a stable, sovereign, economically prosperous Iraq is key to broadening our mutually beneficial partnership with the Iraqi people and to bringing greater stability to the region.

· This Administration is committed to working toward regional de-escalation and wider economic and political integration in the region, including across historical lines of conflict.

· If regional actors and Iraq’s neighbors follow the same strategy with the same goal in mind, our chances of success will be far greater.

What is your assessment of the Iranian support for the Houthis in Yemen and its implications for the safety and security of the region?

· The United States has consistently seen evidence of the smuggling of arms from Iran to the Houthis. This represents a flagrant violation of the UN targeted arms embargo. It is yet another example of how malign Iranian activity is prolonging the war in Yemen.

· Iran’s support for armed groups throughout the region threatens international and regional security, our forces, our diplomatic personnel and citizens in the region, as well as our partners in the region and elsewhere.

· The Biden Administration is committed to countering this threat from Iran. The US seized dozens of anti-tank guided missiles, thousands of assault rifles, and hundreds of machine guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers from similar vessels in December, May, and February of last year.

· The illegal flow of weapons from Iran to Yemen is enabling the brutal Houthi offensives in Yemen, increasing the suffering of civilians. Further fighting - whether in Marib or elsewhere – is only bringing more suffering.

What is your assessment of the Saudi-US cooperation in the security and strategic fields? How important is this to international peace and security?

· Saudi Arabia faces significant threats to its territory; we are committed to working together to help the Saudis strengthen their defenses to defend its territory, its citizens, and the thousands of US citizens residing in Saudi Arabia.

· Cross-border attacks launched by the Houthis on the UAE, as well as Saudi Arabia, have killed civilians - including the January 17 attack on the Abu Dhabi airport that resulted in civilian casualties.

· There were more than 400 cross-border attacks last year launched by the Houthis with Iranian support, which affected Saudi infrastructure, schools, mosques, and workplaces, and endangered the civilian population, including 70,000 US citizens living in Saudi Arabia.

· With US support Saudi Arabia has been able to intercept 90 percent of the attacks, but we need to aim for 100 percent.

· The United States is committed to advancing Saudi defenses through security cooperation, arms transfers, and defense trade, exercises, training, and exchanges, alongside engagement on human rights and civilian harm mitigation. We have a number of tools available to assist Saudi Arabia to strengthen its air defense capabilities and will continue to discuss a range of security needs with our partners.

MSF Chief: Sudan’s Situation Worst We’ve Ever Seen

International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou
International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou

MSF Chief: Sudan’s Situation Worst We’ve Ever Seen

International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou
International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou

The health situation in Sudan is “the worst ever,” according to Christos Christou, the international president of Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Christou warned that conditions are deteriorating rapidly due to severe challenges in movement, a limited presence of international aid organizations, and inadequate funding from donors.
Christou reported that more than 70% of health facilities have shut down, and malnutrition is on the rise.
He predicted a surge in malaria and cholera cases with the rainy season approaching.
The ongoing conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has caused the world’s fastest-growing displacement crisis, worsening malnutrition among children and pregnant women.
Remaining health facilities are overwhelmed and at risk of collapse due to increasing violence, attacks, and looting.
During his recent visit to Sudan, Christou met with Deputy Chairman of the Sovereignty Council Malik Agar and senior health officials to discuss ways to improve humanitarian aid delivery.
Christou described the patterns of displacement, malnutrition, and other humanitarian needs in Sudan as “deeply troubling.”
He noted that humanitarian aid is not reaching enough people and stressed the urgent need to “scale up the humanitarian response.” This, he added, requires guarantees of protection from all warring parties.
According to Christou, one in three patients treated by the organization suffers from war-related injuries, with most being women and children. He called on all fighting parties to “do everything possible to protect civilians.”
“We have heard many patient testimonies about violence driven by ethnic motives, especially in Darfur,” Christou said.
MSF is in constant contact with all warring parties to ensure healthcare continues.
“We must remind them to follow international humanitarian law, protect civilians and infrastructure, and not use weapons in health facilities,” added the MSF president.
Christou emphasized that MSF provides life-saving healthcare to all in need in Sudan, remaining neutral and impartial.