Facebook Allows Calls for Violence against 'Russian Invaders'

In this March 29, 2018, file photo, the logo for Facebook appears on screens at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York's Times Square. (AP)
In this March 29, 2018, file photo, the logo for Facebook appears on screens at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York's Times Square. (AP)

Facebook Allows Calls for Violence against 'Russian Invaders'

In this March 29, 2018, file photo, the logo for Facebook appears on screens at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York's Times Square. (AP)
In this March 29, 2018, file photo, the logo for Facebook appears on screens at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York's Times Square. (AP)

Facebook has temporarily eased its policy on violent speech after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, allowing statements like "death to Russian invaders" but not credible threats against civilians, the tech giant said Thursday.

Moscow's internationally condemned attack on its neighbor has provoked unprecedented sanctions from Western governments and businesses, but also a surge of online anger and debates over social media's role in the war, AFP said.

The policy decision from Facebook and Instagram's parent Meta was met immediately with controversy, but the social media giant defended its change.

"As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as 'death to the Russian invaders,'" Meta said in a statement.

"We still won't allow credible calls for violence against Russian civilians," it added.

Meta's statement followed a Reuters report that said the policy applies to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine, citing the firm's emails to its content moderators.

The firm did not reply to a request seeking confirmation of the policy's geographic boundaries.

Meta, which counts billions of users globally across its apps, has previously struggled with what it would allow people to post in moments of upheaval.

In July 2021, the firm temporarily allowed posts calling for "death to Khamenei", referring to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, during protests that rocked the country.

- Opening Pandora's box? -
Tech platforms have had to navigate a slew of thorny issues related to the war in Ukraine, such as when US Senator Lindsey Graham called for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin in a televised interview and on Twitter.

"The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out," says Graham's tweet from March 3, which Twitter has not taken down.

Meta's decision drew sharply contrasting views.

"The policy regards calls for violence against Russian soldiers," said Emerson Brooking, a disinformation expert at the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab.

"A call for violence here, by the way is also a call for resistance because Ukrainians resist a violent invasion," he added.

But some expressed deep concerns, like Lehigh University professor Jeremy Littau who tweeted: "'We don't allow hate speech except against certain people from a certain country' is one hell of a can of worms."

Facebook and other US tech giants have moved to penalize Russia for the attack on Ukraine and Moscow has also taken steps to block access to the leading social media network as well as Twitter.

Russia thus joined the very small club of countries barring the largest social network in the world, along with China and North Korea.

Since Moscow's invasion of Ukraine last month, Russian authorities have also stepped up pressure against independent media, though press freedoms in the country were already rapidly waning.

Moscow blocked Facebook and restricted Twitter the same day last week that it backed the imposition of jail terms on media publishing "false information" about the military.

In this context, Facebook had played a key information distribution role in Russia, even as it endures withering criticism in the West over matters ranging from political division to teenagers' mental health.

The war is running parallel with a period of unprecedented crackdown on the Russian opposition, which has included protest leaders being assassinated, jailed or forced out of the country.

Big US tech firms like Apple and Microsoft have announced they are halting the sale of their products in Russia, while other companies have made public their "pauses" of certain business activities or ties.

Last week, US internet service provider Cogent Communications said it had "terminated its contracts with customers billing out of Russia."

Blistering Barnacles! AI Takes on Europe's Cartoon Heroes 

AI (Artificial Intelligence) letters and robot hand miniature in this illustration taken, June 23, 2023. (Reuters)
AI (Artificial Intelligence) letters and robot hand miniature in this illustration taken, June 23, 2023. (Reuters)

Blistering Barnacles! AI Takes on Europe's Cartoon Heroes 

AI (Artificial Intelligence) letters and robot hand miniature in this illustration taken, June 23, 2023. (Reuters)
AI (Artificial Intelligence) letters and robot hand miniature in this illustration taken, June 23, 2023. (Reuters)

Home to animated heroes from Tintin to the Smurfs, Brussels is proud to display its cartoon heritage in mammoth murals that tower over the city's stately streets. But all is not well in the self-declared capital of comics.

In an industry where animators routinely depict epic battles between super-heroes and arch-villains, European cartoon artists are now in a real-life fight of their own, fending off a new, faceless adversary: artificial intelligence (AI).

AI-generated art currently operates in a legal grey area, ensuring novel intellectual property disputes in what is a fast-growing and ever-changing field.

Copyright laws in the European Union do not explicitly cover AI-generated art, leaving some artists wondering if AI will help or hinder creativity and throwing up the thorny question of whether low-cost AI tools will eventually replace human artists.


While artists spend years honing their skills, generative AI tools, such as MidJourney, use a machine-learning algorithm - trained on artists' images - to generate pictures in minutes.

This has triggered a "complete rejection" of AI in the European comic-book industry, according to Gauthier van Meerbeeck, editorial director at Le Lombard.

His firm is publisher of the legendary adventures of Tintin, an intrepid boy-reporter who is now almost a century old.

Created by Herge, Tintin became known for his blond quiff, baggy plus fours and trusty sidekick, Snowy the dog, and is considered an icon in what is now a global industry.

"This art is generated by stealing from artists. So morally I could never get involved in that," said van Meerbeeck.


Across the Atlantic, Disney sparked controversy in June 2023 by using AI-generated images in Marvel's "Secret Invasion", and the boom in generative AI has spawned a flurry of US lawsuits.

Prominent tech companies from Microsoft-backed OpenAI to Meta Platforms, have been hit with copyright cases by artists who say AI profited from their work without permission or compensation.

European comic book publishing houses are gearing up for litigation when new EU rules under the AI act kick in mid-2025, forcing tech firms to be transparent about training inputs and opening them up to potential copyright lawsuits.

"It's huge for publishers," Quentin Deschandelliers, legal advisor at the Federation of European Publishers, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, explaining that if you want to litigate you need to "know what is under the hood".

He said the incoming law may push tech firms towards licensing agreements to compensate artists if their work is used to train a generative AI model.

Amid growing scrutiny over copyright, several big tech companies that trained their AI using others' output have already signed content-licensing deals with media outlets, such as OpenAI with the Financial Times and Google with NewsCorp.

However, some publishers and authors are afraid of "giving away the keys to the kingdom", explained Deschandelliers, over fears of AI-generated works flooding the markets.


Courtroom battles aside, artists are also wondering whether to harness or reject the new tools.

Belgian comic book artist's Marnix Verduyn, who goes by the pseudonym NIX, describes himself as a computer engineer who "accidentally became a comic book artist". He chose to train a generative algorithm on his own comics, joking that he had a fantasy of replacing himself to spend more time at the beach.

But his fellow comic artists didn't find it so funny, especially when the generative AI model Dall-E came out in 2021; it was a watershed moment.

"It was a shock how powerful it was," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "That's when I thought there's a lot of people who are not going to have jobs in the future."

In Europe, the cultural sector employed 7.7 million people in 2022, while its net turnover was about 448 billion euros ($481.51 billion)in 2021, according to European Commission business statistics.

NIX believes his use of AI - taking on low-skilled, repetitive tasks - is "gently disruptive" and necessary to keep up with competition from Japanese and US comic-book giants.

But recent art graduates are worked up over entry-level jobs they might once have filled now being filled by machines.

"It's cheap, fast, no humans needed, and it kills any kind of artistic endeavor in the industry," Sarah Vanderhaegen told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The 24-year-old Belgian described how a brush with AI during an internship had left her crushed, forcing her to reconsider options - and pivoting her to an archeology degree.

Now working on a comic book in her spare time, she sees AI as a bogus short-cut powered by an algorithm that can never hope to match an artist's ability to translate emotions onto a page.

A point where artists and publishers agree.

"AI-generated images, I can spot them straight away," noted van Meerbeeck, who thinks comics are safe for now, as storyline, text and images remain too complex for the current crop of generative AI to create.

For NIX the human remains the boss, AI - a mere tool.

"It's just a cocktail of ideas stolen from somebody. I see the mathematics (of AI), so there's no soul in the mathematics."