US to Announce Sanctions Exemptions in Areas Falling Outside Syrian Regime Control

Two US soldiers in Qamishli in northeastern Syria. Asharq Al-Awsat
Two US soldiers in Qamishli in northeastern Syria. Asharq Al-Awsat

US to Announce Sanctions Exemptions in Areas Falling Outside Syrian Regime Control

Two US soldiers in Qamishli in northeastern Syria. Asharq Al-Awsat
Two US soldiers in Qamishli in northeastern Syria. Asharq Al-Awsat

The administration of US President Joe Biden has been putting the final touches on a major decision to exempt investors and private companies from US sanctions and the Caesar Act in areas falling outside the control of the Syrian regime in northern and northeastern Syria.

The decision includes the areas controlled by the US-backed “Syrian Democratic Forces” in northeastern Syria and the “Euphrates Shield” forces linked to factions supported by Turkey. But Washington rejected to include the two “Olive Branch” regions in Afrin because of the presence of “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” that is considered a terrorist organization by the UN Security Council.

The exemptions were discussed by Ethan Goldrich, the US deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs, with responsibility for the Levant and Syria engagement, earlier this month in Washington with the envoys of Arab and Western countries and Turkey.

Goldrich also visited Turkey, northeastern Syria, Iraqi Kurdistan and other states.

According to Washington, the exemptions aim on the one hand at supporting the “Syrian Democratic Forces” in the war against ISIS and on the other to improve the economic situation and limit poverty, which is the main reason for extremism.

But Turkey has expressed reservations at the US support for the SDF which is led by the Kurdish YPG that Ankara considers a terrorist group. It has also regretted that the US exemptions would not include the Turkish-run “Olive Branch” regions and Idlib.

Furthermore, Turkey has criticized steps taken by some European countries in giving “political legitimacy” to the Kurdish self-administration and the “Syrian Democratic Council,” which is the political wing of the SDF.

Arab countries have also expressed concern that Washington’s exemptions would “consolidate Syria’s division” and the “failure to respect Syria’s sovereignty in line with Security Council Resolution 2254.”

Syria is divided into three zones of foreign influence. One falls under the control of the government through Russian-Iranian support and includes 65% of Syrian territories. The second covers 23% and is run by the SDF through US backing, while the third zone falls under the control of Turkey-backed opposition factions.

Once the Biden team takes the final decision on the exemptions, the US Treasury will make the announcement that will not cover oil and gas although the East Euphrates region includes 90% of Syrian oil and half of its gas output.

Former President Donald Trump decided in 2019 to keep around 900 US soldiers East of the Euphrates and al-Tanf base to “protect oil,” prompting Damascus to accuse Washington of “stealing” its oil.

Hemedti Issues Strict Orders to his Forces to Protect Sudanese People

 People collect clean water provided by a charity organization to people in Gedaref in eastern Sudan on August 30, 2024. (AFP)
People collect clean water provided by a charity organization to people in Gedaref in eastern Sudan on August 30, 2024. (AFP)

Hemedti Issues Strict Orders to his Forces to Protect Sudanese People

 People collect clean water provided by a charity organization to people in Gedaref in eastern Sudan on August 30, 2024. (AFP)
People collect clean water provided by a charity organization to people in Gedaref in eastern Sudan on August 30, 2024. (AFP)

Commander of Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) Mohammed Hamdan Daglo, also known as Hemedti, issued on Saturday strict orders to his forces to protect civilians and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid in line with the commitments his delegation made at the recent peace talks in Geneva.

In a post on the X platform, he said he issued an “extraordinary administrative order to all the forces” to protect civilians and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid.

He called on all commanders to abide by the orders in line with international humanitarian law. Any violators will be held accountable.

The RSF has been accused of widespread violations against civilians in areas under their control. They have also been accused of committing massacres in Gezira state in central Sudan. The RSF have denied the accusations.

Hemedti announced in August the formation of a “civilian protection force” that immediately assumed its duties in the Khartoum and Gezira states.

According to head of the RSF delegation to the Geneva talks, Omar Hamdan, the force is formed of 27 combat vehicles, backed by forces that have experience in cracking down on insubordination.

Hemedti stressed last week his commitment to all the outcomes of the Geneva talks, starting with ensuring the delivery of aid to those in need.

The RSF and army agreed to open two safe routes for the deliveries and to protect civilians to ease their suffering after nearly a year and a half of war.

The mediators in Geneva received commitments from the RSF that it would order the fighters against committing any violations against civilians in areas under their control.

Meanwhile, aid deliveries continued through the Adre border crossing with Chad. They are headed to people in Darfur in western Sudan.

Fifty-nine aid trucks carrying aid supplies crossed from Chad to Darfur, said the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs on Saturday.

“The supplies are estimated to reach nearly 195,000 people in acute need in different parts of the country,” it added.

“About 128 aid trucks carrying supplies for an estimated 355,000 people are being prepared to cross into Sudan in the coming days and weeks to ensure a steady flow of supplies. Despite the surge of supplies through Adre, humanitarian partners have warned that ongoing rains and floods have damaged three major bridges in the region, limiting movements within Darfur,” it revealed.

“While progress has been made on the Adre border crossing, funding resources are depleting, and humanitarian funding is urgently required to sustain the supplies chain,” it urged.