Syrian ‘State Symbols’ Spark Dispute in Geneva

UN envoy Geir Pedersen during the meetings of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva (United Nations)
UN envoy Geir Pedersen during the meetings of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva (United Nations)

Syrian ‘State Symbols’ Spark Dispute in Geneva

UN envoy Geir Pedersen during the meetings of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva (United Nations)
UN envoy Geir Pedersen during the meetings of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva (United Nations)

A document on Syria’s “state symbols” - presented by the government delegation before the seventh round of the Constitutional Committee’s meetings in Geneva – sparked disputes with the group representing the opposition, headed by Hadi al-Bahra, and other affiliated civil society figures.

The seventh round of meetings ends this Friday, with participants submitting proposals and written comments to the office of UN envoy Geir Pedersen, in order to facilitate talks between the head of the government’s delegation, Ahmad Al-Kuzbari, and Al-Bahra over constitutional reforms within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

An agreement required submitting written proposals on the last day of the meetings, which saw Pedersen shuffling from Damascus, Moscow and other capitals, as the delegation “named by the government” has voiced its rejection of such a mechanism during the past rounds of talks.

Under previous agreements sponsored by Pedersen, each delegation had to submit a written paper on a constitutional principle to the session’s presidency, to be discussed among the participants from the government, opposition and civil society delegations. The seventh round began with a proposal by the opposition delegation on the basics of governance.

Governance basics

The proposal submitted by Al-Bahra stated that the “system of governance in the state is republican based on the rule of law, respect for human dignity and the will of the people, and a full commitment to building a free, just and solidarity society. And that sovereignty must be exercised by the people through the means of voting established in the constitution, allowing them to freely and democratically express their will to choose who exercises power on their behalf, at the national and local levels, within the framework of political pluralism and the peaceful transfer of power.”

The document said that political parties are “an expression of political pluralism. Parties are established and they exercise their activities freely within the framework of the laws regulating their work, in a manner that does not conflict with the provisions of the Constitution.”

After the presentation of the proposal, interjections by the government delegation focused on the need to clarify terminology and define “freedom as a principle.”

One of the members considered that the text “suggests the parties’ monopoly for political work and the lack of space for individuals and independents”, in addition to “the absence of freedom without legal controls.”

The State Identity

Al-Kuzbari chaired the two sessions held on Tuesday, where civil society representatives from Damascus submitted a proposal on the “state identity.”

The document stressed adherence to the name of the “Syrian Arab Republic”, adding that Arabism is the identity of a civilized culture, governed by the historical and geographical affiliation and the common interests and sufferings of the Arab people.

It also emphasized that the Syrian Arab Republic was part of the Arab world, the Syrian people part of the Arab nation, and that Arabism “is a cultural cradle that embraces all cultures with their diversity and richness, interacting within its framework and creating the country’s civilization that has contributed to the enrichment of human civilization.”

Moreover, the document noted that Syria is “a democratic state, with Arabic as the official language, and where the law guarantees political and partisan pluralism.”

During the discussions, some participants warned that Arabism should not prevail over other identities, and that recognizing Arabism should not be at the expense of other components’ cultures and languages.

One of the participants said: “The main points of contention in the discussion are between Arabism, as the identity of a specific cultural component versus other components, or identity as an inclusive civilizational project.”

State Symbols

During a session chaired by Al-Bahra on the third day of talks, the government delegation, headed by Al-Kuzbari, presented a document on state symbols.

It stated: “The symbols of the Syrian Arab Republic represent higher national and well-established cultural values, and express its history, heritage and unity, and they are all unchangeable...

1- The flag of the Syrian Arab Republic consists of 3 colors: red, white and black. It has two green stars, each with 5 prongs. The flag has a rectangular shape, its width is two-thirds of its length, and consists of 3 rectangles of equal dimensions along the length of the flag, the top in red, the middle in white, and the bottom in black. The two stars are in the middle of the white rectangle.

2- “Humat ad-Diyar” is the national anthem of the Syrian Arab Republic.

3- Arabic is the official language of the Syrian Arab Republic.

4- The Syrian lira is the currency of the Syrian Arab Republic and the unit of measurement for its money.

5- The emblem of the Syrian Arab Republic is an Arab shield on which the national flag of the Syrian Arab Republic is engraved in its colors. The shield embraces an eagle holding in its claws a ribbon on which the “Syrian Arab Republic” is written in the Kufic script. At the bottom of the shield are two ears of wheat. The eagle, the ribbon, and the two ears of wheat shall be in golden color, and the writing and wing lines shall be in a light brown color.”

The discussions saw an extensive debate about the expression, “unchangeable” at the beginning of the text.

Some participants argued that the symbols were controversial, and their inclusion in the constitution would also be rejected by large parts of the population.

Conflicting proposals were made about the meanings and sequences of Syrian flags and symbols, with a number of attendees calling to “postpone the inclusion of symbols in laws until after the adoption of the constitution and the election of the first Syrian parliament in a transparent and fair manner.”

Discussions over state symbols continued on the evening of the third day, with interjections on the history of national symbols in the Syrian constitutions and culture.

Members of the government delegation said that “violating symbols at this stage not only threatens citizens’ sense of safety, but also serves the conspiracy against the unity of the homeland.”

The opposition delegation responded by saying that symbols have often been used “to legitimize violence against the people, and that the constitution-writing process must take into account the sensitivities of all parties and their need for basic reassurances… Otherwise, the state is threatened with partition.”

On Thursday, Al-Kuzbari and Al-Bahra gave the participants an overview of the work methodology for the last day of discussions, during which individual members will be given the opportunity to submit proposals to the Office of the Special Envoy.

Then, the opposition delegation submitted its proposal on the work of public authorities, stating: "The public authorities in the state are organized on the basis of the separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers. Legislative, executive and judicial institutions and bodies exercise their powers within the limits established by the Constitution. The organization and performance of their duties shall be subject to the provisions of laws and legislation, in a manner that does not conflict with the provisions of the Constitution. They shall also be committed to respecting and enforcing the fundamental rights and freedoms stipulated in the Constitution and international covenants ratified by the Syrian state.”

Some participants considered “the separation of powers an abstract philosophical concept,” noting that the practical constitutional law involves great overlaps between the authorities.

Statements were made on the necessity of distinguishing between the executive and legislative authorities, and the judiciary, and to maintain the balance of powers.

One participant said in this regard: “Discussions got heated up at times, but they remained respectful, and at other times practical ideas were exchanged.”

Long Waits for Canadian Visas Leave Gazans in Limbo

Reem Alyazouri and her husband, Ashraf Alyazouri, who escaped Gaza and reached Toronto, pose for a photograph in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 30, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Osorio
Reem Alyazouri and her husband, Ashraf Alyazouri, who escaped Gaza and reached Toronto, pose for a photograph in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 30, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Osorio

Long Waits for Canadian Visas Leave Gazans in Limbo

Reem Alyazouri and her husband, Ashraf Alyazouri, who escaped Gaza and reached Toronto, pose for a photograph in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 30, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Osorio
Reem Alyazouri and her husband, Ashraf Alyazouri, who escaped Gaza and reached Toronto, pose for a photograph in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 30, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Osorio

Reem Alyazouri's escape from a bombarded Gaza City through Egypt ended in Toronto on Sept. 4.
But as she and her family wrestle with applications for work permits and health insurance, her mother and father remain stuck in Cairo waiting for Canadian visas after fleeing Israel's war in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza seven months ago, Reuters said.
"My mind is busy with my parents," she said. "I feel guilty, believe me. When I came here and I left them behind they told us, 'Go and start your life. ... Don't worry about us.'"
The family is trying to come to Canada through a temporary residence program for Gazans with relatives here. Alyazouri's brother Hani Abushomar, a Canadian citizen, applied for six of his family members to join him in Canada hours after the program was launched in January.
Nine months and a harrowing exit from Gaza later, his mother and father remain stranded in Cairo. They completed the last major step of the visa application process - submitting biometric information - six months ago.
They are among thousands of Palestinians waiting for visas from Canada, a country that prides itself on welcoming people from around the world.
Canada said in May it would bring in up to 5,000 Gazans - expanding on a pledge in December to take in 1,000 from the Palestinian enclave. Months later, just over 300 have arrived, with 698 applications approved out of over 4,200 submitted.
Reuters spoke with multiple applicants who said they have been waiting for months since submitting biometric information, dashing their hopes of a swift reunion with relatives in Canada.
Canada has made no promises on how long it would take to process visas for Gazans fleeing the conflict and says it has little control over who is able to leave the enclave.
A cross-border attack by Hamas militants on Oct. 7 last year, in which Israel says 1,200 people were killed and over 250 taken hostage, ignited the war that has flattened most of Gaza, displacing most of its 2.3 million people and killing more than 41,800 people, according to Gaza health authorities.
Canada's focus "is on keeping families together and bringing them to safety as quickly as possible," immigration department spokesperson Julie Lafortune wrote in an email. The primary barrier is getting out of Gaza, she added.
Application processing times vary "based on the details and complexity of each file, and many factors are outside of the IRCC's control," Lafortune said, referring to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada department.
The immigration department would not say how many applicants have submitted biometric information and are waiting in Egypt.
Immigration lawyers say the wait for Gazans is longer than those faced by other groups fleeing conflict or disaster, and that the small numbers approved contrast with hundreds of thousands of visas granted to Ukrainians under a similar program offering temporary status.
One Canadian immigration expert said some of the visa requirements for Gazans - such as having to provide employment information dating back to when they were 16 - are unusual.
"Canada has a lot of experience in designing temporary, ad hoc programs and this one has an inordinate amount of barriers and hurdles for people to meet," said University of Ottawa law professor Jamie Chai Yun Liew, who focuses on immigration.
Liew said the Gaza program is moving slower than other Canadian temporary immigration programs, including those for Ukranians and survivors of the 2023 earthquake in Syria and Türkiye.
As of April, Canada had approved nearly 963,000 applications under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel since March 2022. So far nearly 300,000 people have arrived in Canada under that program.
Australia has granted about 3,000 visitor visas to people from Gaza since October 2023 and about 1,300 have arrived in the country, said Graham Thom, advocacy coordinator with the Refugee Council of Australia, a research and advocacy group.
Gazans who have managed to get to Egypt live in limbo, surviving off savings or donations, without access to government services, said immigration lawyer Debbie Rachlis, adding she represents dozens in that position. Many are survivors of trauma.
They beat the odds just by getting that far, and for most, the escape came at great personal risk. The Gaza City neighborhood where Alyazouri and Abushomar's family lived has been "erased," he said. They were forced to flee from their home multiple times. Alyazouri's daughter was injured.
"Something in my heart is broken," Alyazouri said.
The Canadian government said it continues to put forward the names of applicants to local Israeli officials, "but does not ultimately decide who can exit Gaza."
"Israel has agreed to Canada's request for the exit of extended family members in Gaza as part of their expanding humanitarian efforts. However, at present, the Rafah border crossing is closed,” Lafortune wrote, referring to the main entry point between Gaza and Egypt.
Abushomar has been waiting with his mother and father for visas in Egypt, where people in their position lack papers to work, access health care or open a bank account. He says he will eventually have to return to Canada to work and worries for his parents, especially his mother, who has dementia and joint problems.
For now, Abushomar says, "Everything is uncertain."