Web Browsing: Challenging Task for Visually Impaired People in France

A woman uses a computer keyboard in this photo illustration taken in Sydney June 23, 2011. (Reuters)
A woman uses a computer keyboard in this photo illustration taken in Sydney June 23, 2011. (Reuters)

Web Browsing: Challenging Task for Visually Impaired People in France

A woman uses a computer keyboard in this photo illustration taken in Sydney June 23, 2011. (Reuters)
A woman uses a computer keyboard in this photo illustration taken in Sydney June 23, 2011. (Reuters)

Browsing the internet in France is challenging for the blind and visually impaired people, as most websites are not adapted to the special needs of this type of users, according to Agence France Press (AFP).

Considered essential tools in our daily life, the digital services provided by the public sector and private firms should be accessible for all people, including those suffering from physical, visual, and hearing impairments. However, the loose accountability made few services commit to these features.

Around 70,000 blind, and 1.5 million visually impaired people in France are supposed to have access to audio reading of texts appearing on the screen, description of images, and instructions about the boxes they need to fill. Given that visually impaired and blind people are unable to see the place indicated by the mouse cursor, they can use the keyboard’s shortcuts.

“I can’t see the entire page, so I hear its content gradually,” said Manuel Pereira, head of digital accessibility at the Valentin Haÿe Association.

But this complex process could stop any minute if the box isn’t coded adequately.

For instance, when a blind person places an order online, they could make all the required steps, but “suddenly reach an uncoded box” that could disrupt the whole process and undermine all their efforts when hearing the sentence “fill the box” without knowing “whether they should insert the name, address, or click approve,” explained Pereira.

“One box of this kind is enough to prevent us from using the whole website,” he added.

Websites should share a statement that describes their compliance level to the public accessibility standards in the bottom of their homepage. A website with a 100 percent compliance rate is “conform”, under 50 percent is “not conform”, and between 50 and 100 percent is “partly conform”. The compliance rate of the Élysée Palace, for example, is 74 percent, the Ameli health insurance website is 72 percent, while the national rail website is only 54 percent.

TikTok Must Face Lawsuit over 10-year-old Girl's Death, US Court Rules

A view shows the office of TikTok after the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill that would give TikTok's Chinese owner ByteDance about six months to divest the US assets of the short-video app or face a ban, in Culver City, California, March 13, 2024. REUTERS/Mike Blake
A view shows the office of TikTok after the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill that would give TikTok's Chinese owner ByteDance about six months to divest the US assets of the short-video app or face a ban, in Culver City, California, March 13, 2024. REUTERS/Mike Blake

TikTok Must Face Lawsuit over 10-year-old Girl's Death, US Court Rules

A view shows the office of TikTok after the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill that would give TikTok's Chinese owner ByteDance about six months to divest the US assets of the short-video app or face a ban, in Culver City, California, March 13, 2024. REUTERS/Mike Blake
A view shows the office of TikTok after the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill that would give TikTok's Chinese owner ByteDance about six months to divest the US assets of the short-video app or face a ban, in Culver City, California, March 13, 2024. REUTERS/Mike Blake

A US appeals court has revived a lawsuit against TikTok by the mother of a 10-year-old girl who died after taking part in a viral "blackout challenge" in which users of the social media platform were dared to choke themselves until they passed out, Reuters reported.

While a federal law typically shields internet companies from lawsuits over content posted by users, the Philadelphia-based 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ruled the law does not bar Nylah Anderson's mother from pursuing claims that TikTok's algorithm recommended the challenge to her daughter.

US Circuit Judge Patty Shwartz, writing for the three-judge panel, said that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 only immunizes information provided by third parties and not recommendations TikTok itself made via an algorithm underlying its platform.

She acknowledged the holding was a departure from past court rulings by her court and others holding that Section 230 immunizes an online platform from liability for failing to prevent users from transmitting harmful messages to others.

But she said that reasoning no longer held after a US Supreme Court ruling in July on whether state laws designed to restrict the power of social media platforms to curb content they deem objectionable violate their free speech rights.

In those cases, the Supreme Court held a platform's algorithm reflects "editorial judgments" about "compiling the third-party speech it wants in the way it wants." Shwartz said under that logic, content curation using algorithms is speech by the company itself, which is not protected by Section 230.

"TikTok makes choices about the content recommended and promoted to specific users, and by doing so, is engaged in its own first-party speech," she wrote.

TikTok did not respond to requests for comment.

Tuesday's ruling reversed a lower-court judge's decision dismissing on Section 230 grounds the case filed by Tawainna Anderson against TikTok and its Chinese parent company ByteDance.

She sued after her daughter Nylah died in 2021 after attempting the blackout challenge using a purse strap hung in her mother's closet.

"Big Tech just lost its 'get-out-of-jail-free card,'" Jeffrey Goodman, the mother's lawyer, said in a statement.

U.S. Circuit Judge Paul Matey, in a opinion partially concurring with Tuesday's ruling, said TikTok in its "pursuit of profits above all other values" may choose to serve children content emphasizing "the basest tastes" and "lowest virtues."

"But it cannot claim immunity that Congress did not provide," he wrote.