At King Salman's Invitation, Biden to Visit Saudi Arabia in July

Biden is set to visit Saudi Arabia in July. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Biden is set to visit Saudi Arabia in July. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

At King Salman's Invitation, Biden to Visit Saudi Arabia in July

Biden is set to visit Saudi Arabia in July. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Biden is set to visit Saudi Arabia in July. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The Saudi Royal Court announced on Tuesday that US President Joe Biden will visit the Kingdom in July at the invitation of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz

The visit is scheduled for July 15 and 16.

In a statement, the Royal Court said that visit aims to boost the historic bilateral relations and unique strategic partnership between Saudi Arabia and the US.

It stems from a joint desire to develop ties on all levels, it added.

Biden is scheduled to meet with King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, for talks on cooperation between the two friendly countries and ways to confront joint regional and international challenges.

On July 16, Biden will also attend the Gulf Cooperation Council summit called for by King Salman. The leaders of Jordan and Egypt and the prime minister of Iraq have also been invited to the Jeddah summit.

The White House said Biden "appreciates King Salman's leadership and his invitation. He looks forward to this important visit to Saudi Arabia, which has been a strategic partner of the United States for nearly eight decades."

He will discuss "a range of bilateral, regional, and global issues. These include support to the UN-mediated truce in Yemen, which has led to the most peaceful period there since war began seven years ago. He will also discuss means for expanding regional economic and security cooperation, including new and promising infrastructure and climate initiatives, as well as deterring threats from Iran"

"The President looks forward to outlining his affirmative vision for US engagement in the region over the coming months and years."

GCC Welcomes Agreement between Yemen Govt, Houthis

Hans Grundberg, the U.N. special representative for Yemen, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, on Aug. 28, 2023. (AP)
Hans Grundberg, the U.N. special representative for Yemen, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, on Aug. 28, 2023. (AP)

GCC Welcomes Agreement between Yemen Govt, Houthis

Hans Grundberg, the U.N. special representative for Yemen, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, on Aug. 28, 2023. (AP)
Hans Grundberg, the U.N. special representative for Yemen, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, on Aug. 28, 2023. (AP)

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary-General Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi welcomed on Wednesday the agreement between the legitimate Yemeni government and Iran-backed Houthi militias to de-escalate the situation with regard to the Yemeni banking sector and airlines.

The agreement was announced by the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, on Tuesday.

Albudaiwi expressed the GCC's support for all regional and international efforts and the efforts led by the UN special envoy aimed at achieving peace and security in Yemen.

The announcement underscores the importance the international community attaches to the Yemeni crisis, he added, hoping the agreement will pave the way for Yemeni parties to start the political process, under UN auspices, to reach a comprehensive political solution that achieves security and stability in the country.

He reiterated the GCC's continued support and full solidarity with Yemen, its government and people, and its keenness to encourage all efforts to de-escalate and maintain stability in order to reach peace.