Syrians Fear Effects of Russia Blocking Aid to Opposition Area

An aerial view shows a large refugee camp on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey, near the town of Atma, in Idlib province, Syria, April 19, 2020. (AP)
An aerial view shows a large refugee camp on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey, near the town of Atma, in Idlib province, Syria, April 19, 2020. (AP)

Syrians Fear Effects of Russia Blocking Aid to Opposition Area

An aerial view shows a large refugee camp on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey, near the town of Atma, in Idlib province, Syria, April 19, 2020. (AP)
An aerial view shows a large refugee camp on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey, near the town of Atma, in Idlib province, Syria, April 19, 2020. (AP)

Over the past two years, Adila Afesh has seen the food assistance her Syrian family receives shrink by nearly two-thirds.

Now, she fears Russia - perhaps seeking to retaliate against Western sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine - will block the renewal of a UN Security Council resolution that allows aid to be delivered from Turkey to Syrians who, like her family, live in the opposition-run Idlib province.

Such a move would mean Afesh and her seven children - along with 4 million others in Idlib - will have to survive on even less.

"If, God forbid, aid is stopped, it means that they have sentenced us to death. Death by hunger," she said on a recent day in the tent she lives in with her family, her cat deep asleep in her lap as her children played nearby.

The jobless woman says the family survives on two meals a day, mostly made up of rice or bulgur. Soon, she says, "we might have to fight in order to get a bite of food."

Russia, a main backer of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has long wanted to shut down the Turkey route, seeking to have aid delivered solely through government-controlled areas. Opposition activists and residents warn that is something the authorities in Damascus would exploit as a pressure tactic against Syria’s main opposition stronghold of Idlib.

In 2014, aid flowed into Syria from four border crossings. Since then, UN Security Council permanent member Russia forced the council to close three of the four crossings. It kept one in the north, the Bab al-Hawa crossing with Turkey, for aid to flow into the opposition stronghold destroyed by 11 years of war.

In early July 2020, China and Russia vetoed a UN resolution that would have maintained two border crossing points from Turkey to deliver humanitarian aid to Idlib. Days later, the council authorized the delivery of aid through just one of those crossings, Bab al-Hawa. That one-year mandate was extended and expires this weekend. A vote to renew it is set for Thursday in New York.

Aid agencies warn that if Russia vetoes the resolution, food would be depleted in Idlib and surrounding areas by September, putting the lives of some 4.1 million people, many of them displaced by the conflict and living in tent settlements, at risk.

Afesh, 37, who was displaced from the northern city of Aleppo in 2016, said her main concern before moving to Idlib province used to be where to hide with her four sons and three daughters from government airstrikes. Since December 2016, the family that lost its main bread winner seven years ago has been living in relative calm close to the Turkish border. But soon they might not have food on the table.

Syria's economy is suffering its worst period since the crisis began in 2011. That's the result of an array of troubles, including crippling Western sanctions, widespread corruption, coronavirus, rising food prices because of the war in Ukraine and an economic meltdown in neighboring Lebanon - Damascus’ main gate to the outside world and home to 1 million Syrian refugees.

"The situation in Syria has always been highly politicized, but this year the stakes are clearly higher with everything that’s going on in Ukraine and the tensions between Russia and the United States and European countries," said Marc Cutts, the UN’s deputy regional humanitarian coordinator.

Cutts told The Associated Press that, "people will certainly die" if the Security Council resolution is not extended. He added there would be a massive crisis as hospitals go without the necessary medical supplies and people will not get the vaccinations they need.

Cutts said delivering aid through Turkey is direct and sufficient. If aid has to come through government areas, it will have to pass through an active front line. "This is still a war zone," he said.

He said that over the past 12 months, five convoys have crossed from government-controlled areas while 800 trucks cross from Turkey every month. He said last year they were reaching 2.4 million people in northwest Syria and if there is funding, more should be reached.

Abdul-Razzaq Awad, a manager at Syria Relief, a local aid group, warned that aid agencies now are offering 50% of what they used to give due to the war in Ukraine. He said that if Bab al-Hawa is closed and aid has to come from government-controlled areas, he expects it to drop to about 20% of what used to be delivered before the Ukraine war.

In late June, 29 aid agencies came together to share one message, which is that a humanitarian "catastrophe will happen" should the UN Security Council fail to allow lifesaving aid and services to be delivered across the border.

At stake is access to food, vaccinations against COVID-19, critical medical supplies and essential services including health care, access to clean water and education for millions of Syrians.

"Removing this channel of assistance will have devastating humanitarian impacts on civilians and that there is no viable alternative," said the agencies, including International Rescue Committee, CARE International, World Vision International, Save the Children, Norwegian Refugee Council and Mercy Corps.

"Now it is the time for the UN Security Council to correct course and show it can put people’s lives above politics," said David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee.

Russia has argued that aid delivery should be handled by the government, claiming that militant groups are handling the deliveries in the current setup.

In May, Russia’s deputy UN ambassador Dmitry Polyansky told the Security Council that "we are not okay" with preserving the status quo at any cost. The most powerful group in Idlib, al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, threatens humanitarian assistance, Polyansky noted.

Cutts, the UN official, said the world should do something for residents of northwest Syria.

"This is actually one of the most vulnerable civilian populations anywhere in the world," he said.

With Nowhere Else to Hide, Gazans Shelter in Former Prison

24 July 2024, Palestinian Territories, Khan Younis: Displaced Palestinians stay in Asda prison in Khan Younis after the Israeli army ordered them to leave their homes in the towns of Abasan, Bani Suhaila, Ma'an, Al-Zana and a number of other villages, amid Israel-Hamas conflict. (dpa)
24 July 2024, Palestinian Territories, Khan Younis: Displaced Palestinians stay in Asda prison in Khan Younis after the Israeli army ordered them to leave their homes in the towns of Abasan, Bani Suhaila, Ma'an, Al-Zana and a number of other villages, amid Israel-Hamas conflict. (dpa)

With Nowhere Else to Hide, Gazans Shelter in Former Prison

24 July 2024, Palestinian Territories, Khan Younis: Displaced Palestinians stay in Asda prison in Khan Younis after the Israeli army ordered them to leave their homes in the towns of Abasan, Bani Suhaila, Ma'an, Al-Zana and a number of other villages, amid Israel-Hamas conflict. (dpa)
24 July 2024, Palestinian Territories, Khan Younis: Displaced Palestinians stay in Asda prison in Khan Younis after the Israeli army ordered them to leave their homes in the towns of Abasan, Bani Suhaila, Ma'an, Al-Zana and a number of other villages, amid Israel-Hamas conflict. (dpa)

After weeks of Israeli bombardment left them with nowhere else to go, hundreds of Palestinians have ended up in a former Gaza prison built to hold murderers and thieves.

Yasmeen al-Dardasi said she and her family passed wounded people they were unable to help as they evacuated from a district in the southern city of Khan Younis towards its Central Correction and Rehabilitation Facility.

They spent a day under a tree before moving on to the former prison, where they now live in a prayer room. It offers protection from the blistering sun, but not much else.

Dardasi's husband has a damaged kidney and just one lung, but no mattress or blanket.

"We are not settled here either," said Dardasi, who like many Palestinians fears she will be uprooted once again.

Israel has said it goes out of its way to protect civilians in its war with the Palestinian group Hamas, which runs Gaza and led the attack on Israel on Oct. 7 that sparked the latest conflict.

Palestinians, many of whom have been displaced several times, say nowhere is free of Israeli bombardment, which has reduced much of Gaza to rubble.

An Israeli air strike killed at least 90 Palestinians in a designated humanitarian zone in the Al-Mawasi area on July 13, the territory's health ministry said, in an attack that Israel said targeted Hamas' elusive military chief Mohammed Deif.

On Thursday, Gaza's health ministry said Israeli military strikes on areas in eastern Khan Younis had killed 14 people.

Entire neighborhoods have been flattened in one of the most densely populated places in the world, where poverty and unemployment have long been widespread.

According to the United Nations, nine in ten people across Gaza are now internally displaced.

Israeli soldiers told Saria Abu Mustafa and her family that they should flee for safety as tanks were on their way, she said. The family had no time to change so they left in their prayer clothes.

After sleeping outside on sandy ground, they too found refuge in the prison, among piles of rubble and gaping holes in buildings from the battles which were fought there. Inmates had been released long before Israel attacked.

"We didn't take anything with us. We came here on foot, with children walking with us," she said, adding that many of the women had five or six children with them and that water was hard to find.

She held her niece, who was born during the conflict, which has killed her father and brothers.

When Hamas-led gunmen burst into southern Israel from Gaza on Oct. 7 they killed 1,200 people and took more than 250 people hostage, according to Israeli tallies.

More than 39,000 Palestinians have been killed in the air and ground offensive Israel launched in response, Palestinian health officials say.

Hana Al-Sayed Abu Mustafa arrived at the prison after being displaced six times.

If Egyptian, US and Qatari mediators fail to secure a ceasefire they have long said is close, she and other Palestinians may be on the move once again. "Where should we go? All the places that we go to are dangerous," she said.