UN Aid Deliveries to Syria from Turkey Extended until January

United Nations Security Council members have agreed to extend for six months a system for bringing aid through Turkey and the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, shown here in July 2022, into war-ravaged Syria OMAR HAJ KADOUR AFP/File
United Nations Security Council members have agreed to extend for six months a system for bringing aid through Turkey and the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, shown here in July 2022, into war-ravaged Syria OMAR HAJ KADOUR AFP/File

UN Aid Deliveries to Syria from Turkey Extended until January

United Nations Security Council members have agreed to extend for six months a system for bringing aid through Turkey and the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, shown here in July 2022, into war-ravaged Syria OMAR HAJ KADOUR AFP/File
United Nations Security Council members have agreed to extend for six months a system for bringing aid through Turkey and the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, shown here in July 2022, into war-ravaged Syria OMAR HAJ KADOUR AFP/File

The United Nations Security Council voted on Tuesday to allow UN aid deliveries from Turkey to some 4 million people in northwest Syria to continue until Jan. 10, reaching a deal on its third attempt after the mandate for the operation expired.

The United States, Britain and France abstained from the vote because they wanted to extend the long-running humanitarian aid operation for one year. Russia vetoed that move in a vote on Friday and then failed in its own push for a six-month renewal.

Deputy US Ambassador Richard Mills accused Russia of holding the council hostage. The United States, Britain and France said six months was not long enough for aid groups to plan and operate effectively. The United Nations wanted one year.

"Russia does not care," Mills said. "Russia stood alone in complete isolation and used their veto to punish the Syrian people. It bullied council members and continued its merciless approach toward the most vulnerable."

Russia had said it would veto any text other than its own.

"Russia was trying to get the best deal possible," Russia's Deputy UN Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy told reporters after the meeting. "The world is bigger than Western countries ... they have to take into consideration interest of the countries first and foremost affected by Security Council decisions."

Council approval for the aid deliveries expired on Sunday. That authorization is needed because Syrian authorities did not agree to the operation, which has been delivering aid including food, medicine and shelter to the opposition-controlled area of Syria since 2014.

Turkey's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that continuation of the aid deliveries "without interruption is essential for an effective international response" and regional stability.

Ukraine tensions

Russia argues that the UN aid operation violates Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It says more aid should be delivered from inside the country, raising opposition fears that food and other aid would fall under government control.

The resolution adopted on Tuesday was put forward by Ireland and Norway. It essentially mirrors the failed Russian text, which only Russia and China supported on Friday.

The Security Council vote on the authorization of the aid operation has long been a contentious issue, but this year also comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and Western powers over Moscow's Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine.

"We're dealing with a very difficult geo-political context and the dynamic around the table is very different," Ireland's UN Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason told reporters. "In that context ... you have to see this as a very significant result."

Norway's UN Ambassador Mona Juul noted: "The Russian position this year, as it has been in the previous year, is that they don't want to have this mechanism. That's their starting point. We have managed now to have it renewed."

In 2014, the Security Council authorized humanitarian aid deliveries into opposition-held areas of Syria from Iraq, Jordan and two points in Turkey. But Russia and China, which have veto powers, have whittled that down to just one Turkish border point.

The council on Tuesday committed to further extend the aid operation until July 10, 2023, but another resolution would be required in January to do so. UN chief Antonio Guterres also has to submit a special report on the humanitarian needs in Syria to the Security Council in December.

"I strongly hope that after the six months it will be renewed," Guterres told reporters after the vote.

UN Body Investigating ISIS Crimes Prepares to Leave Iraq

A UNITAD representative delivers to the Iraqi judiciary a report of investigations into ISIS crimes in Iraq (UNITAD website)
A UNITAD representative delivers to the Iraqi judiciary a report of investigations into ISIS crimes in Iraq (UNITAD website)

UN Body Investigating ISIS Crimes Prepares to Leave Iraq

A UNITAD representative delivers to the Iraqi judiciary a report of investigations into ISIS crimes in Iraq (UNITAD website)
A UNITAD representative delivers to the Iraqi judiciary a report of investigations into ISIS crimes in Iraq (UNITAD website)

The head of a United Nations body investigating crimes by ISIS in Iraq has expressed regret over "misunderstandings" that led to the premature end of its crucial mission, at Baghdad's request.

In a telephone interview with AFP, UNITAD head Ana Peyro Llopis reflected on its seven-year effort to bring the militants to justice.

Peyro Llopis noted it has been the only such international investigation mission to be established on the ground.

UNITAD's mission will end on September 17, years ahead of its expected completion, after the Security Council last year renewed its mandate for only one year at the request of Iraq's government.

ISIS seized vast swathes of Iraq and neighboring Syria and proclaimed a “caliphate” in 2014, carrying out abductions, beheadings, ethnic cleansing, mass killings and rapes.

After fierce battles, the Iraqi army, backed by a US-led international coalition, recaptured Mosul, declaring in December 2017 the defeat of ISIS in Iraq.

UNITAD was set up in September 2017 by the UN Security Council to investigate genocide and war crimes by the group.

68 Mass Graves

In August 2017, the Iraqi government asked the international community to help ensure that ISIS fighters are held accountable for their crimes.

One month later, the international community responded to this call, with the Security Council unanimously adopting resolution 2379 (2017), by which it requested the Secretary-General to establish an investigative team (UNITAD), headed by a Special Adviser, to support domestic efforts to hold ISIS accountable.

During its mandate, UNITAD wrote 19 reports on ISIS, including on specific crimes against minority Shiites and Yazidis and on the structure of the group.

It amassed 40 terabytes of digitized documentation and also worked on excavating mass graves.

“We recovered remains from 68 graves holding around 1,000 victims, 200 of whom we were able to identify,” Peyro Llopis said.

The team also studied evidence presented by Iraq, in addition to other documents of witnesses collected by the UN and not shared with the Iraqi authorities.

“The United Nations has strict rules of confidentiality and respect for the consent of those who testify,” Peyro Llopis said, meaning that not all evidence was passed on to the Iraqis.

Media reports spoke of tensions between UNITAD and the Baghdad government.

There have been ISIS-related prosecutions, mainly in Europe, that have involved UNITAD documents and have resulted in 15 convictions.

“The Iraqis have seen concrete results in foreign jurisdictions, and got the impression that UNITAD cooperated more with foreign states than with Iraq,” said Peyro Llopis.

“Everything could have been better explained,” she added.