Mohammed bin Salman to Biden: Each Country Has Different Values that Must Be Respected

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaks during the Jeddah Security and Development Summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 16, 2022. (Reuters)
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaks during the Jeddah Security and Development Summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 16, 2022. (Reuters)

Mohammed bin Salman to Biden: Each Country Has Different Values that Must Be Respected

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaks during the Jeddah Security and Development Summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 16, 2022. (Reuters)
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaks during the Jeddah Security and Development Summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 16, 2022. (Reuters)

The talks between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and US President Joe Biden in Jeddah on Friday were not only comprehensive, but frank, said a Saudi sources.

He said Biden spoke of common values, to which Crown Prince Mohammed replied: “All countries of the world, especially the US and Saudi Arabia, have a lot of values that they agree upon, and several that they differ over.”

“However, right and good values and principles always affect peoples of other countries, significantly at a time when we are witnessing such unprecedented connectedness between people of the world,” he added.

Meanwhile, attempting to impose these values by force will have major counter-effects, as seen in Iraq and the Afghanistan, where the US did not succeed.

It is therefore, important to realize that each country enjoys different values that must be respected.

“If we were to assume that the US would only deal with countries that completely share its values, then it will only have NATO to deal with,” added the source.

“We must, therefore, coexist despite our differences,” he urged.

Biden briefly addressed the issue of Jamal Khashoggi, to which Crown Prince Mohammed said: “What happened was unfortunate and the Kingdom has taken all measures to investigate the issue.”

“It has also adopted measures that would prevent such mistakes from happening again in the future,” he remarked.

Furthermore, Crown Prince Mohammed said that such incidents happen anywhere in the world. He noted that the same year the incident happened, other journalists were killed in other parts of the world.

He stressed that the US is itself guilty of several mistakes, such as the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Countries must address these mistakes and take measures that would prevent them from happening again, he stated.

Moreover, he noted the recent killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and whether the US and world countries had taken any measures to address it.

Saudi Arabia Stresses Need for Peaceful Cooperation, Coexistence between Nations

Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, chairs the cabinet meeting in Jeddah. (SPA)
Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, chairs the cabinet meeting in Jeddah. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Stresses Need for Peaceful Cooperation, Coexistence between Nations

Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, chairs the cabinet meeting in Jeddah. (SPA)
Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, chairs the cabinet meeting in Jeddah. (SPA)

The Saudi government stressed on Tuesday the importance of bolstering the international system so that it can repel chaos and conflict.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, chaired the cabinet meeting in Jeddah.

The government also underlined the need to provide the framework for peaceful cooperation and coexistence between countries given the challenges and crises the world is facing.

The cabinet reviewed the latest regional and international political developments and the talks held between Saudi Arabia and various countries.

The ministers reviewed the outcomes of the Kingdom’s participation at regional and international meetings, as part of its efforts to support collective work and build bridges of coordination and solidarity to establish a world where prosperity, growth, security and stability prevail.

Moreover, the cabinet renewed the Kingdom’s commitment to boosting international cooperation to ban weapons of mass destruction and prevent their proliferation.

It made that position during the meetings of the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The cabinet emphasized the organization’s role in maintaining international peace and security and the full and effective implementation of all provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

The cabinet “strongly condemned the continuation of genocidal massacres against the Palestinian people, reiterating the demand for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and the protection of unarmed civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories.”

It stressed the need to “activate international accountability mechanisms for the continuous Israeli violations of international humanitarian law and international legitimacy resolutions.”

Domestically, the cabinet reviewed performance reports of several key sectors and their continued leaps in competitiveness and international indicators. It praised the Kingdom’s achievement of second place among the Group of Twenty (G20) countries for the second consecutive time in the 2024 ICT Development Index issued by the United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU).