Saudi Coffee Company, Culinary Arts Commission Sign Agreement to Preserve Heritage

The Saudi Coffee Company signs a cooperation agreement with the Culinary Arts Commission to promote and preserve Saudi Arabia’s unique and diverse culinary heritage. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
The Saudi Coffee Company signs a cooperation agreement with the Culinary Arts Commission to promote and preserve Saudi Arabia’s unique and diverse culinary heritage. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Coffee Company, Culinary Arts Commission Sign Agreement to Preserve Heritage

The Saudi Coffee Company signs a cooperation agreement with the Culinary Arts Commission to promote and preserve Saudi Arabia’s unique and diverse culinary heritage. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
The Saudi Coffee Company signs a cooperation agreement with the Culinary Arts Commission to promote and preserve Saudi Arabia’s unique and diverse culinary heritage. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The Saudi Coffee Company announced Thursday the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Culinary Arts Commission to promote and preserve Saudi Arabia’s unique and diverse culinary heritage.

The agreement will help promote Saudi Arabia’s coffee product as one rooted in the past, present and future of Saudi society.

It will celebrate Saudi Arabia’s coffee heritage, support the development of the national coffee industry and empower local talents.

The company is a subsidiary of the Public Investment Fund established to transform Saudi Arabia’s Coffea Arabica into a global product.

“The Saudi Coffee Company is ramping up efforts to be a pioneer in developing the coffee industry in Saudi and celebrating coffee heritage with the Culinary Arts Commission,” Saudi Coffee Company CEO Raja al-Harbi said.

He stressed that the agreement is a major step that will help the company communicate its values and message to the public.

Mayada Badr, CEO of the Culinary Arts Commission, said: “Our cooperation agreement with Saudi Coffee Company aligns with our mission to share the richness of our culinary arts and traditions with the world. “

This agreement will further enhance the Kingdom’s long-standing legacy of coffee growing, underscoring the Company’s distinctive product, Badr added.

The terms of the agreement include plans to work across multiple platforms including content creation, sponsorship, marketing and merchandising opportunities to market Saudi Arabia’s coffee beans more widely.

It provides for collaborative work between the commission and the company in several areas, such as a program to develop a media library and local culinary arts stories and the designing and marketing of tourism routes for coffee plantations.

It will support Saudi coffee events and festivals, issue licenses to Saudi coffee experts, encourage local production, promote the company’s products in digital shops specializing in Saudi culinary arts, and set standards for the processing of coffee beans.

The Saudi Coffee Company’s vision is to ensure that the national coffee industry is enabled along its entire value chain, from bean to cup.

It will play a vital role in developing sustainable coffee production in Saudi Arabia’s southern region, home to the world-famous Coffea Arabica.

Russian Scientists Conduct Autopsy on 44,000-year-old Permafrost Wolf Carcass

Scientists perform an autopsy of an ancient wolf, frozen in permafrost for more than 44,000 years and found by locals in Yakutia, at the laboratory of the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Russia June 18, 2024. Michil Yakovlev/North-Eastern Federal University/Handout via REUTERS
Scientists perform an autopsy of an ancient wolf, frozen in permafrost for more than 44,000 years and found by locals in Yakutia, at the laboratory of the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Russia June 18, 2024. Michil Yakovlev/North-Eastern Federal University/Handout via REUTERS

Russian Scientists Conduct Autopsy on 44,000-year-old Permafrost Wolf Carcass

Scientists perform an autopsy of an ancient wolf, frozen in permafrost for more than 44,000 years and found by locals in Yakutia, at the laboratory of the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Russia June 18, 2024. Michil Yakovlev/North-Eastern Federal University/Handout via REUTERS
Scientists perform an autopsy of an ancient wolf, frozen in permafrost for more than 44,000 years and found by locals in Yakutia, at the laboratory of the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Russia June 18, 2024. Michil Yakovlev/North-Eastern Federal University/Handout via REUTERS

In Russia's far northeastern Yakutia region, local scientists are performing an autopsy on a wolf frozen in permafrost for around 44,000 years, a find they said was the first of its kind.
Found by chance by locals in Yakutia's Abyyskiy district in 2021, the wolf's body is only now being properly examined by scientists, Reuters reported Friday.
"This is the world's first discovery of a late Pleistocene predator," said Albert Protopopov, head of the department for the study of mammoth fauna at the Yakutia Academy of Sciences.
"Its age is about 44,000 years, and there have never been such finds before," he said.
Sandwiched between the Arctic Ocean and in Russia's Arctic far east, Yakutia is a vast region of swamps and forests around the size of Texas, around 95% of which is covered in permafrost.
Winter temperatures in the region have been known to drop to as low as minus 64 degrees Celsius (-83.2°F)
"Usually, it's the herbivorous animals that die, get stuck in swamps, freeze and reach us as a whole. This is the first time when a large carnivore has been found," said Protopopov.
While it's not unusual to find millennia-old animal carcasses buried deep in permafrost, which is slowly melting due to climate change, the wolf is special, Protopopov said.
"It was a very active predator, one of the larger ones. Slightly smaller than cave lions and bears, but a very active, mobile predator, and it was also a scavenger," he added.
For Artyom Nedoluzhko, development director of the paleogenetics laboratory at the European University of St. Petersburg, the wolf's remains offer a rare insight into the Yakutia of 44,000 years ago.
"The main goal is to understand what this wolf fed on, who it was, and how it relates to those ancient wolves that inhabited the northeastern part of Eurasia," he said.