Education Occupies 40% of Saudis' Savings Plans

An international survey reveals that most of the income of GCC parents goes to cover study and education expenses (Asharq Al-Awsat)
An international survey reveals that most of the income of GCC parents goes to cover study and education expenses (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Education Occupies 40% of Saudis' Savings Plans

An international survey reveals that most of the income of GCC parents goes to cover study and education expenses (Asharq Al-Awsat)
An international survey reveals that most of the income of GCC parents goes to cover study and education expenses (Asharq Al-Awsat)

A recent survey commissioned by Zurich International Life (Zurich), part of Zurich Insurance Group, revealed that only 4 out of 10 parents in Saudi Arabia have a savings plan dedicated to educating their children.

According to the survey, a copy of which was obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat, 32 % of parents resort to their personal savings to pay for school fees, while 22% of them rely on personal loans.

Conducted in partnership with research firm YouGov in July 2022, the survey covered over 1,500 GCC residents across the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain. It also included parents and married residents across various income groups, occupations, age groups, and gender.

“Our recent survey has unearthed interesting insights including the fact that a good 62 % of parents in the GCC use their monthly income for school-related expenses while the majority of others rely on personal savings or loans,” said Rayner Britto, Head of Distribution at Zurich International Life.

“With the increasing cost of education and uncertainties of life, parents should seriously consider investing in a structured savings plan to support their child’s education. Always back your education savings plan with life insurance cover, which fully protects you and secures your child’s future,” added Britto.

“43% of the parents surveyed said that a better understanding of education savings plans and their benefits would motivate them to invest in the same,” noted Britto.

Most of those surveyed from Saudi Arabia stated that tuition fees are a source of great concern.

The results of the survey showed that the average annual cost of education is SR14,400 ($3,800), at a time when tuition fees constitute 40% of the monthly income of 7 out of 10 couples in Saudi Arabia.

The study also revealed that levels of trust were not high as only 30% of the Saudi population were confident that they would be able to financially support their children’s additional education.

South Korea’s Food Exports Rose to $6.2 Billion in 6 Months

A worker at a supermarket in South Korea puts bags of instant noodles on the shelves (Yonhap news agency)
A worker at a supermarket in South Korea puts bags of instant noodles on the shelves (Yonhap news agency)

South Korea’s Food Exports Rose to $6.2 Billion in 6 Months

A worker at a supermarket in South Korea puts bags of instant noodles on the shelves (Yonhap news agency)
A worker at a supermarket in South Korea puts bags of instant noodles on the shelves (Yonhap news agency)

South Korea's exports of food and related goods rose 5.2% on-year in the first half of 2024, government data showed, led by the popularity of instant noodles and processed rice products.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said that outbound shipments of the food segment known as “K-Food Plus” reached $6.21 billion, compared with $5.9 billion posted a year earlier, the country’s Yonhap new agency reported on Saturday.
K-Food Plus encompasses a diverse range of food products and related items, from fresh and processed goods to agricultural equipment and solutions.
By product, exports of instant noodles jumped 32.3% to hit $590.2 million, with those of processed rice products gaining 41.4 percent to $136.9 million, the data showed.
The ministry attributed the growth in instant noodle exports to the popularity of social media content featuring spicy product challenges, as well as the release of customized products by exporters.
South Korean rice products also gained popularity, as frozen gimbap, or seaweed rice rolls, attracted significant attention in the US market as a gluten-free and healthy eating option, the ministry said.
By destination, exports to the US surged 17%, reaching $736 million, driven by increased demand due to revitalized consumer spending, a stabilizing labor market and eased inflation.
Exports to China also edged up 3.1% to $702 million, as exporters utilized online platforms and influencers to promote South Korean foodstuffs.
Shipments to Japan, on the other hand, declined by 7% during the period to $671.3 million, due to the reduced spending power of Japanese consumers, the ministry added.