Yasir Arman to Asharq Al-Awsat: The Sudanese Brotherhood is Close to Regaining Power

Member of the Central Council of Sudan’s Alliance for Freedom and Change, Yasir Arman (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Member of the Central Council of Sudan’s Alliance for Freedom and Change, Yasir Arman (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Yasir Arman to Asharq Al-Awsat: The Sudanese Brotherhood is Close to Regaining Power

Member of the Central Council of Sudan’s Alliance for Freedom and Change, Yasir Arman (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Member of the Central Council of Sudan’s Alliance for Freedom and Change, Yasir Arman (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Member of the Central Council of Sudan’s Alliance for Freedom and Change, Yasir Arman, warned against the return of the Sudanese Brotherhood to power.

Arman, who served as political advisor to former Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, said in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat that the supporters of ousted President Omar al-Bashir were trying to exploit the armed forces as a “Trojan Horse to restore their lost paradise.”

“The former regime is trying to use the armed forces as a protective political shield… to restore its lost paradise,” he said, adding: “The conflict is not between civilians and the military, as some people try to portray it; rather, it is between the Islamic movement regime and the Sudanese people. The Islamists want to use the armed forces against the wishes of the people.”

The Sudanese official explained that more than 35,000 employees of the former regime were currently at the top of the civil service, security services and other bodies.

“This great confusion caused by the remnants of the Bashir regime - who are accusing others of wanting to dismantle the armed forces - is intended to regain power,” he noted.

Arman stressed that the Sudan Alliance for Freedom and Change called for reforming and building the armed forces and the security sector, in accordance with internationally-approved programs, including disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and the withdrawal of Islamists from the regular forces.

“Regional powers must know that the Islamists of the National Congress Party are now at the closest point to seizing power again. Their return will not be at the expense of the Sudanese people alone, but at the expense of the region and the international community as well,” the official warned.

Asked about the Quartet initiative to solve the Sudan crisis, Arman pointed to the need to include regional and international parties that support the transition and the political process.

“Any political process that the people do not approve of is doomed to failure,” he said, adding: “I’m not talking about a settlement; because any solution or political process that overlooks issues that involve impunity… will not work.”

Arman stressed the need to address war crimes, genocide and the causes that led to the secession of South Sudan, in order to redefine a new national project and rebuild the country.

On the possibility of negotiating the removal of the current leaders of the army, he said: “I’m not talking about negotiation; rather, it is about a peaceful transition to a democratic civilian authority that is acceptable to the people, according to a credibly designed process, and not in closed rooms…”

“Tomorrow, the people should not be surprised by a prime minister who has been approved by the army. The process should be carried out with genuine popular participation, drawing on the experiences of many countries that have witnessed a transition to a real democratic civil authority,” the Sudanese official remarked.

Asked whether the participation of the head of the Sovereignty Council in the funeral of the Queen of Britain, and Sudan’s speech at the United Nations, were considered as a new direction for the international community, Arman said: “I cannot speak on behalf of the international community; but what I know is that the international community will not accept you unless your people accept you, and that the main issue is within the country and not with the international community. External painkillers will not be useful in ending the coup crisis.”

Commenting on talks about the rapprochement between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Freedom and Change Alliance, the Sudanese official told Asharq Al-Awsat: “No rapprochement can be achieved at the expense of the armed forces or at the expense of RSF, as both options are wrong. The armed forces will remain the main basis on which the reform of the military and security sector must take place.”

He added: “We don’t want sedition; we want stability for our country. We are not seeking to dismantle the armed forces. This is a big lie.”

Arman emphasized the need to define the difference between the agenda of the revolutionary forces and the political process to overthrow the coup.

“There are important forces, and they may be interested in the democratic transition. Dealing with them needs mechanisms and a different perception. If this does not happen, the forces of the revolution may pay the price of confusing them with the forces of democratic transition,” he explained.

Hevolution CEO Discusses Career in Innovation, Medicine, and Business

Dr. Mehmood Khan, CEO of the Hevolution Foundation
Dr. Mehmood Khan, CEO of the Hevolution Foundation

Hevolution CEO Discusses Career in Innovation, Medicine, and Business

Dr. Mehmood Khan, CEO of the Hevolution Foundation
Dr. Mehmood Khan, CEO of the Hevolution Foundation

Dr. Mehmood Khan, CEO of the Hevolution Foundation, the largest philanthropy organization funding aging medicine in the world, expressed that receiving Saudi citizenship will boost his scientific and practical capabilities.
He said this new status will help him advance his research, especially in addressing aging.
This comes as part of a recent royal decree granting Saudi citizenship to several notable scholars, doctors, researchers, and innovators.
“Our Chairman, his Royal Highness (Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman), has very high expectations of our work and the impact we need to do; We were created in part because of his vision,” Khan told Asharq Al-Awsat.
“Living up to the expectations and challenges we get faced with is itself exciting, but it is challenging,” revealed Khan, affirming that Hevolution’s team is “up to that task.”
Khan, who has experience in both corporate and medical fields, told Asharq Al-Awsat that his work across academic, public, and private sectors has been a continuous learning process, with each area enhancing the others.
According to the CEO, these industries are interconnected, and combining their strengths often leads to the best solutions.
This insight inspired the Hevolution initiative, which brings together the scientific community, NGOs, pharmaceutical companies, policymakers, academia, biotech firms, CEOs, and others to promote healthy aging.
Khan highlighted the value of integrating insights from different sectors.
Academia provides detailed research, the public sector offers insights on population health and regulations, and the corporate world brings innovation and efficiency, explained Khan, adding that by merging these perspectives, the world can tackle complex health challenges more effectively.
“We’ve been working through, and are now investing, funding and partnering with over 200 scientists around the world, and over 150 different university labs,” said Khan.
Hevolution uses this integrated approach to advance healthy aging.
This initiative embodies my passion for addressing major challenges and offers a significant opportunity to make a global impact.
Khan talked about the first $400 million commitment Hevolution made in the last 23 months, calling it “unprecedented.”
“There has never been a non-profit organization in the world that has gone from not existing to now becoming the largest philanthropy funding aging biology and medicine in the world,” affirmed Khan.
Khan stressed that work at Hevolution not only pushes scientific boundaries but also promotes cross-sector collaboration to improve global health outcomes.
Since Khan’s early days in medical school, he’s been deeply interested in nutrition and population health, which was an unconventional focus back then. This journey set the foundation for his later work in community health.
Khan’s time as an endocrinology faculty member at the Mayo Clinic was crucial. He led programs on diabetes, endocrine diseases, metabolism, and nutrition, which strengthened his expertise in designing disease prevention systems.
In the private sector, Khan took on a key role at Takeda Pharmaceutical as the global head of R&D, which shaped his approach to innovative healthcare solutions.
At PepsiCo, as Chief Scientific Officer, he learned crucial principles of scale, impact, transformation, and tackling global challenges.
As CEO of Hevolution, Khan uses all his professional experience to advance the foundation’s mission of developing health sciences to address age-related diseases.
Khan serves on the boards of Reckitt Benckiser and the Saudi Research, Development, and Innovation Authority (RDIA).
He is the CEO of Life Biosciences, a member of Saudi Arabia’s biotechnology strategy committee, and the chair of the advanced technology visiting committee at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Khan told Asharq Al-Awsat that he feels honored to have recently become a Saudi citizen by royal decree, while also holding dual US and UK citizenship. This helps him lead Hevolution effectively and work closely with international partners.
Khan commented on his recent Saudi citizenship, saying that in addition to feeling honored to receive Saudi citizenship by royal decree, alongside other distinguished individuals, this recognition is a great privilege.
Being a Saudi citizen, as per Khan, is a significant milestone and acknowledges the progress in his work in aging science and global health. It also strengthens Khan’s commitment to the work at Hevolution.
Khan noted that this new status enhances his ability to build relationships and collaborate within the Kingdom and internationally. It offers a deeper connection with the local community and better opportunities to engage with policymakers and leaders.
He also said that this recognition boosts Hevolution’s global presence and credibility, making the foundation’s collaborations with international scientists and business leaders stronger. It positions Hevolution as a key player in addressing age-related diseases.
Khan emphasized that this honor reflects the hard work and innovation of Hevolution’s entire team.
The CEO said that it was collective efforts that have made this achievement possible.
Khan also said he is excited to engage more deeply with the scientific and medical community in the Kingdom, adding that his new citizenship helps him contribute to Vision 2030 and the national biotechnology strategy, promoting innovation and attracting top global talent.