Salih Muslim: Divorce Is Inevitable Between the Syrian Regime, Türkiye

Democratic Union Party Co-Chairman Salih Muslim (REUTERS)
Democratic Union Party Co-Chairman Salih Muslim (REUTERS)

Salih Muslim: Divorce Is Inevitable Between the Syrian Regime, Türkiye

Democratic Union Party Co-Chairman Salih Muslim (REUTERS)
Democratic Union Party Co-Chairman Salih Muslim (REUTERS)

Salih Muslim, the co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party, the main party of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, has rejected the PYD having any links to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Muslim, however, admitted that the PYD and PKK, which is blacklisted as a terrorist organization in Türkiye, share a “common philosophy.”

“They accuse our party of affiliation with the PKK so they can label us as terrorists as well and prepare for launching a war against the PYD,” Muslim told Asharq Al-Awsat in an interview.

“We believe that the PKK is not a terrorist organization, but it has been placed on the terror list based on Turkish demands and pressures,” added Muslim.

“It is true that we are ideologically similar to the PKK in the sense that we derive our ideas, work, and strategy from the ideas and theories of Abdullah Ocalan, because he is a Kurdish and global leader,” explained Muslim.

“However, we are not linked to the PKK in any organizational or membership form whatsoever,” he said.

Muslim considered that the meetings, which took place between the Syrian regime and Türkiye, are like a “forced marriage that is fated to end in divorce.”

“The parties that seek to complete this marriage, whether it is Russia or Iran, know and realize that it will not last, and its inevitable fate is divorce,” Muslim told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“There are great contradictions between Damascus and Ankara, and if this rapprochement achieves a political solution, it is welcome, and if it puts an end to this war, it is also welcome,” he added.

“I do not think that this normalization will develop and take the form of friendly relations, as it was before 2011. This is due to the great contradictions and differences between the Syrian state and Türkiye,” he explained.

The PYD, which was founded in 2003, has risen to prominence with the start of the Syrian civil war.

It, with the help of Arab, Christian, and Kurdish parties, established “autonomous regions” in three parts of northeastern Syria. These regions were established in areas where the population is mostly made up of Kurds.

During the siege of Kobani in 2014, the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), a mainly Kurdish group affiliated with the PYD, gained the support of the US-led international coalition against ISIS.

With that help, the YPG secured control over territory located in four Syrian provinces. According to 2017 estimates, this territory amounted to one-third of the area of Syria.

Türkiye, concerned over the growth of the PYD’s influence, launched three military operations.

In 2016, it launched Operation Euphrates Shield. In 2018, it launched Operation Olive Branch. In 2019, it launched Operation Peace Spring.

These three military ventures resulted in the PYD and YPG losing control over key cities.

Pakistan FM to Asharq Al-Awsat: Eastern Neighbor’s Ambitions Fueled by Dominance Desire

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar

Pakistan FM to Asharq Al-Awsat: Eastern Neighbor’s Ambitions Fueled by Dominance Desire

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan enjoy a special relationship with close cooperation on many issues. Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar described this bond as deep and long-standing, highlighting Saudi Arabia’s crucial support for Pakistan’s growth and prosperity.

Saudi Arabia hosts 28% of Pakistani expatriates, reflecting the strong ties between the two nations.

Pakistan’s top diplomat, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, emphasized the importance of Saudi investments in strengthening the relationship between the two countries.

Dar highlighted shared priorities in promoting stability and addressing security threats in the Middle East, noting that recent security collaborations have further enhanced their ties.

The minister accused India of having expansionist ambitions in South Asia, particularly targeting Pakistan. He expressed concern over India’s growing military imports and its use of military power to intimidate neighboring countries.

Dar also stated that Pakistan will not recognize Israel until a fair resolution for the Palestinians is achieved. He highlighted that recent escalations show the consequences of Israel’s actions and ongoing violations of international law.

The minister stressed the enduring support between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, driven by geographical proximity, religious and cultural ties. Both countries are focused on boosting bilateral trade, surpassing $2.5 billion, and sealing investment deals.

The Saudi Crown Prince had reiterated the Kingdom’s commitment to accelerating investment initiatives.

Dar pointed out the regular exchanges between business, civilian, and military leaders of both countries, showing the deep fraternal bond. He stressed the robust economic, political, and defense relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, noting their shared interests.

He emphasized the vital role of Saudi support in Pakistan’s development, saying it strengthens the partnership.

Dar also noted an unprecedented level of bilateral exchanges and hoped the ongoing meetings between Pakistani and Saudi businessmen would benefit Pakistan economically.

The minister emphasized the vital role of Saudi investments in boosting fraternal relations. He expressed Pakistan’s interest in turning this connection into a mutually beneficial economic partnership.

Pakistan sees itself as an attractive market with untapped potential, offering significant benefits to partners.

Both Pakistan and India joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2017.

When asked about the SCO’s role in reducing tension, Dar explained that while SCO forums allow member states to discuss common interests, they focus on enhancing multilateral cooperation and don't address bilateral issues.

He mentioned Pakistan’s organization of practical cooperation events as the current chair of the SCO Council of Heads of Government, with participation from India and other member states during 2023-2024.

Dar expressed concerns about India’s expansionist mindset, especially towards Pakistan, and its military buildup to assert dominance in South Asia. He highlighted worries about India’s increasing military imports, which could destabilize the region and upset strategic balance.