US Affirms Lebanon-Israel Maritime Border Demarcation Deal Is ‘Within Reach’

A picture from last May of a drilling ship near the Karish field (Reuters)
A picture from last May of a drilling ship near the Karish field (Reuters)

US Affirms Lebanon-Israel Maritime Border Demarcation Deal Is ‘Within Reach’

A picture from last May of a drilling ship near the Karish field (Reuters)
A picture from last May of a drilling ship near the Karish field (Reuters)

The US is working to resolve disputes stalling the agreement for demarcating maritime borders between Lebanon and Israel, according to a message the US Department of State sent to Asharq Al-Awsat.

Although US mediator Amos Hochstein has presented a drafted agreement that meets Lebanon's demands in principle, complications arose and halted the conclusion of a deal that would pave the way for offshore energy exploration.

In a message to Asharq Al-Awsat, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price affirmed that Hochstein is contacting both sides and working to settle differences as negotiations enter their final stage.

Price confirmed that the US is still committed to arriving at a solution.

The US believes that "a lasting agreement is possible and within reach," added Price.

Hanin Ghaddar, a researcher at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, affirmed that a deal between the two enemy states is close, despite the delays and rising obstacles.

Both sides want a deal one way or another, and they will likely find a compromise, explained Ghaddar.

She warned that the Lebanon-based Hezbollah would try to present the deal as a victory to legitimize its weapons.

Hezbollah might also succeed in using the agreement to influence upcoming presidential elections and government formation, she told Asharq Al-Awsat.

It depends on timing, whether a deal is concluded before or after President Michel Aoun leaves office, clarified Ghaddar.

In Lebanon, everyone believes their country has given Israel significant concessions, a position which doesn't bode well for Hezbollah. According to the deal, Lebanon would need to provide Israel with compensation for the disputed Qana prospect indirectly.

Many in Lebanon criticize the lack of transparency surrounding the deal, said Ghaddar, adding that this also fuels feelings of mistrust.

On the international community's role in urging the Lebanese political class to reform and confront its corruption, Ghaddar said: "Two things are clear. The political class is not ready for reforms, and the international community is not mobilizing enough."

"Europe can start imposing sanctions on corrupt political figures, and the United States can do more with the Magnitsky Act," said Ghaddar.

The researcher concluded that no side seems ready to escalate at this point, possibly due to changes in international priorities.

Knesset Votes to Label UNRWA a Terror Organization

FILED - 30 June 2022, Israel, Jerusalem: Overview of the Israeli Knesset. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa
FILED - 30 June 2022, Israel, Jerusalem: Overview of the Israeli Knesset. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

Knesset Votes to Label UNRWA a Terror Organization

FILED - 30 June 2022, Israel, Jerusalem: Overview of the Israeli Knesset. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa
FILED - 30 June 2022, Israel, Jerusalem: Overview of the Israeli Knesset. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

The Israeli parliament gave preliminary approval on Monday to a bill that declares the main United Nations relief organization for Palestinians a terrorist organization and proposes to sever relations with the body.
The vote against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) is the latest step in a Israeli push against the agency, which Israeli leaders have accused of collaborating with Hamas in Gaza.
The bill was approved in a first reading and will be returned to the foreign affairs and defense committee for further deliberation, the Knesset information service said.
According to Reuters, the bill's sponsor, Yulia Malinovsky, was quoted as describing UNRWA as a "fifth column within Israel.”
UNRWA provides education, health and aid to millions of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It has long had tense relations with Israel but relations have deteriorated sharply since the start of the war in Gaza and Israel has called repeatedly for UNRWA to be disbanded.
"It's another attempt in a wider campaign to dismantle the agency," UNRWA spokesperson Juliette Touma said. "Such steps are unheard of in the history of the United Nations."
Israel has said hundreds of UNRWA staff are members of terrorist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but has yet to provide evidence to a UN-appointed review.
Several donor countries halted funding to UNRWA following the Israeli accusations but many have since reversed the decision, including Britain which said last week it would resume funding.