Israel’s Shin Bet Boosts Security Measures for Netanyahu, Gantz

 Israeli former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a speech during a right-wing demonstration in central Jerusalem against violence and current government on April 6, 2022. (dpa)
Israeli former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a speech during a right-wing demonstration in central Jerusalem against violence and current government on April 6, 2022. (dpa)

Israel’s Shin Bet Boosts Security Measures for Netanyahu, Gantz

 Israeli former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a speech during a right-wing demonstration in central Jerusalem against violence and current government on April 6, 2022. (dpa)
Israeli former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a speech during a right-wing demonstration in central Jerusalem against violence and current government on April 6, 2022. (dpa)

Israel’s intelligence agency (Shin Bet) announced Thursday boosting the security measures for Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

Security sources in Israel expected further reinforcement due to the increased threats both figures have been facing during the election campaign period, which ends on November 1.

“In recent years, there have been incessant threats to harm me, my wife and sons, and even to murder them, including in the last six months,” said Netanyahu in a video posted on social media.

“A far left-wing organization, which calls itself ‘CRIME MINISTER’ issued another direct threat to harm my wife and sons,” Netanyahu added.

In early 2022, Netanyahu and his family members received two letters threatening their lives.

“Yair the bastard, we are four Israelis abroad, we will arrive in Israel soon to kill you and your garbage father, and also your mother. Death will die soon. Wait for us. We will arrive very soon,” the first letter to his son Yair read.

“Death to Sarah, death to Yair, soon. We are on our way. We want to see their blood in front of the streets of Caesarea. Death to them. Then it will be Bibi the criminal’s turn. The State of Israel must be free of all members of the Netanyahu family,” the second letter read.

The hate rhetoric and violence acts have recently increased as the election day approaches.

Israel’s police registered many violations and exchanged accusations.

Twitter has removed a foreign network of fake accounts caught trying to sway Israeli public discourse ahead of the elections.

The network, which was discovered by Israeli civil monitor Fake Reporter, included over 40 fake accounts that were run from outside Israel.

The account pushed content seemingly promoting politician Itamar Ben-Gvir, likely with the aim of amplifying political tensions within Israel's far-right camp.

The accounts are believed to be run by foreign actors outside of Israel.

“The network focused on MK Itamar Ben-Gvir: Responded to his tweets, showed support for him and encouraged his running alone in an attempt to separate him and Religious Zonism head Bezalel Smotrich, who leads their joint slate. The profiles promoted messages calling for Ben-Gvir to run on a separate slate from Smotrich ‘at the last moment,’ a day before the [last day to submit party slates] for the Knesset,” Fake Reporter said in its report.

Erdogan, Barzani Discuss Critical Files in Ankara

Erdogan and Barzani during their talks in Ankara on Wednesday (Turkish Presidency)
Erdogan and Barzani during their talks in Ankara on Wednesday (Turkish Presidency)

Erdogan, Barzani Discuss Critical Files in Ankara

Erdogan and Barzani during their talks in Ankara on Wednesday (Turkish Presidency)
Erdogan and Barzani during their talks in Ankara on Wednesday (Turkish Presidency)

The President of Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, visited Türkiye at a critical time for both Ankara and Erbil, amid regional tensions, particularly with Israel expanding the scope of war in the region.
Before meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Barzani held discussions with Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and intelligence chief Ibrahim Kalin.
According to a statement from the Turkish Presidency’s Directorate of Communications, the meeting between Erdogan and Barzani at the presidential palace on Wednesday covered relations between Ankara and Erbil, regional security issues, and energy concerns.
Discussions also touched on Türkiye’s relations with Baghdad and Erbil, as well as regional developments amid the Israeli escalation and the potential impact of the war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon on Iraq and other countries.
Barzani’s visit to the Turkish capital also comes amid growing signals of a new initiative to resolve the Kurdish issue in Türkiye. The visit precedes the upcoming parliamentary elections in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, scheduled for this Sunday, after being postponed for two years.
The Turkish presidency’s statement indicated that Erdogan expressed hope for peaceful and inclusive elections and, in discussing the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and its spillover into Lebanon, warned of the risk that Israeli aggression could lead to a broader regional war. He emphasized his country’s commitment to regional stability and security and praised the Iraqi authorities’ efforts to keep the country out of the conflict.
Türkiye views Iraq’s stability as crucial for the future of the region and aims to improve relations with Baghdad. Ankara places great importance on resolving issues between the central government in Baghdad and the Erbil government, with which it has built close ties, particularly in security, economy, and energy.
According to Turkish sources speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, these matters were thoroughly discussed during Barzani’s meetings with Turkish foreign and intelligence officials, as well as in his meeting with Erdogan. Security cooperation, particularly in combating the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), was a priority during Barzani’s talks in Ankara.
Ankara and Baghdad have taken significant steps in their “war on terrorism” over the past year through rounds of security and economic talks, culminating in Erdogan’s visit to Baghdad in April. They agreed to collaborate against PKK elements in northern Iraq. This cooperation evolved in August into an agreement to establish a military coordination center in Baghdad and use the Bashiqa base, long controlled by Turkish forces, as a joint Turkish-Iraqi training center.
One of the key agenda items in talks between Ankara, Erbil, and Baghdad over the past 18 months has been the resumption of the Kirkuk-Ceyhan oil pipeline. The latest developments in this issue were discussed during Erdogan and Barzani’s meeting. Türkiye had previously informed Iraq of its readiness to resume the pipeline’s operations, but ongoing disputes between Baghdad and Erbil have delayed this step.

Barzani’s visit to Ankara also coincided with internal Turkish political signals suggesting the government might initiate a new “peace process” to address the Kurdish issue. These indicators have gained momentum following a historic handshake between the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahceli, and members of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) during the opening of the new legislative year in early October. Erdogan expressed support for this gesture by his coalition partner.
Political analyst Murat Yetkin noted that Barzani’s visit might be linked to this new peace initiative. He pointed out that, on the day Barzani’s visit was announced, Bahceli delivered a message in parliament to the imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, urging him to call on his organization to lay down its arms. This was followed by demands from the HDP co-chair for an end to Ocalan’s 43-month isolation in his prison in western Türkiye.