Iraq Drought Impacts Potable Water Supply, Crop Yields, Says Aid Group

Iraq has been battered by three years of drought, low rainfall and reduced water flows along its rivers. (AFP)
Iraq has been battered by three years of drought, low rainfall and reduced water flows along its rivers. (AFP)

Iraq Drought Impacts Potable Water Supply, Crop Yields, Says Aid Group

Iraq has been battered by three years of drought, low rainfall and reduced water flows along its rivers. (AFP)
Iraq has been battered by three years of drought, low rainfall and reduced water flows along its rivers. (AFP)

In drought-hit Iraq, six out of 10 households have had their access to drinking water disrupted and a quarter of farmers have seen crop yields drastically fall this year, said a survey published Monday.

Iraq has been battered by three years of drought, low rainfall and reduced river flows, and the United Nations has ranked it the fifth most vulnerable country to some key effects of climate change.

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), an aid group active in the oil-rich but war-scarred country, surveyed 1,341 households in August in five provinces including Basra, Nineveh and Anbar.

"We are seeing the continued damage from Iraq's climate and water crisis," said James Munn, the NRC's country director, in a statement released alongside the survey findings.

"People are witnessing their fertile land and crops vanish year after year."

The NRC study found that "the crisis has had an immediate impact on access to drinking and irrigation water as well as on the production of crops," causing 35 percent of households to reduce the amount of food they consume.

Sixty-one percent of households "stated that their access to drinking and domestic water had been disrupted in the last year", the NRC said.

In the southern Basra province, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers converge before emptying into the Gulf, some areas have no clean drinking water "due to decreased water levels and high salination".

According to the survey, 25 percent of households that rely on agriculture "witnessed over 90 percent of wheat crop failure this season".

"As a result of the impact of drought on crop production, one quarter of farming households stated that they did not make any profit from selling their wheat crop this year," it added.

Apart from wheat, "42 percent of households surveyed stated that they have seen their production of barley, fruit and vegetables go down" this season.

The prolonged drought has displaced many Iraqis.

Tayseer, a 42-year-old farmer in the country's north, told the NRC he may have to leave his land in Hawija due to income loss.

He used to make 10 million Iraqi dinars (about $6,850) each season, he said, but added that this year, "I may not even get 2 million".

Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets Syrian President Bashar Assad in the Kremlin

Syrian President Bashar Assad, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands during their meeting in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Valery Sharifulin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)
Syrian President Bashar Assad, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands during their meeting in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Valery Sharifulin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets Syrian President Bashar Assad in the Kremlin

Syrian President Bashar Assad, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands during their meeting in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Valery Sharifulin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)
Syrian President Bashar Assad, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands during their meeting in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Valery Sharifulin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Russian President Vladimir Putin met President Bashar Assad of Syria in the Kremlin, video distributed by the Kremlin press service on Thursday showed.
“I am very interested in your opinion on how the situation in the region as a whole is developing,” Putin said to Assad. “Unfortunately, there is a tendency towards escalation, we can see that. This also applies directly to Syria.”
The Kremlin said Putin and Assad's meeting took place Wednesday, The Associated Press reported.
Putin and Assad last met in March 2023 in the Kremlin on the anniversary of Syria’s 12-year uprising-turned-civil war. At that meeting, Putin emphasized the Russian military’s role in stabilizing the country.
Russia has waged a military campaign in Syria since September 2015, teaming up with Iran to allow Assad’s government to fight armed opposition groups and reclaim control over most of the country. While Russia now concentrates the bulk of its military resources in Ukraine, it has maintained a military foothold in Syria and keeps troops at its bases there.
“Considering all the events that are taking place in the world as a whole and in the Eurasian region today, our meeting today seems very important," Assad told Putin via a Russian translator.