French Ambassador to Yemen Sounds Alarm Over Houthi Recruitment of Children

French ambassador to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa (Photo: Omar Hogail)
French ambassador to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa (Photo: Omar Hogail)

French Ambassador to Yemen Sounds Alarm Over Houthi Recruitment of Children

French ambassador to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa (Photo: Omar Hogail)
French ambassador to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa (Photo: Omar Hogail)

French ambassador to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa said that his embassy was in contact with the Houthis, but accused the group of communicating with the world through people who do not have a decision-making capacity.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Safa said that the Houthis’ recruitment of children have reached terrifying levels, citing UN reports.

On the other hand, he praised the efforts of the Presidential Council, stressing that the Yemeni government embodied a project of a pluralistic republican state that respects the diversity of Yemeni society and puts the interest of the people above all considerations.

According to the ambassador, the legitimate government was acting with a sense of responsibility towards its people and the international community by overcoming divisions for the common good. It also seeks to correct its mistakes and fight corruption, he underlined.

In this context, Safa pointed to a recent UN report which lauded the government’s efforts to combat children recruitment that has reached alarming levels.

The French official noted that the UN-sponsored truce was a breath of fresh air for the Yemeni people, who have been exhausted by eight years of war.

Blaming the Houthis for obstructing the extension of the truce, Safa said that their strategy was clear, which is to overthrow the government by all means.

The ambassador emphasized that ending the suffering of the Yemeni people could only be achieved through peaceful means.

In this context, he noted that the Houthis must engage in peace talks with the government under the auspices of the UN Special Envoy, Hans Grundberg.

Asked about the Houthi reaction to France’s recent condemnation of the group, Safa noted that the Houthis were trying to play the victim before the international community, stressing that this approach was no longer convincing.

He accused the group of establishing a system of terror and destroying the Yemeni society and tribal values that protect women.

Houthi regime’s violations in Sanaa are of concern to the entire international community, Safa warned, saying that some were comparing them to the Taliban movement in Afghanistan.

He revealed that the French embassy was in contact with the Houthis, saying that he had known the group for a long time. He also said that he has met with Abdel-Malik al-Houthi in February 2012, when he was serving as deputy ambassador to the European Union.

However, he noted that this communication has become more difficult due to the group’s behavior, with the Houthis imposing on the international community specific channels of discussion with people who do not have the authority to make decisions.

The ambassador went on to accuse the group of closing the door in the face of any real dialogue.

Safa said that France welcomed all ongoing efforts to renew the truce and put the political process back on track under the auspices of the United Nations.

He added that his country strongly supported the efforts of the UN Special Envoy, Hans Grundberg, and commended the endeavor of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to bring all Yemeni parties around the same negotiating table under UN auspices.

The ambassador told Asharq Al-Awsat that France also saluted the active role of the Sultanate of Oman, which he said assumed a fundamental role in favor of moderation and peace.

Safa touched on the role of Iran in Yemen, saying that Tehran contributed negatively in the various crises rocking the region.

In Yemen, the Iranians clearly have influence over the Houthis, he said, especially their hardline wing. In this regard, he stressed that France hoped to see this influence used in the interest of peace.

The ambassador said that the world was beginning to open its eyes to the nature of the Houthi activities, highlighting the growing concern within the international community about the violations of the Houthi regime and their attacks on women, children, state employees, culture and tribal values.

Asked about France’s cooperation with the coalition countries at the political and humanitarian levels, Safa said his country was communicating with all parties inside and outside Yemen, emphasizing that the Houthis were the only side obstructing national reconciliation.

The ambassador stressed the need to support the efforts exerted by the Presidency Council to restore a state that serves all Yemenis.

He said that the chairman of the Council, Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, was a wise, patriotic and consensual man, who defended the higher interests of the country.

Safa voiced his country’s call on all Yemeni components to overcome their divisions and work together in harmony for the benefit of all.

Commenting on the recent Houthi attacks on oil facilities, he said that France has very clearly condemned the attacks, while the United Nations Security Council described them as terrorist acts.

The Houthi strategy is clear, the ambassador remarked. They seek to strangle the government economically by imposing a quasi-blockade through attacks aimed at preventing any export of oil from government-controlled ports, he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

He also voiced concern over the threat the Houthis pose to international maritime trade. The Houthis cross unacceptable red lines, he noted, calling on the group to realize that this path of violence was against the interest of peace, the Yemenis, and their own interest.

Pakistan FM to Asharq Al-Awsat: Eastern Neighbor’s Ambitions Fueled by Dominance Desire

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar

Pakistan FM to Asharq Al-Awsat: Eastern Neighbor’s Ambitions Fueled by Dominance Desire

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan enjoy a special relationship with close cooperation on many issues. Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar described this bond as deep and long-standing, highlighting Saudi Arabia’s crucial support for Pakistan’s growth and prosperity.

Saudi Arabia hosts 28% of Pakistani expatriates, reflecting the strong ties between the two nations.

Pakistan’s top diplomat, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, emphasized the importance of Saudi investments in strengthening the relationship between the two countries.

Dar highlighted shared priorities in promoting stability and addressing security threats in the Middle East, noting that recent security collaborations have further enhanced their ties.

The minister accused India of having expansionist ambitions in South Asia, particularly targeting Pakistan. He expressed concern over India’s growing military imports and its use of military power to intimidate neighboring countries.

Dar also stated that Pakistan will not recognize Israel until a fair resolution for the Palestinians is achieved. He highlighted that recent escalations show the consequences of Israel’s actions and ongoing violations of international law.

The minister stressed the enduring support between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, driven by geographical proximity, religious and cultural ties. Both countries are focused on boosting bilateral trade, surpassing $2.5 billion, and sealing investment deals.

The Saudi Crown Prince had reiterated the Kingdom’s commitment to accelerating investment initiatives.

Dar pointed out the regular exchanges between business, civilian, and military leaders of both countries, showing the deep fraternal bond. He stressed the robust economic, political, and defense relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, noting their shared interests.

He emphasized the vital role of Saudi support in Pakistan’s development, saying it strengthens the partnership.

Dar also noted an unprecedented level of bilateral exchanges and hoped the ongoing meetings between Pakistani and Saudi businessmen would benefit Pakistan economically.

The minister emphasized the vital role of Saudi investments in boosting fraternal relations. He expressed Pakistan’s interest in turning this connection into a mutually beneficial economic partnership.

Pakistan sees itself as an attractive market with untapped potential, offering significant benefits to partners.

Both Pakistan and India joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2017.

When asked about the SCO’s role in reducing tension, Dar explained that while SCO forums allow member states to discuss common interests, they focus on enhancing multilateral cooperation and don't address bilateral issues.

He mentioned Pakistan’s organization of practical cooperation events as the current chair of the SCO Council of Heads of Government, with participation from India and other member states during 2023-2024.

Dar expressed concerns about India’s expansionist mindset, especially towards Pakistan, and its military buildup to assert dominance in South Asia. He highlighted worries about India’s increasing military imports, which could destabilize the region and upset strategic balance.